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rahu in virgo and ketu in pisces in birth chart

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The native keeps worrying for reasons others would not even think for a while. Rahu in Pisces helps in unexpected acquisition, especially from foreigners. Rahu in the 4th house and Ketu in the 10th house will not be a very favourable position. Generally, the clients I’ve met with these types of imbalance have been hard workers – close to workaholics in some cases. Position of Rahu: 1st House This may also be the time when you will make frequent short journeys, and these can be to unknown places, … They will remain in this two signs till January 09, 2016. Note that they want to initiate this separation themselves; if rejection brings separation, he or she will feel trauma rather than satisfaction. Nevertheless, in spite of deceit, the home will remain stable, as the native possesses the family instinct. There will be trouble to the parents. By generating this separative barrier and maintaining restrictive behavior patterns, you may also be self-creating states of dis-ease and health problems associated with the center of your body. Ketu’s transit in the 4th house indicates Changes to, or abandonment of the Home Front, and Sacrificing Happiness for the sake of professional ambitions. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. There is no real separation. Refusal to face the fact that some problems are difficult to solve totally. Each time, he reaches one step more into the infinite, where ultimately he will dissolve the shackles of his rigidly formed past and be born again as true Spirit. Your email address will not be published. Rahu Ketu Transit 2020 Effects On Virgo Moon Sign: Rahu and Ketu – The Shadow Planets. Rahu and Ketu are always placed opposite to each other (7th from each other)in the birth chart. Fear of being taken advantage of. Depends on many things. Position of Rahu: 10th House Unless the overall tone of the chart is contradictory, the client should be discouraged from entering any profession where the overall emphasis is on strict discipline or nit-picking, since this would reinforce the very tendencies that need to be softened or balanced. Overseas projects and new from the foreign land is likely for some. The native has a zigzag life style and carelessness persists in his actions. By tapping the hidden strength of Pisces Rahu, the individual can get in touch with his or her basic humanness. $('#addToCart_2').click(function() { An excessively critical environment makes it hard to admit defeat. Virgo: Rahu transiting in the 9th house gives Ambition for Higher Studies or Taking a Journey; there’s the potential for transformation of Beliefs or Philosophies. Obstacles during this period are certain but your proactive and logical thinking can certainly help you do the right thing. Spiritually a good period and some of you will come in contact with a person who will influence your thoughts enormously. Guilt over past wrong-doing or failures. They have been the cause of self-undoing in the past, and are still hidden in the subconscious motivations and need clearing. You may contact him on his number 0091-9417884861 . Rahu will give you energy to stand up in any competition and have the inclination to give a tough fight to those who oppose you. } Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you lack trust in life, you can increase tension and stress emerging from psychological needs for caution and rigid order. }); Previous incarnation for this person was spent in substantial discriminating condition. Navneet is very scientific and logical in his Predictions. This is the true understanding that gives peace of mind. Expenses need to be controlled. Saving implies that the other person feels that his or her deepest motivations are understood. If I take the latitude and longitude of Bangalore, Rahu/Ketu will enter the signs around midnight of July 12/13 2014 and will stay in these signs for approximately one and a half year till 9 January 2016. Transit of Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces. It is an ideal position for poets and writers, but not for business people, as it is too idealistic and not sufficiently practical. the challenge is how to become free of these binding personality patterns. Instability in evident and you will be looking around to see what else you can do. He still seeks order. Position of Rahu: 11th House No way will be responsible for the personal information you add to the website. It is also a sure sign of long journeys undertaken when least expected. [CDATA[ */ Ketu doesn’t have a mind of its own since it is the Dragon’s tail. So if I’m not able to break my illusions in this life then my desires will make me repeat my past life mistakes. Virgo Ketu often doesn’t enjoy his or her own company. This person is inhibited or shy, and sometimes inclined to repress the emotions, which may be extremely difficult to express. Problems are certain if you give money to others or take loans for self. It is also not a good period for speculation. Listening rather than talking will bring you success. It is simply up to the individual to jump into the ocean and extract the pearls. Virgo Ketu doesn’t feel human; he or she operates like a well-run machine. $('#stock_message_2').html(result[1]); Detachment is also sought in the transcendental sense: the development of individual consciousness beyond the normal confines in order to extend it into spiritual dimensions where the sense of being is deeper. His past-life discriminating tendencies often lead him now to pick apart what should be left together. Rahu brings a person into evil and Ketu makes them realise that they are in the wrong zone … The native is likely to be more inclined more towards spirituality than purely performing religious duties. If this occurs, self-understanding and transforming emotional responses would be necessary. In Pisces, learning is not intellectual comprehension as in Gemini, nor is it practical as in Virgo, and it is not philosophical as in Sagittarius; it is an inner, existential learning on the spot, and has to do with the meaning of life. Before he can do this, however, he must first overcome his karmic fear of living in a contaminated world. As Rahu moves us towards our own ideals and purification, Ketu moves to the sign of liberation and letting go in order to help us resolve and clean up the pieces in our lives. Fussiness or quibbling supplants the desired meditation and thwarts the dream. So Rahu generally do not give good result in the 10th House Pisces for Gemini Ascendant. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Rahu in the sign of Mercury and Ketu in the Sign of Jupiter is very interesting. Position of Ketu: 3rd House. Ketu is the lord of Virgo and it contains 2-1/2 nakshatras called (“Uttara-Phalguni”, “Hasta”,” Chitra”). $.ajax({ Position of Rahu: 2nd House Distant journey will be undertaken and your communication skills will improve. He will go through experiences which force him to grow more compassionate. The native will develop new tact and techniques and learn remarkable skills in negotiation and manipulations. You must learn to sacrifice, give in, or give up. Some signs of an over-developed Ketu in Virgo are: bigotry; refusal to settle for anything less than perfect; a feeling of being ‘different’; a tendency to test others mentally; a ‘let me do it for you’ approach; shyness; jealousy; a tendency to be critical of others’ grooming, clothing or abilities in general; pettiness; and insecurity – building oneself up by knocking others down openly or through back-stabbing. A hard-aspected Node can indicate an attitude of sitting on the fence, which allows the native to jump either way. He is searching the universe through his sensitivity; and if he feels right, he acts accordingly. Next 18 months will be a period of extra-ordinary Karmic changes in your life as Rahu and Ketu are Karmic trigger planets and they trigger major Karmic events for those aspects of life that are signified by the house through which it is transiting. One can correlate with his natal chart the effects of these two in his horoscope in houses and signs. Samchara Rahu-Ketu * key transits age birth-120 From start point to end point, one complete rotation of Rahu-Ketu endures 6793.39 days = 18.56 solar years = approx 18 years + 7 months Sometimes you feel that the world is a threatening place, and you hold mixed feelings about people, too. ( Log Out /  You recognize that your responses are not often spontaneous or free, but are habitual and predictable. Notice that the nodal axis is placed in the 4th/ 10th houses, like it is for the aforementioned, but that it is reversed: Rahu is in the 4th and Ketu is in the 10th. The placement of the stars and planets in the horoscope of a person at the time of birth decides the person’s character and integrity. Problems on the relationship front cannot be ruled out. 1 Comment. As he starts to find his well-laid plans dissolving to nothing, he begins to see others in a different light. This may be influenced by your moral views and attitudes toward sexual relationships. That is the reason Virgo sign falling on the 1st house is very risky as this sign itself is a sign of difficulties and problems. data: mydata, Rahu Ketu Bhagavan, who can travel in one zodiac sign for a year and a half, will travel in the zodiac sign of Taurus and Sagittarius respectively until the 7th May 2022. return false; Rahu in Pisces gives vitality, and is a fortunate position for the children, epsecially when it is situated in the Fifth or Eleventh House. In Pisces, the native thinks and feels in cosmic dimensions, especially when meeting other people. If aptitude is shown, magic or creating illusions, painting, sculpture, boating or water sports could be a good topic. Work related pressure will ruin your mental peace. Although the native will be wise, knowledgeable, talented and hardworking but results during this period till fall short of native’s expectations. The answer will not remain the same all along: fresh truths will be discovered as we mature. Rahu in the 7th house is likely to bring problems on the relationship front. You will be honored like a king if you are honest and helpful and abandoned if you try to be deceitful and over smart. To keep endless worries within is a major drawback of this position of these two shadows. Everything foreign to the self represents the threat of disease, and it is because of such thinking that from time to time disease actually occurs. Position of Ketu: 11th House. It is said that Rahu is the giver and Ketu is the taker. That means, if have Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces in your natal chart, then you will experience a Rahu Ketu return chart as it happens once in multiples of 18 years. If the client is in a high-pressure job or required to work long hours, it’s important that the antidote be something that’s done for the love of it and is conducive to relaxation. In this life, he is full of instincts and ‘feelings’. (2) Rahu owns Aquarius and Ketu Scorpio. Education in keeping with the client’s aptitudes is recommended, with literature, geography and medicine being ideal choices where aptitude permits. This may eventually cause actual physical disease or psychosomatic illness, which can then reinforce beliefs that the world is an unhealthy place in which to live, since you fail to realize that it is probably your attitude which contributes to your ill-health. Ketu in a watery sign in the 4th house, will give you water related stomach illness. It makes the native materialistic and unappreciative of beauty. Effect of Rahu Ketu Transit 2020 on Gemini Moon Sign As for Gemini Moon sign people this transit of Rahu-Ketu 2020-2022, is going to occur from 12-6 houses, this transit is going to bring sudden expenditures, disturbed sleep and sudden waking in the night if at any bad planet is placed in the natal chart of the native. Position of Rahu: 9th House ( Log Out /  They will remain in this two signs till January 09, 2016. However is Jupiter aspects the 5th house or posited in the 5th house then difficulties in conceiving will be somewhat controlled. Position of Rahu: 5th House This individual has a sharp eye for detail and never overlooks the obvious. The house position of the Rahu shows how the soul can renounce its grip on all rigid definition of form and structure so that it can be free to swim in the Ocean of God. Afraid to relax your guard, you establish protective barriers which keep a distance between yourself, painful experiences, and intimate relationships. Gains from people at high places can be there. Transit of Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces. /*

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