psychoanalytic theory summary
Freud and Beyond: A History of Modern Psychoanalytic Thought. Primary process thinking is, according to Robert Holt, drive-laden oral, aggressive, and libidinal content and illogical thinking related to that content. Psychoanalytic writings discuss how pain frustrates the satisfaction of dependency and sexual needs as well as appropriate dissipation of aggressive feelings. In that sense, the RAT is a more global measure than are divergent thinking tests and is a more accurate reflection of the creative process. This is especially true of the twentieth-century co…, String theory is a proposed unified theory of fundamental physics, incorporating both particle physics and gravity. Silver Spring, MD: Alliance of Psychoanalytic Organizations. – Personal (unconscious) ego- things forgotten but can be remembered, – Collective unconscious (e.g. Mental disorders like depression are seen as rooted in the individual past of a patient, that is, either as a residuum of early experience or as the expression of primitive modes of psychic functioning (Fonagy & Target, 2003). As such, these issues are often played out in rich and meaningful ways in psychoanalytic treatment, which most modern psychoanalytic practitioners view as inherently more relational than Freud’s original conception. When individuals have difficulty resolving the conflicts that each particular stage presents, they may become fixated, which affects adult personality. The stages are: oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital. Displacement is the transferring of unacceptable thoughts or feelings one might have towards an object onto a more acceptable target object: A man who is mad at his wife “displaces” his dangerous angry feelings when he comes home and kicks the dog. "Psychoanalytic Theory Complete summary of Sigmund Freud's A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis. Description. Alfred Adler’s (1870–1937) emphasis on individual striving for superiority and Karen Horney’s (1885–1962) integration of feministic views of psychological development and functioning—something Freud is often criticized for ignoring—represent some of the earliest expansions of psychoanalytic theory. as rooted within psychic structures and reinforced by the continual repetition or reiteration of relational dynamics formed in infancy and childhood. Most of the mind lies in the unconscious, below the level of awareness. PSY405 Week 1: Psychoanalytic Theory Outline and Summary quantity. Included in this theory is the idea that things that happen to people during childhood can contribute to the way they later function as adults. Freud’s theory places central importance on dynamic, unconscious psychological conflicts. As previously mentioned, the RAT is not a pure association task. Working through these conflicts was necessary, Freud believed, in order for the individual to move into what he described as the final and most mature stage of psychosexual development—the genital stage. Also subjects with NDEs and without NDEs were not found to differ with respect to measures of intelligence, extraversion, neuroticism, or anxiety. She described adolescence as a period of ‘normative disturbance’ and argued that the oppositionalism and defiance many parents encountered in their teenagers was not only normal, but desirable. The first stage was a generative stage while the second stage was an evaluative stage. In order to do this, the adolescent needs time to experiment with different roles and personalities. Stern (2000) described the normal process of storing repeated infant–caregiver experiences in the episodic memory as “representations of interactions that have been generalized” (RIGs). It is an intense form of psychological treatment that involves four to five sessions per week with a trained psychoanalyst (usually a psychiatrist, psychologist, or social worker) and lasts several years. Following psychoanalytic theory, several researchers consider NDEs as a defence mechanism unfolding in a hopeless, life-threatening situation. Within this framework, psychoanalytic concepts focus on the consequences of early interactions with significant others. Defense mechanisms are employed by the ego to defend against this anxiety., "Psychoanalytic Theory Psychoanalytically informed psychotherapy, though similar in guiding principles, differs from psychoanalysis in that an analytic couch is not typically used, sessions are less frequent, and transference issues, though present, are not as fully integrated in the curative process. The challenge of adolescence is to resolve the identity crisis successfully and to emerge from the period with a coherent sense of who one is and where one is headed. immediate love). International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. There is no very…, Psychoanalytic Theories, Logical Status of, Psychoanalyse des Névroses et des Psychoses, La, Psycho-Analytical Treatment of Children, The, Psycho-Analytic Notes on an Autobiographical Account of a Case of Paranoia (Dementia Paranoides), Psychological Consultation Report: Mrs. White and Miss Black, Interpretation of Dreams. To learn more about psychodynamic theory, consider reading Freud’s texts. 15 Apr. These conflicts are at the heart of both classic and modern psychoanalytic theories’ understanding of symptoms, psychopathology, and defense mechanisms. Freud, Sigmund 1856-1939 Sigmund Freud - Sigmund Freud - Psychoanalytic theory: Freud, still beholden to Charcot’s hypnotic method, did not grasp the full implications of Breuer’s experience until a decade later, when he developed the technique of free association. Russ, J.A. According to her view, the revivification of early psychosexual conflicts, caused by the hormonal changes of puberty, motivated the adolescent to sever emotional ties to his or her parents and turn to peers as objects of sexual desire and emotional affection. He formed his theory of psychoanalysis by observing his patients. Safran, E. Gardner-Schuster, in Encyclopedia of Mental Health (Second Edition), 2016. Following Albert Heim’s (1892) report of NDEs in fall survivors, Oskar Pfister suggested that “persons faced with potentially inescapable danger attempt to exclude this unpleasant reality from consciousness and “replace” it with pleasurable fantasies which protect them from being paralyzed by emotional shock” (Pfister, 1930 quoted in Grosso, 1983, p. 613). Human behavior is the result of three component interactions. Others also found significantly higher scores in a group of NDE subjects on the Dissociative Experiences Scale than in their control group (again these scores were different between both groups, but within the normal range) (Britton and Bootzin, 2004). Due to the nature of defense mechanisms and the inaccessibility of the deterministic forces operating in the unconscious, 2) Freudian Slip. Noyes and Kletti [110, 127] were influential with their suggestion that the experience during a NDE may reflect a form of depersonalization, whereby the endangered subject ‘separates’ from the body and the current events in order to be ‘dissociated’ from the unsupportable consequences of death and pain. Unauthorized Freud: Doubters Confront a Legend. It was not until this stage of development that individuals were capable of mature sexual relationships with romantic partners. These approaches of NDEs suffer from the same methodological and scientific concerns as psychoanalytical propositions. gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). The superego is the last function of the personality to develop and is the embodiment of parental/social ideals established during childhood. Anthropologists have used psychoanalytic ideas to explore and understand the relationship between individuals and their cultures. The psychodynamic perspective is consistent with Mednick's associative theory. The experiences of pain satisfy the superego's need to suffer and atone. Summary: This resource will help you begin the process of understanding literary theory and schools of criticism and how they are used in the academy. Olaf Blanke, Sebastian Dieguez, in The Neurology of Consciousness, 2009. By this process, it was then argued that subjects ‘split’ into an observing self and a body. New York: Basic Books. The ego helps to regulate the frustration from ungratified id drives. These are thought to not only influence the development of psychic functioning but also build up the content of the individual self. 1998. At the heart of Freud’s ideas was his seminal work The Interpretation of Dreams (1900), which describes dreams as unconscious wish fulfillments. Sigmund Freud’s Theory of Psychoanalysis In the late 1800s and early 1900s, Freud developed a technique that he called psychoanalysis and used it to treat mental disorders. During the next phase, the latency phase, libidinal instincts are repressed, only to reemerge at the start of puberty and the genital phase. Sublimation is considered one of the more mature defense mechanisms, and involves the redirection of unacceptable impulses into constructive, healthier endeavors. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Subjects with NDEs scored higher than controls, but were below the range of pathological conditions on this measure [141]. Developed by Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud and the target of many pop-culture references, it has had a lasting impact on the field of psychology. New York: W. W. Norton. In an attempt to test this assumption, James Murray and Sandra Russ used the RAT with college students. Psychoanalytic theorists of adolescence in the second half of the twentieth century turned their attention away from the analysis of drives and focused instead on the skills and capabilities individuals developed in order to resolve inner conflicts and establish and maintain mature relationships with others, especially others outside the family. Someone who is “orally fixated,” for example, may have been overly indulged during the oral phase of psychosexual development and later, as an adult, develop an oral symptom such as excessive drinking or cigarette smoking. During the phallic phase bodily pleasures are obtained from self-stimulation of the genitals. The approach holds that childhood experience is the basis for adult personality and relationships. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Encyclopedia of Mental Health (Second Edition), Psychological Constructs and Treatment Interventions, Working with Unconscious and Explicit Memories in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in Patients with Chronic Depression, Hurting Memories and Beneficial Forgetting, International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Leaving Body and Life Behind: Out-of-Body and Near-Death Experience, Encyclopedia of Creativity (Second Edition), The Neurology of Conciousness (Second Edition), Locke and Shontz, 1983; Twemlow and Gabbard, 1984. Borne out of Freud’s treatment of patients with neurological disorders, psychoanalytic theory describes both normal and abnormal human experience and emphasizes the lasting impact of early childhood events on adult personality and psychological development. Freud and his followers believed that the main challenge of adolescence was to restore a psychic balance and resolve these conflicts. In other words, the goal of psychoanalysis is to bring what exists at the unconscious or subconscious level up to consciousness. Subjects with NDEs scored higher than controls, but were below the range of pathological conditions on this measure (Greyson, 2000). Erikson's theory of the life cycle proposed eight stages in psychosocial development, each characterized by a specific ‘crisis’ that arose at that point in development because of the interplay between the internal forces of biology and the unique demands of society. Gay, Peter. At each stage id energies, called libido, are focused on various parts of the body called erogenous zones. Integral to this intense form of treatment is the development of transference, which occurs when a patient unconsciously transfers onto the psychoanalyst the thoughts, feelings, and conflicts that they have toward early caregivers. THE SCOPE OF FREUD’S WORK New York: Viking. Explanation of Psychoanalytic Theory Psychoanalytic theory is, in many ways, the first psychological theory. Other psychological authors suggested that NDEs are the consequence of a human tendency to deny death [1, 130], the release of archetypical concepts of death [133], or the (symbolic or literal) regression to the experience of coming to life ([134–135]; but see [96]). A successful surgeon sublimates unconscious aggressive impulses through the helpful act of surgery. Freud drew on the physics of his day (thermodynamics) to coin the term psychodynamics. The latent content of the dream represents its unconscious hidden meaning and can only be discovered through the process of interpretation. The id acts according to the pleasure principle, demanding immediate gratification of its needs regardless of external environment; the ego then must emerge in order to realistically meet the wishes and demands of the id in accordance with the outside world, adhering to the reality principle. However, when sanctioned as a bona fide physical problem, pain allows for unconscious gratification of ambivalent dependency needs. For instance, a man who calls his wife “mom” may unconsciously reveal repressed thoughts or feelings that he has about either woman. However, this psychoanalytic account has been criticized on several grounds, mostly because of the lack of empirical evidence for it and the differences between the symptoms of dissociation in psychiatric populations and the reports of NDE subjects (for more details, see [131–132]), as well as many methodological and scientific concerns about psychoanalysis itself. This is the part of the mind that differentiates his theory of analytic psychology from Freud’s psychoanalytic approach. Psychoanalytic Criticism in Literature - When one attempts to find out the authorial intent in the text or trying to understand the character, one is, in one way or other, entering into the domain of psychology and such attempts to read literature have been done since the time of classical criticism. Freud also argued that jokes can be derivative expressions of unconscious sexual or aggressive feelings disguised as humor. In Stern’s view, RIGs create an unconscious expectation of the other (“mother will behave in a way as she has behaved before”), but new experiences with significant others can change RIGs. Freud believed that every human has a collection of unconscious thoughts and urges, many of which are unpleasant, that influence behaviors and experiences. It provides one explanation for why some individuals have such a steep associative hierarchy and others have a flat hierarchy. Classic psychoanalytic theory has a different view of associations and creativity. However, the date of retrieval is often important. Two degrees of the oblivious are the oblivious appropriate and the preconscious. People with NDEs were also found to report more often so-called paranormal experiences prior to their NDE [83, 112], as well as other complex experiences such as OBEs, feelings of being united with the universe, feeling the presence of God and otherworldly entities, or having past-life memories [102]. On a related note, Ring [140] suggested that subjects with NDEs are more likely to have suffered abuse, stress, illness, and social problems during childhood than a control group (see also [132]). Who came up with many ways to find out why we do the things we do and think the way we think. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most content. [1900] 1965. Brief Introduction to Psychoanalytic Theory A Brief Outline of Psycho-analytic Theory Freudian, Lacanian and Object Relations Theory Freudian Theory Freud's psychoanalytic theory, coming as it did at the turn of the century, provided a radically new approach to the analysis and treatment of "abnormal" adult behavior. Psychoanalysis, the clinical application of Freud’s theory, is a tool that explores the unconscious mind in order to relieve painful emotional symptoms and increase self-awareness. This suggests that subjects with NDEs might differ from other subjects in being more open to unusual experiences (and also willing to report these) and being attentive to the so-called inner-states [129]. Psychological authors suggested that NDEs are the consequence of a human tendency to deny death (Menz, 1984; Ehrenwald, 1974), the release of archetypical concepts of death (Grosso, 1983), or the (symbolic or literal) regression to the experience of coming to life (Grof and Halifax, 1978; Sagan, 1980; but see Blackmore, 1993). The id is unconscious and active at birth, and encompasses all of the instinctual and bodily wishes. At this time the focus is on genital pleasures with another person, leading toward the development of adult sexuality. In psychodynamic terms, one must access primary process thinking and then use critical evaluation to select the right response. (April 15, 2021). This is why disabling symptoms, like blindness or inability to stand or walk, have a comparatively good prognosis, whereas those which can be switched on or off as occasion demands, like fits or vomiting, or cause little disability, like tremors, are more intractable. The ego operates mostly out of the reality principle, which accounts for reality factors and social norms that prohibit instinctual urges from being immediately gratified. Furthermore, I shall address if and how psychic representations in depressed patients can be changed in psychoanalytic psychotherapy from a recent psychotherapy study. It might also be that this personality trait is linked to the larger concept of ‘magical thinking’, which has been shown to depend on right hemispheric activity and affinity to ‘paranormal’ thought [139]. There should be a broader search for associations for individuals comfortable with primary process ideation. In a compromise formation, the ego attempts to express these id impulses in socially appropriate ways while accounting for the moral and societal values of the superego; there is a compromise between the original wish and the anxiety against the wish. ." New York: Avon Books. ." Sigmund Freud was an awesome mind that thought things and put it on paper that we might would think was too offending to others. You also can learn more from: Mitchell, S.A., Black, M.J. (1995) Freud and Beyond: A History of Modern Psychoanalytic Thought, New York: Basic Books. These approaches of NDEs suffer from the same methodological and scientific concerns as psychoanalytical propositions. Dillon, in Encyclopedia of Creativity (Second Edition), 2011. Internal objects push an individual unconsciously to repeat past interactions by forcing others in the roles of their internal objects and thus creating perception identity with the inner and the outer worlds. Freud used the analogy of an iceberg to describe this model: Only a small tip of a much larger iceberg is visible above water, much like only a small fraction of the mind is conscious. . Based on the idea of converting heat into mechanical energy, he proposed psychic energy could be converted into behavior. The boy who, before dinner, asks his mother if she wants a cookie projects his own desire onto her because he may feel ashamed by his wanting something that has been prohibited in the past. Measures of dissociation (and depersonalization) have also been associated with NDEs. Basic Assumptions. We concluded from this study that a two-stage process accounted for the cognitive operations underlying adaptive regression and the RAT. Unfortunately, only a small number of subjects with NDEs have been studied in this systematic manner (Locke and Shontz, 1983; Twemlow and Gabbard, 1984). Fromm: Humanistic Psychoanalysis Summary Hannah Monasterial Fromm: Humanistic Psychoanalysis Erich Fromm’s basic thesis is that modern-day people have been torn away from their prehistoric union with nature and also with one another, yet they have the power of reasoning, foresight, and imagination. THE BIRTH OF PSYCHOANALYSIS The unconscious contains all that is outside of immediate awareness, whereas the conscious contains those parts of which individuals are immediately aware. By becoming aware of our unconscious wishes and our defenses against them we increase the choices available to us. Information that is not in immediate awareness but is easily retrievable is called preconscious. This ability to access primary process in a controlled fashion is Ernst Kris's concept of “regression in the service of the ego.” Because production of a novel and useful product requires original associations and evaluation, both broad associations and critical thinking are necessary. Freud believed that events in our childhood have a great influence on our adult lives, shaping our personality. Disciplines > Psychoanalysis > Articles > Lacanian psychoanalysis. The RAT actually measures both of these processes. Fundamentally, Freud postulated that as children we move through a series of stages centred on erogenous zones. two basic factors which drive an individual and help in shaping his/her personality. The fact that this personality factor is shared among subjects with OBEs and NDEs again suggests common predisposing factors. 1) Rorschach inkblots. Adler, Alfred One can hardly escape the influence of Freud’s unique system of thought. Freud’s explication of dreams and the unconscious led him to develop a more comprehensive theory of the mind. By Saul McLeod, updated 2018 Sigmund Freud (1856 to 1939) was the founding father of psychoanalysis, a method for treating mental illnessand also a theory which explains human behavior. Freud's daughter, Anna Freud (1958), extended much of her father's thinking to the study of development during the second decade of life. Definition: The Psychoanalytic Theory is the personality theory, which is based on the notion that an individual gets motivated more by unseen forces that are controlled by the conscious and the rational thought. In this paper I will be talking about the founder of the psychoanalytic theory, Sigmund Freud. Britton and Bootzin [142] also found significantly higher scores in their group of NDE subjects on the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) than in their control group (again these scores were different between both groups, but within the normal range). International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Id, ego, and superego. There is a looser connection among ideas for individuals who have easier access to primary process thinking. mechanisms.html?ezoic_amp=1 Psychoanalytic Theory Outline and Summary Psychoanalytic Theory Outline and Summary Freud's Psychoanalytic Personality Theory Levels of Mental Life Unconscious: All those psychological components of which an individual is uninformed. Just as the development of hysterical symptoms is encouraged strongly by situations in which the balance of the advantages and disadvantages of sickness outweigh those of health, so recovery is encouraged by a reversal of that balance of advantage. Psychodynamic theory is actually a collection of psychological theories which emphasize the importance of drives and other forces in human functioning, especially unconscious drives. Different terms have been used in psychoanalytic theory to name psychic representations: Kernberg (1984) focused on the dissociation of positive and negative self-object-affect triads in the borderline personality organization. Freud divided human personality into three significant components: the id, ego, and superego. Whenever an individual takes part in a social interaction, representations serve as knowledge base and form expectations. "Psychoanalytic Theory These stages are important ideas in the history of psychoanalytic theory, but they are not distinct and precise developmental events. Psychoanalysis represents the clinical application of psychoanalytic theory to the issues of psychopathology, neurosis, psychosis, and dysfunctional patterns of living. Freud: A Life for Our Time. Modern neuroscience has even paved the way for the emerging field of neuropsycho-analysis, which aims to integrate psychoanalytic ideas with physically observable brain structures, neural pathways, and brain chemistry. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Yet, as with OBEs, no clear psychopathological features have been found [117, 131] and subjects with NDEs and without NDEs do not differ with respect to measures of intelligence, extraversion, neuroticism, or anxiety. However, more recent research and literature reviews point to depressive symptoms emerging as a consequence of the experience of chronic pain. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Psychoanalytic theory encompasses views on human development and personality. The fact that this personality factor is shared among subjects with OBEs and NDEs again suggests common predisposing factors. New York: Basic Books. Freud described other ways in which the unconscious is revealed in everyday life. Because of these deeply engrained patterns, psychoanalytic feminists wanted to alter the experiences of early childhood and family relations, as … S.W. When unacceptable and unconscious id drives approach conscious awareness, a sense of danger and anxiety develops. The rigid and pervasive adherence to particular defense mechanisms and styles of coping, however, may become maladaptive, often causing more psychological and emotional tUniformoil than it resolves. Dennis Thornton PhD, Charles E. Argoff MD, in Pain Management Secrets (Third Edition), 2009. The unique contribution of Sandler and Sandler’s (1998) concept of inner self-object relations such as fantasies, thoughts, and the like that serve as pattern or template for any psychic activity, is how internalized representations form behavior. Fair though aspects of these criticisms may be, the psychoanalytic theory of today offers a comprehensive and cogent account of the human condition. This vision of adolescence as a period during which individuals ‘find themselves’ through exploration and experimentation has been a longstanding theme in portrayals of adolescence in literature, film, and television. Psychoanalytic theory postulates a multitude of different change mechanisms, and a host of new ways of conceptualizing the change process continue to emerge as psychoanalytic theories themselves evolve and proliferate. People with NDEs as well as people with OBEs [11] also score higher than control subjects on absorption (a measure that refers to the tendency to immerse in imagination and internal states) and the related trait of fantasy proneness (a tendency to have vivid hallucinations, blurred distinction between reality and imagination, enhanced sensory experiences and heightened visual imagery) [117, 137]. Psychoanalysis is the forerunner of most forms of modern psychotherapeutic techniques. Freud believed we delude ourselves about reasons for our behaviors and this self-deception limits our choice. Mitchell, Stephen A., and Margaret J. Fond of antiquity and the classics, Freud named this complex to invoke the themes of Sophocles’s Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex, a tragedy in which the character Oedipus unknowingly kills his father and marries his mother. The Discovery of the Unconscious: The History and Evolution of Dynamic Psychiatry. The Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality is an idea that the personality of an individual will develop in a series of stages. By this process, it was then argued that subjects “split” into an observing self and a body. 2021
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