fordham law intellectual property
Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law. Late registrants who are unable to register due to enrollment limits must take this course in their second semester of study. Program Requirements, Request for Waiver from LL.M./M.S.L. Program Requirements form, New York Court of Appeals §520.18 Skills Competency Requirement for Admission, Quantitative Methods for Graduate Students (required in first semester of study)*, Introduction to the U.S. Legal System and Process (required in first semester of study)**, Legal Writing and Research for LLM Students (required in first semester of study)**, Introduction to the U.S. Legal Profession***+, Fundamental Lawyering Skills for LLM Students****. Up to 4 credits may be taken during summer terms. Industrial and Labor Relations 3.75 About the Fordham … April 08 & 09, 2021 April 21 & 22, 2022 April 13 & 14, 2023 The Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal (ISSN 1079-9699) is a specialty law journal of Fordham University School of Law that publishes articles on diverse topics in patent, trademark, copyright, First Amendment, and media law. ); They frame ways for attorneys to protect client interests in areas as varied as law enforcement, print journalism, pharmaceuticals, fashion design, video syndication, and the arts. Tap into Fordham Law’s alumni network of experienced attorneys working in the field by joining an affinity group. Recent Intellectual Property Case Law: Recent Developments . Artists Representation Society Fordham Vs Cardozo in Intellectual Property. Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal. ActiveData.Events( Hello everyone, I have the luck and privilege of being admitted in fordham and Cardozo's llm in Intellectual property law, but I have a hard time seeing all the pro's and cons. New York is my campus. 0. The LL.M. combine rigorous study and a warm and welcoming environment, all in the heart of New York City—the nation’s legal, financial, and cultural capital. According to the 2019 Washington & Lee journal and law review rankings, it is ranked number one in the US for intellectual property law, number two in communications and media law, number three for arts, entertainment, and sports law, and was the most cited US law … The Concentration offers you a solid substantive grounding in both IP and information law and provides flexibility for you to develop a set of courses that is tailored to your specific interests and career objectives. For more information, please contact Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal. The course materials will be panel transcripts from past and present Fordham IP Conferences in which the issues were discussed, case law and related blogs and law … Staff member Catherine Wachtell wrote for the IPLJ blog about the new privacy concerns due to … Intellectual Property and Information Law. Media and Entertainment Law Society, Centers + Institutes Program Requirements form. Media Contacts; News by Topic. Students also choose from more advanced and specialized courses in the fields of information technology and intellectual property law. function (response) {$("#36d23982cdf74563ae955e1c33854971").append(;} The 24-credit minimum must include 12 credits of Specialization Distribution Courses approved for the Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law program. 2021 edition of Fordham Intellectual Property Law and Policy Conference will be held at Fordham University School of Law, New York starting on 08th April. Should you find at any time that you are having trouble meeting your program requirements within your desired time frame, you should contact Anthony Agolia at to discuss options. **** These courses are required for students following "Pathway 1" of the New York Court of Appeals §520.18 Skills Competency Requirement for Admission. The Court of First Instance and Trademarks: Four … The fashion industry profits from pioneering creative content; yet, this content lies outside the domain of intellectual property law. 51 people interested. Rated 5.0 by 1 person. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal by an authorized editor of FLASH: The Fordham Law Archive of Scholarship and History. function (response) {$("#f0780445512048c6a61d239eb0e23da1").append(;} Fordham Sports Law Forum from a U.S. law school are additionally required to take the following courses: Students are required to take Introduction to the U.S. Legal System and Process and Legal Writing and Research for LLM Students during their first semester of study in the LLM program. Announcements; News and Reminders; CLE; Career Support; Class Notes; In Memoriam; For the Media. About Intellectual Property Law and Policy Volume 12 This is the 17th Annual volume in the series collecting the presentations and discussion from the Annual Fordham IP Conference. Student participation is always free. You are also encouraged to take an experiential course. * Students who completed a similar course in their prior studies, or who have significant business, tax, or other experience that provides them with sufficient knowledge of this topic may seek a waiver by submitting the Request for Waiver from LL.M./M.S.L. *** Students who are admitted to the New York bar or who do not intend to sit for the New York bar may seek a waiver from Introduction to the U.S. Legal Profession and/or the Content Outline course requirement by submitting the online Request for Waiver from LL.M./M.S.L. Principal among these was the annual Intellectual Property Law and Policy Conference, known as the “Davos of IP.”. Law School News; In the News; Fordham Lawyer; Insider. Moderator: Prof. Hugh C. Hansen, Fordham University School of Law. The LLM program in Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law is a unique program that combines the classic study of intellectual property rights with the rapidly emerging field of information technology law. The Intellectual Property Institute was originally established to build an infrastructure for developing various IP initiatives and projects. Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal It is a 2 day event organised by Fordham University School of Law and will conclude on 09-Apr-2021. The database contains more than 10,000 judgments since 2006. All LL.M. Fordham is my school. Attend Fordham Law events sponsored by centers and institutes and offered through CLE and Public Programs. (These requirements do not apply to students who began their studies prior to Fall 2018, and can be waived for the following students who begin their studies in fall 2018 or later: (1) Students who are already admitted to the New York bar (or who do not plan to sit for the New York bar examination); (2) Those who are authorized to practice law in another U.S. jurisdiction or any other country outside of the U.S. and can establish that that they have been in good standing and practiced law in that jurisdiction full-time for at least one year (or half-time for two years). However they are not encouraged to do so as these courses provide a fundamental base of knowledge and skills that are extremely useful for attorneys in the U.S. and that will be useful for all other U.S. law school classes. "", Fashion designs are inevitably undervalued by consumers and the industry due to the lack of protection of original designs for the benefit of the industry's monetary value. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal by an authorized editor of FLASH: The Fordham Law Archive of Scholarship and History. B. European Union Intellectual Property Law. Core courses include Copyright Law, Intellectual Property Law, Internet Regulation, Mass Media Law, Patent Law, and Trademark Law. Fordham Intellectual Property, Activities and Societies: Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal, Fordham Sports Law Forum, Research Assistant Cornell University B.S. Intellectual Property Institute. I will be on a panel on September 22 from 11:20 a.m.–12:35 p.m. speaking in my academic capacity on “Antitrust and Intellectual Property in Asia: Convergence? Attend a Career Development Program to explore career options and learn to showcase your best professional self. Program Requirements form. Foundational, core specialty, and elective specialty courses compose the intellectual property and information law Concentration. ); Journals + Student Organizations The nine LL.M. Students study fundamental and advanced intellectual property rights issues in copyright, patent, and trademark law and also learn about issues that lie at the heart of today’s digital information society, such as cybercrime, e-commerce, information privacy law, and Internet law. Full-time students take 10-15 credits per semester (11-13 recommended); part-time students take 2-9 credits per semester and must complete the program within 24 months of starting. students are required to complete the following course: All LL.M. Any remaining credits may be chosen from among the wide variety of courses that are open to LLM students, as indicated on the course schedule available on the Registrar's website. Each student is required to complete a minimum of 24 credits of approved courses; the maximum number of credits permitted is 30. However, it would be impossible to ensure that any specific course will be offered at a time that is convenient to all students. 1. Live-Client Clinics. IP-related student groups include the Fashion Law Society, Fordham Sports Law Forum, the Information Law Society, and the Media and Entertainment Law Society. "", Intellectual property and information laws shape the way art, inventions, and information goods and services are protected and transferred. Fordham Law LL.M. Integrally related to intellectual property, art law encompasses the complexities of international law, contract law, and Constitutional law. . according to us news fordham … The firm’s founder and the symposium moderator, Richard Gearhart, began his career with a J.D. Antitrust LawCopyright LawFirst AmendmentInformation Law SurveyInformation Privacy LawIntellectual Property LawPatent LawTrademark Law, ElectivesAdvanced Copyright LawAdvanced Torts: DefamationAdvertising LawAdvanced Trademark LawArt and Cultural Heritage LawBiotech Patents & RegulationsBiotechnology Patents in Food, Drug and Vaccine RegulationsBlockchain and the LawChinese Intellectual Property LawCivil Rights and Civil Liberties in the Digital AgeCompliance in the Information AgeCopyright, Trademark, and Emerging TechnologiesCybersecurity Law and PolicyE-CommerceE-Law in the Global Setting: Data Safeguards & Electronic Evidence ChallengesEntertainment LawEntrepreneurship Law: IP TransactionsEuropean Union and International Intellectual Property LawFashion LawFashion LicensingFirst Amendment and the Evolution of MediaIntellectual Property & Advanced Technology: Artificial Intelligence & Block ChainIntellectual Property Law and DesignInternational and Comparative Patent LawInternet-Based CrimesIntroduction to Intellectual Property: A Global PerspectiveLegal Issues in GamingMass Media LawOld Media, New Media and First AmendmentPatents and the Pharmaceutical IndustryPatent Practice SkillsSamuel Glushko Intellectual Property and Information Law Clinic SeminarSurveillance and Privacy in the Digital AgeTechnological Change and the Law, ExperientialAdvanced Legal Research: Copyright and Trademark LawCopyright LitigationEntertainment Law DraftingFashion Law PracticumIP ExternshipIP DraftingMedia Law DraftingPatent LitigationSamuel Glushko Intellectual Property and Information Law Clinic CaseworkTechnology and Privacy Law PracticumTrademark Practicum, Antitrust and IPIntellectual Property LawInformation Law SurveyPatent LawAntitrust LawIP Externship, BroadcastingIntellectual Property LawInformation Law SurveyCopyright LawMedia Law DraftingEntertainment Law Drafting, Copyright and Trademark LitigationIntellectual Property LawCopyright LawTrademark LawSamuel Glushko Intellectual Property and Information Law Clinic SeminarSamuel Glushko Intellectual Property and Information Law Clinic Casework, Copyright and Trademark TransactionsIntellectual Property LawCopyright LawTrademark LawIntellectual Property DraftingE-Commerce, Fashion and IPIntellectual Property LawCopyright LawTrademark LawFashion LawFashion Law Practicum, International IPIntellectual Property LawCopyright LawPatent LawAdvanced Legal Research: Copyright and Trademark Law, Privacy and Data SecurityInformation Law SurveyInformational PrivacyCybersecurity Law and PolicyFirst AmendmentAdvanced Torts: DefamationSurveillance and Privacy in the Digital Age, PatentsIntellectual Property LawInformation Law SurveyBiotechnology Patents in Food, Drug and Vaccine RegulationsPatent LawInternational and Comparative Patent LawPatent Practice Skills. Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal, New York, New York. Annual Fordham Intellectual Property Law & Policy Conference The annual Fordham Intellectual Property Law & Policy Conference is always held the Thursday and Friday following Easter. For more information, please contact program strives to ensure that there is a wide range of courses available in the evening in each of our LLM areas of specialization, and to ensure that students will be able to meet their program requirements within their desired time frame for completion. Adjunct Professor Leila Amineddoleh’s article, published in the Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal, on the federal regulation of museum antiquities acquisitions, was quoted in The Regulatory Review.. After the U.S. invasion of Iraq, looters stole thousands of Iraqi artifacts, which may now be purchased online for relatively low prices. The program will be held September 22 – 23 at Fordham University. In 2015, the Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal launched its new website—developed in-house by the Volume XXVI Editorial Board from the ground up—with a principal goal in mind: to serve as an key channel of scholarship in intellectual property law. The Fordham Intellectual Property, Media, & Entertainment Law Journal (IPLJ) Podcast explores interesting legal topics in copyright, trademark, and patent law, while tackling hot topics in entertainment and media. Program Requirements form. For full requirements, current students can log into Lawnet. Center on Law and Information Policy students who do not hold a J.D. The Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal is a specialty law journal of Fordham University School of Law that publishes articles on topics in patent, trademark, copyright, First Amendment, and media law. Business and Financial Law; Clinics; Intellectual Property and Information Law; International and Human Rights Law; Legal Ethics and Professional Practice; National Security; Newsletters Program Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law | Fordham Skip to main content +In lieu of Introduction to the U.S. Legal Profession and Process, students may substitute a three-credit Professional Responsibility course, including those courses that are focused on a particular area of practice. The 12-credit Specialization Distribution Course requirement must include at least 6 credits from the following Core Distribution Courses: Remaining credits needed to fulfill the 12-credit Specialization Distribution Course requirement must be chosen from among the wide selection of Specialization Distribution Courses approved for the Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law program (courses designated 'IPIT' on the course schedule available on the Registrar's website). For most classes that are closed to LLMs, students may be admitted on a space available basis by submitting the Request to Enroll in a Closed Course form. ” with H. Stephen Harris Jr., Partner, Winston & Strawn moderating. For further information please contact Professor Courtney Cox or the Office of the Registrar. Trademark law is premised on the idea that when a party has expended re- The database allows comparison between cities and shows rates of wins/losses, average damages sought and awarded, as well as rates of injunctions. Currently, United States law offers no fashion design protection against design piracy. Students study fundamental and advanced intellectual property rights issues in copyright, patent, and trademark law and also learn about issues that lie at the heart of today’s digital information society, such as cybercrime, e-commerce, information privacy law, and Internet law. Our publication includes topical … ActiveData.Events( Check out Fordham Intellectual Property Law and Policy Conference 2021 Fordham University School of Law Dates Location Schedule Registration Agenda Reviews Exhibitor list. The database was created by Rouse, an intellectual property firm. Intellectual Property; Cybersecurity; All Law Topics ... Fordham Law is taking the hybrid approach, and has announced that in addition to the virtual … The Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal (ISSN 1079-9699) is a specialty law journal of Fordham University School of Law that publishes articles on topics in patent, trademark, copyright, First Amendment, and media law. The Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal is one of the leading scholarly law journals dedicated to the publication in all areas of intellectual property law. Fordham Intellectual Property, Browse the Fordham Intellectual Property Law Institute Collections: 27th Annual Intellectual Property Law & Policy Conference (2019) 171 likes. **Students who are admitted to the New York bar may seek waivers from Introduction to the U.S. Legal System and Process and/or Legal Writing and Research for LLM Students by submitting the online Request for Waiver from LL.M./M.S.L. A 2 days conference, Fordham Intellectual Property Law and Policy Conference is going to be held in New York, USA from 08 Apr 2021 to 09 Apr 2021 focusing on Business Services product categories. Gearhart Law is a U.S.-based Intellectual Property Firm with a global reach, routinely filing international patent and trademark applications for its client base. course schedule available on the Registrar's website, Request for Waiver from LL.M./M.S.L. Fordham International Law Journal Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law Fordham Urban Law Journal. The Fordham Undergraduate Law Review (FULR) provides an entirely student-run, peer-reviewed scholarly journal focusing on pressing legal issues presented at the undergraduate level for the Fordham University and legal community. Fashion Law Institute Prof. Lionel Bently, Kings College London. They frame ways for attorneys to protect client interests in areas as varied as law enforcement, print journalism, pharmaceuticals, fashion design, … We encourage you to look at the schedules from past semesters, available on the registrar's website, to get a sense of what courses may be offered in the future (noting, of course, that the schedule varies from one semester to the next). Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law Quick Facts The Fordham Intellectual Property, Media, and Entertainment Law Journal is the sixth-most cited law journal devoted to IP issues. Fordham Law School offers nine Master of Laws degree specializations: - Banking, Corporate, and Finance Law - Corporate Compliance - Fashion Law - Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law - International Business and Trade Law - International Dispute Resolution - International Law and Justice - Real Estate Law - U.S. Law. Fordham is my school. jebwst. To serve this function, the redesigned website encompasses a variety of design elements suited for the modern web and … Fordham Law School For Our Profession, Society, and World. Check out who is attending exhibiting speaking schedule & agenda reviews timing entry ticket fees. New York is my campus. 0 2 Posted Apr 07, 2010 20:42. @ design protection against design piracy Request for Waiver from LL.M./M.S.L Law! Of injunctions & agenda reviews Exhibitor list, current students can log into Lawnet ” H.! Trademark Law information Law Concentration 's website, Request for Waiver from LL.M./M.S.L, inventions, and elective courses! ; CLE ; Career Support ; Class Notes ; in Memoriam ; for the Media Law Concentration 2023 Fordham Cardozo... Contact Professor Courtney Cox or the Office of the Registrar of injunctions are also encouraged to an., Internet Regulation, Mass Media Law, Internet Regulation, Mass Media Law, elective! 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