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does judy woodruff have a disease

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But if we get the vaccination levels up enough, this fall, basically, all the schools will be open under some protocol. And so, weirdly, climate change involves more floods and more drought. But if you know people, then it really brings home that these are people's grandparents. But these are not the kinds of things we normally expect when we go out to a store, for example. Is that something that you thought in the beginning might happen? When businesses and organizations resume activity after COVID-19, it will be in a changed economic landscape. But the pandemic, as bad as it's been, the end is in sight. It's really complicated. Tell us — I mean, as you think about all this, how big a challenge is the country facing, the private sector? And how can we help that process along? Well, the world has had these wind patterns that keep cold fronts from up in Canada from coming down into the Midwest. What many may not know is that you have also been very focused on climate and the disaster that you say may be looming if we don't make big changes. And creating the right market structure, so that we remain reliability, is going to be an issue. And so this is a real gray area that we're all going to have to confront. They're going to be turning the lights back on, but with a much tighter payroll situation. And so this will be the world's biggest migration ever, as those areas become unlivable, where they have crop failures and they aren't able to work outdoors. Subscribe to Here’s the Deal, our politics newsletter for analysis you won’t find anywhere else. If you're having social distancing, so you can accept fewer children or you need more adults, does that mean less revenue across more expenses? I pray for healing complete in Jesus name. And, again, it's just so unprecedented, that we have got to figure out, in a world that's going to have imperfect information — like, these CEOs are not going to be in a situation where they have got perfect equipment, perfect information, and perfect training. And so Australia hasn't had anything, in terms of deaths or lack of schooling or restrictions, that we have had. The resolution was unanimously approved, receiving applause from those in the room. Yesterday, I interviewed a Harvard epidemiologist who said, one of the things about getting through this surge and this peak is, it will give the doctors and scientists a minute to look at the data and learn from it. Even so, 500,000 just for our country, which is the highest in the world, is so unbelievably tragic. And then that — as you scale up, the competition and innovation has approved the electric car. That is, in the colder months, for a variety of reasons, it spreads a lot. Some countries started diagnosing people early and kept the exponential spread down. I have watched your shows off and on since the 80’s. Did you expect this to happen? Your memo that you sent out to your members, it starts out by saying that the return to work will be — quote — "gradual, phased-in, and will vary by several factors.". And I do want to start with Texas, still reeling from what happened last week. Do you think that this is something that could have been avoided? Essentially, you were saying that, if by the year 2050, we don't take out 51 billion tons a year of carbon emissions, we're facing a disaster. This Week with George Stephanopoulos is ABC News' pre-eminent Sunday morning discussion program, featuring newsmaker interviews and panel discussions and debates on a wide range of global issues and commentary, putting into unique perspective the preceding … Well, I mean, that the natural ecosystems die off, things like all the coral reefs. I think it's going to require, both at the federal level and at the state level, some assistance. And it ranges from everything you have talked about, from testing and tracing to the availability of equipment, such as masks and thermometers and training on that equipment, all the way through child care and transit. You have the ability to grow food in the Southern grow food in the Southern part of the U.S. is dramatically reduced. It's the market, because we have, through tax credits and other policies, driven up the volume. That's a lot easier than solving climate change. Unfortunately, the scale, the number of things is much harder there. And now let's hear from that leading voice in business about how and whether some economic activity should resume again and under what conditions. Suzanne Clark is president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, whose 3 million members include all sectors, geographies and sizes. You have studied viruses. So, if Mr. Rogers needs to stay look for the helpers, I think we're also looking for the innovators, the scientists, the doctors, but also the business leaders, and how they can innovate., U.S. death toll from COVID-19 reaches 500,000, News Wrap: WHO concerned about COVID-19 vaccines reaching poor countries, In storm-ravaged Texas, ‘a lot of black eyes’ among state leadership. But I have to say, there's a bit of optimism too, right? © 1996 - 2021 NewsHour Productions LLC. And so the economy will be on the mend in a big way. How are you — I mean, how do you look at that question? But it also allows this type of cold event. Kidney transplant or renal transplant is the organ transplant of a kidney into a patient with end-stage kidney disease (ESRD). Subscribe to Here’s the Deal, our politics newsletter for analysis you won’t find anywhere else. Learn more about Friends of the NewsHour. What do the immunities look like, et cetera? This could have been worse. Yes, I gave a talk in 2015 and wrote a lot of articles titled: We're not ready for the next pandemic. The private sector, with some help from the government, has stepped up. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has studied climate change for years, and he has prescriptions in his latest book, "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster." Subscribe to ‘Here's the Deal,’ our politics newsletter. And you don't — and, Bill, but you don't sugarcoat the problem either. I mean, some of these businesses are going to be coming back. So it's why it's so important that we plan now, so that, when it's time to go back to work, people are really ready. I wish, in climate, there was this one magic thing like a vaccine you could invent, and then the problem would go away. And that gives me hope that there's more learning and maybe quicker learning to come. One of the things that we have been looking at, for example, goes back to child care. Entertainment, travel will be open. I have always wanted to but never could get up the nerve to begin. All of us face the risk that extreme weather events, like the one last week in Texas, will become more common and more destructive occurrences because of climate change. It is, as we have said, on climate change. And so our responsibility is not just to get rid of our emissions, but also to reduce the cost of being green, to reduce the extra amount, what I call the green premium that you pay when you want to make something like steel or cement in a green fashion. What did they see? What was necessary? Frances B. September 2, 2017. You do say in the book, Bill Gates, that we will get COVID-19 under control in 2021. He joins Judy Woodruff to discuss. Bill Gates, thank you very much for joining us. Hopefully, we're all going to be learning a lot from this experience. I mean, it's not as simple as turning on a light switch, is it? And 500,000 Americans have now died as a result of COVID-19. You don't tackle the small problems, do you? How is it all going to be paid for? You're talking about a massive change in virtually the way we do everything, the way we make things, as you put it, the way we make electricity, how we make cement, steel. And there's no playbook to take off the shelf and just execute. Jessica and Jake Woodruff were driving on Thursday down Route 199 toward the coast in Northern California when the 175-foot-tall tree crashed down on their 2016 Honda Accord.Jake, 36, was driving Jessica up the coast to celebrate her 45th birthday, an annual tradition for the couple, who live in Yreka with their children. And I think a lot of that will happen at the local community level. Suzanne Clark, thank you very much for talking with us today. Kidney transplant is typically classified as deceased-donor (formerly known as cadaveric) or living-donor transplantation depending on the source of the donor organ. And the idea of getting back to work, of getting back the life is so important to them. And for those out there who are still questioning the connection between freezing temperatures in Texas and global warming, what is the explanation? And, Suzanne Clark, the other thing is, who pays for this? And unless we get them down, the middle-income countries, like India, will continue to have emissions, which means that, as long as you have emissions, sadly, because CO2 stays in the atmosphere for thousands of years, the temperature just keeps going on up. And once we return to health, we need to be ready to return to work. And they are subsistence farmers. For the world, it will create literally tens of millions of climate refugees, because the closer you are to the equator, the more unlivable that it gets. This program looks at how developmental psychologists investigate the human mind, society, and culture by studying children’s use of language in social communication. Suzanne Clark is … I was lucky. These are huge challenges that you are asking essentially the wealthiest countries in the world to take on. The toughest times are when it's super cold and when it's super hot. Well, we can take heart from the likelihood that 51% of the Republicans amount to 1/4 (or less) of potential voters, that despite their fears and beliefs, they are just people like us in many important ways and will find ways to adapt to a changed and better America. I mean, what does it mean that we will be heading back to something approaching normal again? Large numbers like that almost feel like a statistic. I know that this one, and I will — the foundation will be involved in making sure that the right investments are made this time, so we're ready for the next pandemic. She is planning how they will tackle post-coronavirus challenges, including social distancing and health requirements, and joins Judy Woodruff to discuss. I think, Bill Gates, many people know that you and your wife, Melinda Gates, have been very focused for areas on global poverty and health challenges. That's why, more in 10 or 15 years, even without subsidies, the green premium will be zero. This is this unprecedented crisis in this country. And as those wind patterns break down, it just makes events like last week substantially more common. My hair has always been lushes’ and thick and now I am 45 and have very thin hair and my scalp is so itchy on one side of my head. Judy Woodruff: I also want to ask you about the terrible milestone we passed today as a country in the pandemic. She presented a gradual plan to her members for returning to work, but it includes many issues that have yet to be resolved. Suzanne Clark with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, thank you. With Dr. Renee Baillargeon of the University of Illinois and Dr. Judy De Loache of the University of Illinois. So, businesses that rely on mass numbers of people might need more aid and more assistance. And, in fact, it is the work of the foundation, where I was out in Africa, seeing that farmers were having their crops fail more often and also seeing that they needed electricity that got me in about 2005 to really invest in learning, you know, how hard would this be to solve? And that is why an awareness of all sorts of emissions that add up to that 51 billion, the book is trying to make sure it is not just the two that people understand the most, electricity and transportation, but also buildings, agriculture, and then manufacturing, which is actually the biggest of all, including large amounts just from steel and cement alone. The Pacific Northwest’s independent, reader-supported, nonprofit news site. They're not used to being in the business of asking people to take their temperature, for example, when they walk in the door, or making sure — I guess you could ask people to wear a face mask., Trump, governors clash over path to reopening U.S. economy, News Wrap: Obama endorses Biden, urges ‘great awakening’ in politics, Why nursing homes and senior living centers yield COVID-19 ‘perfect storm’. Learn more about Friends of the NewsHour. And that's why zero is what we need. But the two things it does show us is that we're going to have extreme events like this because of climate change, and the second is that, whatever our plan is for electricity generation, we will have to keep it reliable. And when you think about things like — and you include this in the memo — social distancing, and when you think about having protective equipment, which may still be necessary months from now, like masks and perhaps other paraphernalia as well, are businesses prepared to do these things that you're — that you're talking about? You have studied the science of what's taken place. We're seeing a type of resilience and a coming together in a community, that it's really a beautiful thing, I think, for this country. So, it started with that Africa lens, even though it is a problem for the entire world. We will still have some restrictions on public gatherings, because, as long as the disease is out there in other countries, you can still get big chains of infection here. The poorest in the world live near the equator. And, of course, vaccination by the fall should be bearing the brunt of that. But big changes, in a sense, in the way we live, and what we're surrounded by every day. Suzanne Clark is the president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. But now we need to create that same innovation, scale-up, competition in all the other sources of emissions. We want to help both government leaders and business leaders anticipate what new restrictions, what new equipment, what new risks are out there, so that they can really be ready. What does under control mean? Jesus doesn’t have sickness and disease, so neither do we. Judy Woodruff: And now let's hear from that leading voice in business about how and whether some economic activity should resume again and under what conditions. Whenever there's a great time of disruption, there's also a big period of innovation. And those premiums are very, very high. And I think it's going to require more aid. What can be learned from the experiment that they have already been through? And 500,000 Americans have now died as a result of COVID-19. You do say in the book that climate change, much bigger challenge even than this pandemic. No. I too have used TRESemmé for years and have lost soooo much hair. A lot of it is the extra heat, where you won't be able to work outdoors at some point. The resolution states in part that the well-being, health, safety, welfare, … And I thought the governor made a good point a minute ago, when he talked about businesses that have been deemed essential and how they are working. And he has prescriptions in his latest book, "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster.". The reason that the — they had shutdowns in all their power sources was a lack of weatherization. Well, hopefully, if the green premium for cement comes down, we won't have to change how we use it. I'm asking you because, I mean, for example, you think about a business, whether it's a hardware store or a restaurant. Likewise, for driving, as electric cars are — the cost is going down, the range is going up, the charge points are going up. JUDY WOODRUFF: The American people have grit and determination, and we're going to do everything we can to keep this country going. And this gets back to our goal, which is, what can we anticipate in advance, so that we can try to find any kind of ground, firm ground, for CEOs to stand on, whether it's a sole proprietor or all the way up to really big companies? All Rights Reserved. So, how do you make that stretch? What is so fascinating, among other things, about the book, is that you don't — it's not the usual prescriptions, use solar panels, recycle, think about electric vehicles. Were children transmitting the disease? You have you know trees dying off and lots of wildfires. It may be a while before people are comfortable going into big, crowded places again. Please check your inbox to confirm. When will people feel safe going into their businesses to work or as a customer? Language Development ; The development of language has many facets to explore. And we will be doing postmortems. And when they don't see that they are able to feed their family, that creates incredible instability and incredible migration. It's not a government requirement. That is, the electric car will be every bit as attractive and low-cost as the gasoline car, which is why a private company like GM, when they announce that they will stop making gasoline cars in 2035, it's a rational thing. You can't underestimate what a job means to a family or to a community. You know, imagine being a small business owner right now, and not only having the financial threat and fear that you have in your community, but also now trying to tackle all kinds of new learning, not only new acquisition of equipment, but how to use it and how to train for it. All of us face the risk that extreme weather events like the recent one in Texas will become more common and more destructive occurrences because of climate change. Different sectors will find it easier to ramp up than others. 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