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spotify political agenda

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Larry Wilmore: Black on the Air — For Those Who Like to "Keep it 100. It is a company owned by liberals. > Not that I can be bothered to look, but there's surely playlists against gun control (starring Ted Nugent) and the like? That’s how change is made.”. Argentina. Spotify, who has about 130 million users, many of whom subscribe to their ad-supported platform, said they made the decision because they lacked the ability to detect and remove false information. I wonder if Christian or Muslim artists asked that their music not be on a LGBT figure's playlist, if Spotify would ban the whole playlist, like they did here. > Saying they're shoving their politics in your face is hyperbole. Hi @CoryBernadi and @AuConservatives. I know that having a persecution complex is effective politicking but it comes off immature. It's always the same boring meme phrases. The collaborations took place in Toronto – on account of half the musicians being banned from entering the US – in June 2017. Spotify has company created playlists specifically for the travel ban and DACA, permanently in the Browse section. She started playing music as a child, but took it seriously when she moved to Yemen’s capital city aged 19. A fortnightly discussion on Singapore politics and current affairs, featuring PJ Thum and guests, brought to you by New Naratif. It's an engaging … “It’s a little bit of both. President Donald Trump waves as he departs on the South Lawn of the White House, on … Because several artists didn't want to be included, instead of removing those artists, they banned his whole playlist? Spotify will stop running political ads in 2020. Farbman was asked about how Spotify decides when to ‘be political’. Sign up for Music Ally’s free weekly newsletter, The Knowledge. And generally speaking people who are into music are also interested in learning, they’re interested in progress, they’re interested in others,’ he said. “When art and social justice intersect, what is created there, I believe, is what can create change,” said Mendoza by way of introduction. This article says that several musicians did not want to be included. Why don't you describe an actual hypothetical scenario? That’s the reality of what’s going on.'' Their company tagline isn't "Spotify: unlimited music and social justice activism". I never suggested they be obligated to appeal to me, just that their political posturing doesn't and that I'm nearing the point where I will also exercise my free will and leave. When I go to Spotify's site, they sell me music streaming. When Spotify launched its ‘I’m With The Banned’ campaign in July 2017, it was a surprising sign that the music-streaming service was willing to take political stands – in this case, against the Trump administration’s efforts to introduce a travel ban covering six predominantly-Muslim countries. Everything doesn't need to appeal to you. Where if you stand for inclusivity and if you stand for the ability of those to raise their voice, the intention will carry you through. No credit card needed. Flu Game: The Game is a promotional campaign for... Spotify and Fortnite… together at last! A company is a tool of it's owners, everyone else involved is paid agents of the ownership. It's easier to not notice when it's inline with your worldview. I just needed a little push. Why remove the entire playlist? Why has the decided soft, yet ham-handed, censorship of conservatives become a systemic issue with online services, be it Facebook, Twitter or even Spotify? This only bolsters my original statement of why I'm getting tired of Spotify's politics. There’s never a hesitation for anyone in my band on speaking out politically, or trying to create awareness and get people involved in politics on a local and national level.”, As for whether art is a hammer or a mirror. Ms. Sutphen is a private equity advisor and a co-founder/advisor for several technology start-ups, and was a senior White House official during the Obama Administration. Spotify Chief Content Officer, Dawn Ostroff, could hardly contain her excitement in announcing the deal. And definitely felt compelled to do whatever I could. Spotify used its own data to identify six musicians from the six banned countries, and paired each of them up with an American musician. “It was a no-brainer for me, really.”, Hamadi’s career has a much longer arc of music as resistance. That’s what art does, especially music,” he said. "Number of playlists: Over 2 billion". I do not want to be associated with you, your party or your views. FWIW, Spotify have denied deleting the playlist, so this may well be more publicity-seeking behaviour from the politician in question. Harris gave his views on the Trump administration’s new immigration policy, separating children from their parents at the US border. It's definitely a he said/she said situation, but it's between. The last place I want to have politics shoved in my face is my music streaming service, whether I agree with the stance or not. Bolivia. Gender: Female ] Or in my case, it’s a wild west to my political affiliations: “3P_Politics — Active in Politics_US”, “3P_Politics — Affiliation Unknown_US”, “3P_Politics — Any Democrat_US”, “3P_Politics — Any Left_US”, “3P_Politics — Any Republican_US”, “3P_Politics — Any Right_US”, This podcast provides unbiased opinions and discussion on the occult, 'Illuminati', symbolism, conspiracy theories, pop culture, music, film, politics, religion, news, & much more! Joe Rogan Admits He Lied About Spotify Censoring Him VIDEO: Joe Rogan accidentally lets it slip that Spotify is censoring his show, as many people suspected there were strings attached to his purported 100 million dollar deal with them for his podcast. But [rather make] statements about what you think a better-looking world is like. Also you pose a strawman. Spotify Listening is everything. 2 billion playlists, why expend the manpower to do that? As predicted, Facebook announced its big push into ‘social audio’ yesterday. 49-50 Eagle Wharf Rd, London, N1 7ED, ” I’m not really focused on sexism. "don't agree with his politics", > "pushing political agenda" "politics shoved in my face" "don't agree with his politics". I can't see many if any playlists in my Spotify, so I can't see the playlist you mentioned, but given that the travel ban (legally dubious) affected musicians wanting to travel to the US, it's not entirely irrelevant. "pushing political agenda" “There were a lot of people who wanted change at that time, and there were no restrictions about it.”. And artists have the right to refuse. Spotify’s move, based in Sweden but with a large U.S. user base and operations, followed Twitter’s ban on most political ads and Google’s choice to limit how ads are targeted. Why does the far left need even their music streaming service to be an echo chamber? Spotify announced that Mona Sutphen will join the Spotify Board of Directors in April of 2021, subject to shareholder approval. “I have never felt that I had any other choice other than to be politically active,” he said. The Hagmann Report provides news and information based on a combination of exclusive investigative work, proprietary sources, contacts, qualified guests, open-source material. Joe Rogan’s partnership with Spotify has already led to attacks from media outlets, political pundits, and even employees of the streaming company itself, proving that ‘mainstream’ success is not for independent thinkers. Exopolitics Today Podcast discussing recent claims by Dr. Steven Greer that an Alien False Flag event is being planned by the Deep State, as best evidenced by political developments surrounding the upcoming June 2021 release of an Intelligence Community report on the threat posed by UFOs active near US naval war exercizes and military facilities in general. Barbados. Zero partisanship, zero bias, zero irrationality. I’m more motivated by, if I face a lot of obstacles based on my gender, I feel like I’m obligated to do it either way… My goal is to try as much as I can to keep doing it, no matter what,” she said. Edit: Based on the litany of left-wing politics that Spotify brazenly pushes in their app, I'd be surprised if they would take the same side if the sides were reversed between artist and politician. “I feel that it’s everyone’s responsibility to try and take care of each other and fight for equal opportunities and equal rights in this world. It’s just despicable, and very very frustrating to see this happening in my country.”, Farbman talked about “a moment in our collective global culture where you have to be bolder, and you have to choose what side of history you want to be on, and then you have to use your skills – which we all have as storytellers – to employ change. The distinction you draw isn't important, it's meaningless. “With what is happening now in the US politically, I’ve seen so many artists talking about politics, which I think is very important. This was such a perfect marriage of what I think I’m pretty good at – writing music and playing music – and then also doing something to create awareness, and to promote something positive,” he said. Remove my music from this stunt or expect contact from my publisher. You should understand that an individual artist is more important to Spotify than an individual user to Spotify. The only agenda is a pursuit of facts, logic, objectivity, and some laughs. Seems spotify catered to them, rather than banning based on political viewpoint. Everything is political. The politics are extracurricular. Also at least one artist indicated that they'd contact their publisher to take action. >Do you believe that if the political roles were reversed between politician and artist that Spotify would nuke the whole playlist? Farbman also said that it’s an “obligation” for Spotify, as a platform between artists and fans, to support this. It brings together political commentary and analysis from leading conservative talk-radio hosts. With them recently banning the personal playlist of a conservative Australian senator, simply because they don't agree with his politics[0], I'm about ready to jump ship. “When art, and artists no longer can cross borders, it’s not simply the artists who suffer, it’s us. The question we kept getting was ‘what were we going to do about it? > The company is a tool for streaming music. I think right now, what’s happening at our borders? Music is for everyone.” Bernardi tweeted. Forcing political agenda on a paid service. Its plans include “a sound studio in your pocket” to create audio posts (or ‘Soundbites’) for Facebook – including... Spotify’s latest expansion is certain unexpected: it’s getting into the basketball game. In this month's podcast, George Miller talks to Le Monde diplomatique's deputy editor, Akram Belkaïd, about the global rise of evangelical Christianity. “This was a moving story: we were unsure really where we were. You should accept that Spotify is a "liberal" company either as a stance of the management or as who they see their most engaged users to be. Spotify’s chief marketing officer Seth Farbman hosted a panel at the Cannes Lions conference this afternoon, titled ‘Creativity in the Age of Resistance’, which included two of the musicians who’d collaborated as part of that project: Yemeni artist Methal Hamadi and American artist Sam Harris. “Since I’m a girl, I wasn’t even allowed to think about the idea of studying music or even playing music in general. Paola Mendoza, co-founder of The Soze Agency, moderated. Let’s show what cultural connection looks like,” he said. Lateinamerika und Karibik: Zum nächsten Abschnitt springen. The focus is on fixing the fundamental problems of our time by developing a political agenda that moves us … Spotify Technology SA said on Friday it would pause selling political advertisements on its music streaming platform in early 2020. Ms. Sutphen is a private equity advisor and a co-founder/advisor for several technology start-ups, and was a senior White House official during the Obama Administration. Normally if you want music associated with your brand, a company or political party has to pay. Spotify, which was only accepting political advertising in the United States, did not answer a Reuters question on how much revenue the company generates from political ads. Saying they're shoving their politics in your face is hyperbole. Despite that purported ideological diversity on a platform constantly … Harry and Meghan are worth a very great deal of money to a certain type of very woke left wing political agenda sort of personality and I think that needs to be factored into any equation. Good art should reflect what this world is, and this world is not just straight white men. You may agree with Spotify's politics, but that doesn't invalidate my point. I could see this happening on a free service where you could push whichever political agenda you'd like, but not on a paid service where all I'm paying for is to listen to music. “I wouldn’t even say it was political, first of all. I don't do the same for a music streaming service, as much as you probably don't want a plumber coming to your house and lecturing you on how Trump's America is fantastic. Spotify is all the music you’ll ever need. United Kingdom, Music Ally is a Registered Learning Provider 10029483. Why not just remove the complaining artists? Millions of songs and podcasts. Paying moderators isn't free. I sure don't. “We want to hear everyone’s story. Farbman talked about Spotify’s reasons for launching I’m With The Banned, although he didn’t mention President Trump by name. What you have to be careful of: not to make political statements as in ‘I’m on this side’ or ‘I’m on that side’. The “ Harlem Shake ” showcased the immense viral power of crossover appeal and memes, and the song became a mainstream number-one hit, with more than 2.1 million streams on Spotify. And so far that’s served us pretty well.”. I sure don't. If you continue browsing we consider you accept the use of cookies. “I believe that the role of artists and art ultimately is to tap into our hearts. I read the article you posted. I get a newspaper specifically to read about politics. Why wouldn't Spotify just take the playlist down? And I feel artists play such an important role… they can expand people’s hearts and build compassion, as opposed to building walls,” added Mendoza. Thanks for this article! '” he said. NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Spotify (NYSE: SPOT) today announced that Mona Sutphen will join the Spotify Board of Directors in April of 2021, subject to shareholder approval. Using musicians to promote an agenda they disagree with is hardly an innocent act when a politician does it. She gave her views on the role of artists in the current times. > Why wouldn't Spotify just take the playlist down? Notice I didn't say that don't have the right to do what they want with their business, it's just a crappy move. Antigua and Barbuda. “Spotify wasn’t a widely used online advertising platform for campaigns before,” said Eric Wilson, a Republican digital strategist. A lot of the music industry is!… But it’s our job in this day and age to make this as inclusive a world as possible. “Our audience is already incredibly diverse, very culturally connected – obviously music is a pathway to experience culture and each other. You'll enjoy the fast-paced recap of the week's political events Townhall Review provides. Gender: Male. Do you believe that if the political roles were reversed between politician and artist that Spotify would nuke the whole playlist? It's probably a good position to take if you want to appeal to your audience in Spotify's case. If I read a business focussed newspaper, they're likely to have articles that are anti-climate change. Why are evangelical churches growing so rapidly and what does their uncompromisingly conservative political agenda mean for progressive politics? The Hagmann Report will never be encumbered by political correctness or held hostage to an agenda of revisionist histor… Semantics, but important ones. Why remove the entire playlist? Saying that they want nothing to do with the politician and their party. We use our own and third party cookies. I don't agree but I'm in their house. Al Drago/Getty Images. > You should accept that Spotify is a "liberal" company. Fail Spotify, poorly, political fail. Least of… No, the popular game hasn’t added a Daniel Ek skin; a weapon that bores people to death with three-hour Joe Rogan podcasts; or a new mode focusing entirely on destroying... © Copyright Music Ally All rights reserved 2021 - Website designed and maintained by. Spotify Becomes Latest Tech Company To Hit Pause On Political Ads Starting early 2020, the company says it will no longer sell paid political advertisements for its streaming service. So I kept learning through YouTube tutorials in Yemen, and once the revolution happened I went out: there were a lot of artists that played in the square. Yet it seems, at least once a month, the banner of the desktop app is decidedly pushing a playlist promoting one side of the political agenda du jour. So if I make a playlist and then Tweet about it, and some content curator at Spotify doesn't like me, they're going to delete my playlist? “Artists have always and will always and should always both reflect what is happening, but also hold our collective feet to the fire. Semantics, but important ones. “They start at a minimum at $1,500 and usually are between $5,000 and $10,000 per family,” he said. According to the Trichordist, each time a song is streamed by a listener on Spotify, the artist earns an average of $0.00397 in royalties – less than four-tenths of a cent. Especially artists like: Men At Work and Savage Garden. Tensions are high at Spotify, according to insiders who spoke with Motherboard on condition of anonymity.According to the publication, some Spotify workers have found the company's CEO Daniel Ek's position on Joe Rogan's podcast to be alienating and deeply disrespectful to the transgender community.. “We really didn’t get a lot of backlash from I’m With The Banned. Are we building something that’s more powerful for all?.. I think that’s our duty. Skip to content. Everything doesn't need to appeal to you. Adam turns’ the firehose of critical inquiry on the dumpster fire of modern American politics and no one is safe. You can rely on the show to provide the 'who said what' in U.S. politics, global news, and breaking news. I would probably more offended by Spotify suggesting I like the Spice Girls or Justin Bieber than anything else, TBH. I highly doubt that "political activism" will appear anywhere on Spotify's IPO application. “Let’s show what collaboration looks like. FWIW, Spotify have denied deleting the playlist, so this may well be more publicity-seeking behaviour from the politician in question. “These times, I think it’s to try to focus on issues that are really important… By making their voices heard by a lot of people, that makes a lot of change,” she said. The Hagmann Report will never be encumbered by political correctness or held hostage to an agenda … >Why not just remove the complaining artists? And in that sense, choosing to actively do that, to actively involve everyone, not just one group of people? “President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama are two of the world’s most important voices and it is a privilege to be working with them to identify and share stories … I was originally quite surprised to see comments suggesting that Spotify was very political, because I've never considered that myself in ten years and I still can't see after trawling all over my Spotify account - there's literally nothing I can see that's overly political, except the politics section of the podcasts. It shouldn’t even be a thing that we have to bring up at all, but unfortunately it is. ‎It's like a critical thinking course for politics. > Spotify as a company can push whatever politics they want to. If you read my other comments in this thread you'll see I agree. Not everybody likes everybody’s opinion, but we fundamentally believe that allowing that opinion to be free, just as we believe in allowing artists to travel freely, really supersedes everything else.”. That’s a hammer.”. He recommended an organisation called Raices Texas, which is collecting donations for a legal fund, and to post bonds for families separated at the border. Secondly, the artists themselves complained about it, and somebody reported the issue to Spotify. It's the easy action. It looks like the senator breached terms and conditions by trying to use songs to promote HIS agenda and the artists objected, and Spotify doesn't allow that anyway, so canned his playlist. I have grown increasingly disgusted with Spotify pushing a political agenda inside their app. I have a feeling that folks on the left are less prone to noticing this, considering most of pop culture is inundated with left wing politics. Harris said he was enthusiastic as soon as he heard Hamadi’s music. What I think is happening in theh United States but also around the world, is we are experiencing a mass contraction of the heart. GET SPOTIFY FREE. The company is a tool for streaming music. I have had enough of Spotify's political agenda and just decided to convert to Pandora. What We Like. Episode 00: Prequel to art-agenda and Art Basel's series of podcasts. Yes, they are pushing their agenda in users' faces. Are we moving empathy to the forefront for all of us? Spotify as a company can push whatever politics they want to. > It is a company owned by liberals. The playlist was called Australian Conservatives and was a public playlist. Music Ally Ltd., Holborn Studios, “That’s just one of many, and as a band we’ve been lucky to work with Planned Parenthood a little bit: we put on a benefit show for them around the Women’s March… and I was lucky also to be at the Women’s March with my fiancée and my mom… And we’ve done some work for the ACLU. Mendoza asked Hamadi about the discussion about women in the music industry: not just in the west, but how she’s taken her experiences from her home country to Canada. That’s the most politically-active thing for us all collectively to do: to encourage each other to be inclusive, and to have everyone’s voice be heard.”. You've confused the company (which is a tool for serving the interests of the owners) with the product the company sells (which is a tool for streaming music.). Not official Spotify playlists accompanied by a statement on why the company is against gun control. But it is not only humanitarianism, it’s a political agenda. Playlists are just lists of songs, the songs are still there. The 2010s were the decade of user-created content—and this song … No more excuses.”, “The biggest political moves that you could make in this entertainment industry, again, is to be inclusive and to bring new voices in to the fray,” continued Harris. Sure, politics play a role in setting agendas, but this is really about what kind of society we want to have,” he said. Secondly, the artists themselves complained about it, and somebody reported the issue to Spotify. 2013: Harlem Shake[s the Internet] If there was any year that your grandma might be caught dancing to an EDM song, 2013 was it. I had to read pop up about the company's stance on DACA just to browse new releases a few weeks ago. “Six countries, predominantly Muslim countries, people were no longer free to come in to the US,” he said. Responding like this doesn't really work in the real world: “Get over yourself darrenhayes. When Spotify launched its ‘I’m With The Banned’ campaign in July 2017, it was a surprising sign that the music-streaming service was willing to take political stands – in this case, against the Trump administration’s efforts to introduce a travel ban covering six predominantly-Muslim countries. “It becomes an easy set of decisions as a company, and certainly a brand. Listen to New Naratif's Political Agenda on Spotify. Not that I can be bothered to look, but there's surely playlists against gun control (starring Ted Nugent) and the like? It's their business and they can do what they want, but they are in no way coming from a politically neutral standpoint. ‎The Hagmann Report provides news and information based on a combination of exclusive investigative work, proprietary sources and contacts and qualified guests open source material. I just switched from Pandora to Spotify because of their support against Trump! “I was just as outraged as a lot of us were when I heard that the ban was being implemented. That gave me courage, and a lot of artists in different fields the courage, to show their artistic expression,” she said. USA Obviously it's tailored to me, but I really can't find anything. The Bahamas. Harris talked about his own artistic decisions over whether to speak out or not to speak out, with Mendoza asking whether art is “a mirror or a hammer” in these contexts. Are you kidding me? Because the core proposition, you know is right. That’s what the mirror is. It's a business decision, if it loses them users then it's upto their management to determine whether that was a good option or not. Well, it’s *made* a basketball game, for British artist AJ Tracey. Using musicians to promote an agenda they disagree with is hardly an innocent act when a politician does it. Spotify Company About Jobs For the Record Communities For Artists Developers Advertising Investors Vendors Useful links Support Web Player Free Mobile App. Brasil. Farbman was asked about how Spotify uses its data in choices like I’m With The Banned: can it tell whether there’s a backlash from some of its audience, or strong support from others? Belize (English) That a politician created a playlist called Liberal Music and some artists complained. The Real Agenda, the podcast for political change aims to inform, inspire and involve those who want a democratic, inclusive and fairer society that respects human rights and protects the planet. It's the easy action. After the revolution in Yemen, she was once again prevented from playing music “as a lot of religious people came in”, so she left the country in 2015, ultimately settling in Canada. Enthusiastic as soon as he heard Hamadi ’ s what art does especially! 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