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this week with george stephanopoulos twitter

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we've made an historic investment in our hispanic and latino paid media program, more than any presidential candidate ever and we started earlier this cycle on june 19th we started a very heavy paid advertising program that's not just television, it's radio, digital, meeting voters where they are. account. We gave them the plan. GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC NEWS “THIS WEEK” ANCHOR: That was the chairman of Joint Chiefs, Mark Milley, on how the military is confronting racism in it ranks and legacy of Confederate symbolism in the military. Florida shooting a result of 'abdication of duty': NRA. unlike ordinary memory wansupplements...ter? You've got 20 percent caregiving for the elderly, about 13 percent for investments in -- in like the green new deal. Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Martha Raddatz of ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos Interview. STEPHANOPOULOS: There is some skepticism out there in some parts of the labor community. Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Martha Raddatz of ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos The meeting of EU Foreign Affairs Ministers to address the Kremlin’s aggression against Ukraine, a dramatic deterioration of Navalny’s health 18/04/2021 Learn more about the three shortlisted candidates for the 2020 Václav Havel Human Rights Prize live. so, when $1 a day came out, i said, "why not"? more pro football today. It is a different permission slip to deal with what's ailing America when you have a natural disaster, the virus. They won't have it until 2022. RADDATZ (on camera): Did it occur to you, did you think about those names, did you know who those forts were named after? with moments that matter. i think the people have generally made up with their mind if they agree with how the president dealt with the covid. some pretty harsh judgments of how the president is handling this crisis. portland, seattle and san francisco now among the worst cities for air quality anywhere in the world. judge amy coney barrett. the indices point between 160 and 170, meaning we have unhealthy air. some great new ads. So I understand there is hesitation, especially because, you know, frankly, there have been a lot of moments where promises have not been kept to labor, which is one of the reasons why I think having the most pro-labor president we've had in a very long time is going to work very well for workers. new nyquil severe honey is maximum strength cold and flu medicine with soothing honey-licious taste. To ask them to turn around, and within less than four years, turn that around is a very unlikely thing to happen. at this point, he's got very little left to make an adjustment to make this a binary choice. And it's one of the reasons why we're seeing workers right there alongside a lot of other advocacy and community groups lining up in support of this bill. So they've got catching up to do. It was romantic. we've been through the fact-check on that. honey honey? i feel really proud of the impact that has on the environment. GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC "THIS WEEK" ANCHOR (voice-over): Capitol attack. they want life to return to normal. it's up to 200,000 from the coronavirus. It’s -- it’s been a target over decades, and we need to be aware of that. i feel proud every step of the way. it's like an eight-lane highway compared to a two-lane dirt road. WEST: You take an oath to support the defend the Constitution, and then you've got, you know, things named for people who didn't do that. vicks sinex. the right thing on focusing on the fact we're trying to have a more just, where black lives matter, and that the violence has come as a result of that has nothing to do with the peaceful protests and only has to do the flames that donald trump is fanning by encouraging people to go out and take law into their own hands to try to restore order in our streets. George Stephanopoulos is an American journalist, political commentator, and former Democratic advisor. They -- what the Biden White House is doing -- and still do -- what the Biden Republicans -- what Biden has figured out is he is driving a wedge between the Republican establishment and Republican voters. Drop boxes now become a permanent part of the Georgia landscape. EMANUEL: And one of the worst part -- that is the fundamental. it's madden, george, and i'll tell you why. Also, if you go back four years ago, when North Carolina changed their laws as related to bathrooms, corporations then took a -- pressure in isolating North Carolina. We know that Sundays are a time when a lot of churches do go. how air quality will play a role on whether the game is played today. STEPHANOPOULOS: But that leaves the question of how to pay for it, and the Republicans are against the tax increase and corporate tax increase that President Biden is proposing, raising it back to 28 percent, which is still below where it was before President Trump's tax cuts. ISGUR: If Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams were saying that, I think we'd have a very frank (ph) conversation. Search. from the network more people rely on. the winds proceeded to turn the fires into blow torches and incinerated small towns, you have community after community with fairgrounds full of people, refugees from the fires. And those families who have lost loved ones deserve it. Of course, we go back to the second -- first or second highest corporate tax in the world which works to our disadvantage. we'll put up on the screen right now. >> that's why i said you're at odds with them. "a good education takes you many different horizons" and that sticked to my mind. Robert E. Lee was not just a hero to him, but the greatest human to ever walk the Earth. We worked hard to give it to them. It never came down because there was a lot of threat messages that came in for potential activity on 4 March. the value of capital is to create, not just wealth, but things that matter. Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Have a Happy Easter. >> i'm not from the trump campaign. Didn't get any Republicans, though, on the original relief bill. This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code). I heard the governor of South Dakota recently saying this isn't infrastructure. but we're always striving to be better. Yvette brings up the filibuster. >> vice president biden has said the president's response to coronavirus is a betrayal, it cost american lives, what evidence do you have that vice president biden was calling for a significantly different response early on? And we can get it done. in january of 2020, he wrote an op-ed that warned and cautioned that donald trump should take this seriously. live. From inside the Capitol, talking to many members of Congress on both the Senate and the House side, both parties, they all left us with the impression their number one mission is to secure the Capitol, but make sure it has 100 percent public access. Is it a realistic prospect to expect Republicans are going to come around now? Yes, it is the most important building in America, because it's the seat of our democracy. with massive capacity. >> i think it matters. A fraction of the infrastructure bill is about infrastructure. >> well, i would actually argue that's a little incorrect in that if you look at -- we've been hearing all summer that, you know, joe biden has this in the bag, joe biden has in the bag, but in fact, if you look at the polls, now that people are tuning in after the holiday weekend is that, we've got a race and it's tightening up in the states that matter, okay, a lot of focus on places like minnesota, wisconsin, michigan, and i agree that the president seems to have some problems there, but people forget that he actually won last time around with 304 electoral votes, he can, afford to lose a couple of places. in fact, it's the fastest 5g in the world. West's entire family, father, siblings and now her son serving in the military. start your day with secret. look, what jason miller and trump campaign are asserting isn't true. dtable is standing by. this idea we could have solved this problem by timber thinning is a bunch of malar jmalarkey. we'll put up on the screen right now. cuban americans in florida tend to be more conservative. The rest of the bill goes to a lot of other things, which Yvette is totally for, and that's fine. I know you have a special focus on Capitol security. what we're experiencing right here is coming to communities all across the united states of america unless we get our act together on climate change. ♪ it can grow out of control, disrupting business and taking on a life of its own. SEIDULE: We're changing commemoration. thanks very much. the question now. that's not how it works. Welcome to the last four years of the Democrats. you felt safe and, if you were safe, you could be joyful. donald trump's retrospective dialogue gives joe biden the, future and that's an opportunity to be exploited and maximized for this campaign. >> the senate fails to convict donald trump for inciting insurrection. he would have told folks to social distance, he would have modeled good behavior. Two things. he believes he's the greatest president, greatest orator exist on planet earth and he's not. Two things. on September 13, 2020. ), U.S. ARMY: Absolutely, George. 2009 was a financially -- financing-induced recession. This copy may not be in its final form, may be updated and may contain minor transcription errors. BUTTIGIEG: Yes, there are obviously a lot of people on the other side of the aisle saying, this is too big, too bold. >> does chris have good advice, for joe biden there? WEST: Well, Martha, I'm the eternal optimist. And -- and one of the things that's really striking -- you know, I don't spend too much time looking at polls, but I saw some research come back showing that the American people like this plan even more when you explain how we're going to pay for it. First, let me come to -- is there a chance -- let me ask you the question I asked Roy Blunt right at the top. And all of us know, all of us know parents can't get to soccer games or after-school activities on time; they have to budget an extra 20 minutes because of all the congestion and all the problems. most americans would agree with me that you have to vote by election day. we've just been finding a way to keep on pushing. we'll talk about when it improves and how it. If you're a specialist in -- in dealing with mining, we've got to cap a lot of mines, too, and that's going to create a lot of jobs. >> i feel like these last four years have been really tough for the latin community. But time is of the essence. You know, you talk about roads and bridges, but also airports and ports. to make this not about yesterday that happened but tomorrow and what you're going to do. the fact that we're going to have a vaccine the same year we're getting hit by this global pandemic, this is unheard of. The other thing that he has done very well at the White House, on the relief bill, it was all about COVID. Martha Raddatz reports. instantly clear everday congestion. we're doing it, we're building jobs, we're putting people to work. that's why i think it's only an element of it. four years ago president trump won 28% of that vote and president trump is holding his own with latinos in the battlegrounds of florida, arizona and nevada. but the difference is, george, we're doing it so safely. The message we send is the wrong message. MAYOR KEISHA LANCE BOTTOMS (D), ATLANTA, GEORGIA: You can't expect to take these extreme actions of limiting the access to the right to vote when we've talked so much about expanding access for our democracy and not expect that people like Major League Baseball will not take action in return. >> chris, espond to this point. Our nation deserves it. >> look, i think there's a lesson here, when you look at both candidates for the debate, two points. RADDATZ (on camera): It goes without saying you're pretty happy the Army is considering name -- changing all the names, right? But, again, if you went back to infrastructure and looked at the way we traditionally functioned -- financed the infrastructure of the country and added to that, some public-private partnerships. and if it was typically going back to the bureaucrats and the swamp mon terse and the status quo, we have seen from vice president biden. every american gets the right to vote and their vote counts. did you really need the caps lock? i know that to be great requires hard work. and i am still going. We can look at any number of ideas. Download Add to Cart. >> i will draw on the best of us, not the worst. these are consequences of warming planet that have huge impacts, huge impacts on rural america, with our forest, with our farming and fishing. this is planetary scale tragedy that we need leadership to end. What I found was that in the 19th century, West Point banished Confederates at traitors. There's no layer of a command between that police force and Congress. each week for me in school is just an accomplishment. provider-logo. And it is true that only about 5 percent of this bill goes for traditional roads and bridges. we were one of the first stations to pilot a fleet of zero emissions electric vehicles. i want to do everything i can to protect the environment to make sure they see the same beauty i've seen in nature. They have set their sights on opposing everything that Biden does, because that's how they make the claim that they need to take back control in 2022 and 2024. i was in a town the other day that was decimated, 80% of the homes were burned down in southeastern washington. it's way too late to be debating this. EMANUEL: You may disagree with his characterization. CHRISTIE: Oh, no, now the care economy is infrastructure, George -- the care economy. >> the failure to convict donald trump will live as a vote of infamy. and kickoff as the 49ers are scheduled to play their season opener at levi stadium. George Robert Stephanopoulos (Greek: Γεώργιος Στεφανόπουλος) is an American television host, political commentator, and former Democratic advisor. Did you think about that at the time? SARAH ISGUR, ABC NEWS ANALYST: That's certainly true, but I think that Republicans have stumbled on a pretty good message here which is Delta, Coke, et cetera, these corporations coming out and condemning the Georgia bill, which, as you said, is ridiculous compared to other states. what joe biden has to remind people of, people are protesting, most of the protests are peaceful, the violence gets stoked when you got outside instigators, law enforcement coming in from the federal government or individuals who feel like they're empowered to restore law and order in a state they don't live in, we have more violence. nyquil honey. It's Delta. Part of the challenge was, yes, you've solidified it, but no, you have not provided sufficient drop boxes for folks. And hiring police now is not easy, George. the ceo of democracy yvette simpson, and kimberly strassel. Jared … It's a symptom of what's going on in our country right now. And, this morning, flags at the Capitol and the White House are flying at half-staff to honor officer William "Billy" Evans, an 18-year veteran of the U.S. Capitol Police who lost his life defending that seat of our democracy. >> that's exactly what i said, if the scientists want me to shut it down. He's lying to the American people about it to cause the raging fire he said he was going to put out. try it and love it or get your money back. >> i'm sorry, but i have to disagree with that, because if you look at the thing that you just mentioned, the statistics, they're disturbing. A quiet Good Friday in Washington was shattered this week by the second attack on the Capitol in three months. Download Add to Cart. I don't think it does the job. RADDATZ (on camera): Are you changing history? >> is that contributing to this, senator merkley? Shawn Steffee from the Boilermakers Local 154 in Pennsylvania talked about this focus green new jobs. And now, he's lying to the American people, George. Your leader, Mitch McConnell, has already signaled Republicans are going to oppose those proposals. now there's powerwash dish spray it's the faster way to clean as you go just spray, wipe and rinse it cleans grease five times faster dawn powerwash. bottom line, this is a reason for joe biden to be a little bit concerned. And I just want a couple of real quick points from it. Right now -- you talked about water. That's what I call it. and if he talks directly to the american people, ignores all the barbs from the president trump and says it's not about us, it's about you, your family and your family's well-being. i never escaped the smoke. so it's reasonable to ask whether polls are getting a representative sample of hispanic voters. we need to have a president that follows the science on global warming. 'We need to up our game in support of the Capitol Police': Russel Honoré. STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, both parties have given that up. GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC NEWS “THIS WEEK” ANCHOR: The latest fallout from that new Georgia voting law, Major League Baseball and moving the all-star game. They named nothing after them. The Capitol made some adjustments. STEPHANOPOULOS: But all -- but all he's for now is a talking filibuster. for more than 150 years, generations have trusted the strength and stability of pacific life with their tomorrows. EMANUEL: I have no problem fixing the -- there's a lot of problems to fix. What it suggests is that's the climate in this country right now. a key difference between the president and joe biden, joe biden i think wants to stay in his basement with old ideas and 47 years of doing nothing. Comparing 2009 or 2010 and the midterm, the fact is this infrastructure is not about healthcare. business kept growing and growing and growing. SIMPSON: Well, let's talk about why this is important. morgan stanley >> announcer: catch "this week" online all week at, on facebook and twitter. Delaware, Joe Biden's home state, didn't even have early voting in 2020. Was this the right move for the MLB? and wildfires ravage the west coast. SEIDULE: I thought the Confederates were honorable people that lost. Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller; Biden campaign senior adviser Symone Sanders; roundtable discussion with Chris Christie, Rahm Emanuel, Yvette Simpson and Kimberley Strassel. We know that many members of Congress have called for the permanent fencing to come down after the January 6 siege. tv This Week With George Stephanopoulos ABC September 13, 2020 8:00am ... trump sent another tweet encouraging people to vote twice in north carolina. we're plateauing at around 40,000 cases a day and the deaths are around 1,000. So, I think we ought to be listening to them and we also ought to be looking at what we do to make that police board work more functionally when there is a moment of crisis. West Point can't -- they've already got a plan. See what's new with book lending at the Internet Archive. but the weather can change and we still have fires burning across our state. We need to make a significant investment, and that's why progressives are supporting the THRIVE Agenda, which is $10 million over the next.... STEPHANOPOULOS: Let me just ask Sarah a question. >> listen, george, i think what the president needs to do is spend the next 50 days talking about his vision for the next four years and laying out how, that can contrast with joe biden's vision for the next four years and there are significant differences between these two men that the american public needs to consider. thousands forced to flee their homes. >> this will be his highest profile stage, rahm. And we may look forward to seeing that happen again. He's lying about this bill. CHRISTIE: A hundred and fifty feet, where, in New Jersey, in Chicago and any place else in the country, you're not -- he's saying partisan groups cannot do electioneering by giving out food and water. acquitted again. >> george, it's apocalyptic. trust the polls. this should not be red or blue, or rural or urban, this is devastating to everyone. get out there and vote against any politician like donald trump who has downplayed climate change just like he's downplayed covid, and for donald trump to say he's a hero of climate change is like saying he's a hero of masks against covid. ", up next, the ongoing search overnight for an ambush attacker seen shooting two l.a. deputies in compton. World News Now World News Tonight Saturday and Sunday World News Tonight with David Muir Sports . and it's rolling out in cities around the country. ten-point plan frankly. EMANUEL: Two things. They increased their recruiting age to 40 that would allow them to take on veterans coming out of the military, as well as extending the age to 60. I’ve introduced a bill with Senator Bennet in the past and Senator Warner in the past, a slightly different bill that would get us new funding sources, figuring out how if you're going to spend all this money on electric vehicles which I think is part of the future, we need to figure out how electric vehicles pay for using the system just like gas-powered vehicles have always paid for it with a gas tax. , Sundays they fought for was slavery, deal space on this program of... New whistle-blower also say trump officials downplayed russia interference concerned that it ``... A felony are 43 many members of the aisle are saying it should be prepared all! To this week with george stephanopoulos twitter Republicans are going to defeat this virus, George by pacific with. 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