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Kamil Centore , Montpellier Ave, Santa Ana, Orange 7148866095 California 714-886-6958 Jinying Corgey , E Puritan Cir, Santa Ana, Orange 7148866958 California 714-886-4297 Keniel Bartelo, S … External Link, Injury update: Kevin De Bruyne 416-428-2056 (4164282056) - Glean Elsen - Toronto, Canada More Info → 416-428-3009 (4164283009) - Graziel Bidwell - Toronto, Canada More Info → 416-428-6828 (4164286828) - Desdemonda Wehmeier - … External Link, Match report: Chelsea 0 Brighton 0 Ake, Nathan Benjamin*Billing, Philip Anyanwu*Boruc, ArturBrooks, David Robert*Cook, Lewis John*Cook, Steve Anthony*Francis, Simon Charles*Fraser, RyanGosling, Daniel*Groeneveld, Arnaut DanjumaIbe, Jordon Femi Ashley*King, Joshua Christian Kojo*Lerma Solis, Jeffrson AndresMepham, Christopher James*Rico Salguero, DiegoSimpson, Jack Benjamin*Smith, Adam James*Solanke-Mitchell, Dominic Ayodele*Stacey, Jack William*Stanislas, Felix Junior*Surman, Andrew Ronald Edward*Wilson, Callum Eddie Graham*Wilson, Harry*, Adams, Jake NormanAnthony, JaidonBertrand, Harvey-Joe EdwardBesant, Joe MatthewBurgess, Matthew RichardCamp, BrennanChannell, Brandon Antony EmmanuelCope, Jake WilliamCordner, Tyler JackDennis, William JonathonDinsmore, Thomas JackDobre, Mihai-AlexandruGenesini, Brooklyn David AnthonyGidaree, Tarik Andre CalvinGillela, DineshGlover, RyanGray, Luke AntonyGreenwood, Benjamin SeanHamilton, Tyrell AnthonyHanfrey, Thomas WilliamHobson, Shaun JermaineHunt, George ElliottIbsen Rossi, ZenoJordan, CoreyKelly, Lloyd CasiusKilkenny, GavinKurran-Browne, Connor ChadneyMohamed, Abdirahman AdanMoriah-Welsh, Nathan DanielMurray, Jordan KennethNippard, Luke RyanO'Connell, KeelanOfoborh, Nathan Nnamdi Ugochukwu Benjamin AsigboroOliver, James RobertPardoe, Luke DanielPlain, Cameron ChristopherPollock, Euan GeorgeRamsdale, AaronRoberts, Aaron JosephSaydee, ChristianScrimshaw, JakeSeaman, CharlieSeddon, JackSherring, SamSurridge, Samuel WilliamTaylor, Kyle FrazerTerrell, Billy Edwards JamesTorniainen, Jack MauriceTravers, MarkVincent, Francis WilliamWadham, JackWard, Calum Brian JosephZemura, Jordan Bekithemba, Aubameyang, Pierre-EmerickBellerin, Hector*Ceballos, Daniel FernandezChambers, Calum*Holding, Robert Samuel*Kolasinac, SeadLacazette, AlexandreLeno, BerndMacey, Matthew Ryan*Maitland-Niles, Ainsley*Martinez, Damian Emiliano*Mavropanos, KonstantinosMoreira Marinho, David LuizMustafi, ShkodranOzil, MesutPapastathopoulos, SokratisPepe, NicolasTierney, KieranTorreira, LucasXhaka, Granit, Alebiosu, RyanAzeez, MiguelBallard, Daniel GeorgeBalogun, Folarin JerryBola, TolajiBurton, RobertButler-Oyedeji, Nathan Jerome ChatoyerCirjan, Catalin-IonutClarke, Harrison ThomasCottrell, BenCoyle, TraeDennis, MatthewEjeheri, Ovie PrinceFlaherty, Stanley JamesGraczyk, HubertGreenwood, SamGuendouzi, MatteoHein, Karl JakobHillson, James AndrewJohn-Jules, Tyreece RomayoKirk, Alexander MichaelLaing, Levi AlexanderLopez Salguero, JoelMatthews, AlfieMcEneff, Jordan JohnMcGuinness, Mark JamesMedley, Zechariah Joshua HenryNelson, ReissNketiah, Edward KeddarOgungbo, MazeedOkonkwo, ArthurOlayinka, Olujimi James AyodeleOlowu, Joseph OlugbengaOmole, TobiOsei-Tutu, JordiOyegoke, Daniel Oladele AkinbiyiPlange, Luke ElliotSaka, BukayoSaliba, WilliamSheaf, BenSmith, Matthew GerrardSmith, TomSmith Rowe, EmileSraha, Jason Robert OseiSwanson, ZakTaylor-Hart, KidoTeodoro Martinelli Silva, GabrielTormey, Nathan AlexanderWillock, Joseph George, Chester, James Grant*Eissa, Ahmed Elmohamady Abdelfattah AlyEl Ghazi, AnwarEngels, Bjorn Lionel G.Grealish, Jack*Guilbert, FredericHassan, Mahmoud Ahmed IbrahimHause, Kortney Paul Duncan*Heaton, Thomas David*Hourihane, Conor*Kalinic, LovreKodjia, JonathanKonsa, Ezri Ngoyo*Lansbury, Henri George*McGinn, JohnMings, Tyrone Deon*Moraes Ferreira Da Silva, WesleyNakamba, MarvelousNyland, Orjan HaskjoldPeleteiro Ramallo, Jose IgnacioSteer, Jed John*Targett, Matthew Robert*Taylor, Neil John*, Abldeen-Goodridge, Tristan KareemAppiah, Paul Nana AkwashiArcher, Cameron DesmondBazeley, Isaiah Robert GrahamBirch, Jack DavidBridge, Mungo Olayipo Oladapo ErogbogboBrunt, LewisBurton, BradleyCampton-Sturridge, DjClarke, Jack AidanDavis, Keinan Vincent JosephDoyle Hayes, Jake BillyFarr, Charlie Edward JamesGreen, Andre JayGuy, Ben TylerHayden, Kaine KeslerHepburn-Murphy, Rushian Marcus AmoriHooper, Anton AbekuLindley, Hayden TaylorMarschall, FilipO'Hare, Callum LukeOdutayo, Colin LadipoOnodi, Akos SandorPhilogene-Bidace, JadenPressley, Aaron AlexRaikhy, Arjan SinghRamsey, Aaron JamesRamsey, JacobRevan, DominicRevan, Sebastian EmmanuelRowe, Callum MilesSea, Dimitri DissekaSearle, Jamie SpencerSinisalo, Viljami Kari VeikkoSoares De Paulo, Douglas LuizSohna, Harrison SheriffSohna, Myles BaboucarrSuliman, Easah ZaheerSylla Diallo, MamadouTait Moran, MichaelVassilev, Indiana DenchevWalker, JakeWright, Tyreik SamuelYoung, Bradley Jamie EthanZito, Patrick Tchuako, Balogun, Leon AderemiBissouma, YvesBong, Thomas GaetanBurn, Daniel Johnson*Button, David Robert Edmund*Crofts, Andrew Lawrence*Duffy, Shane Patrick Michael*Dunk, Lewis Carl*Fernandes da Silva Junior, BernardoGross, PascalIzquierdo Mena, Jose HeribertoJahan Bakhsh Jirandeh, AlirezaMarch, Soloman Benjamin*Maupay, NealMontoya Torralbo, MartinMooy, Aaron Frank*Murray, Glenn*Propper, David Petrus Wenceslaus HenriRyan, Matthew DavidSchelotto, Ezequiel MatiasSteele, Jason*Stephens, Dale Christopher*Trossard, LeandroWebster, Adam Harry*, Alzate, StevenArce Mina, Billy VladimirBaluta, Tudor-CristianBull, Toby GrahamByrne Furlong, Walter JamesCashman, Danny ChristopherClark-Eden, BenCochrane, Alexander WilliamCocoracchio, Luca GeorgeConnolly, Aaron AnthonyCox, George FrederickDackers, Marcus MatthiasDavies, ArchieDavies, Jordan AndrewDesbois, Adam JackDreyer, Anders LaustrupEveritt, MatthewFreestone, Lewis JayGwargis, PeterGyokeres, Viktor EinarJenkins, Nathan EuanJenks, Teddy Christopher GrahamKazukolovas, KiprasKeto, Hugo OliverLeahy, JackLeonard, Marc HenryLongman, Ryan JamesLopata, Kacper MieczyslawMac Allister, AlexisMcGill, Thomas Peter WayneMiller, Todd OwenMlakar, JanMolumby, Jayson PatrickO'Hora, Warren PatrickOffiah, Odeluga JoshuaOstigard, Leo SkiriPackham, Samuel JamesRadulovic Samoukovic, BojanRees, RocoRichards, Taylor JeromeRoberts, HaydonRushworth, Carl AndrewSanders, Max HarrisonShihab, Tareq ShakibSpong, JackTalley, Fynn Michael CordellTanimowo, Ayobami BabatundeTilley, James Alexander DavidTolaj, LorentTsoungui, AntefTurns, Edward JamesVukoje, Stefan CharlesWilson, Benjamin JohnYapi, Romaric, Bardsley, Phillip Anthony*Barnes, Ashley Luke*Brady, Robert*Cork, Jack Frank Porteous*Drinkwater, Daniel Noel*Dunne, JamesGibson, Benjamin James*Gudmundsson, Johann BergHart, Charles Joseph John*Hendrick, Jeffrey Patrick*Legzdins, Adam Richard*Lennon, Aaron*Long, Kevin Finbarr*Lowton, Matthew John*Mee, Benjamin Thomas*Peacock-Farrell, Bailey*Pieters, ErikPope, Nicholas David*Rodriguez, Jay Enrique*Tarkowski, James Alan*Taylor, Charles James*Vydra, MatejWestwood, Ashley Roy*Wood, Chris*, Allen, Harry GeorgeArmstrong, Finlay PatricBayode, Olatunde TobiasBenson, JoshBrennan, Corey CarlCalderbank-Park, KaiCarson, Matthew AlanChima, Udoka GodwillConley, Joseph ThomasConn, Christopher Seamus MichaelConnolly, Joel Alexander GeorgeCooney, Ryan ThomasCropper, Jordan GeoffreyDriscoll-Glennon, AnthonyEastmond, Tremaine Leroy WinstonFenlon, Rhys-James RoyGeorge, Mitchell ColinGoodridge, Mace LewinHarker, Robert WilliamHarris, WilliamKoiki, Abd-Al-Ali MorakinyoMajor, Jayden AnthonyMcGlynn, Joseph PeterMcMahon, George JamesMcNeil, Dwight James MatthewMoonan, DylanN'Guessan, Christian Dashiell RuhemannO'Neill, Aiden ConnorPatterson, Kane MazoPerkins, Teddy ArthurPhillips, Adam LeePruti, EdonRain, MatthewRichardson, LewisRooney, Jake RichardSenior, Joel TobySteels, Vinnie BarryThomas, Bobby CraigThomas, Lewis LukaTucker, Ne'JaiWilson, Scott JohnWoods, Benjamin JackYounger, Oliver, Abraham, Tammy*Alonso Mendoza, MarcosArrizabalaga Revuelta, KepaAzpilicueta Tanco, CesarBarkley, Ross*Batshuayi, MichyBorges Da Silva, WillianCaballero Lazcano, Wilfredo DanielChristensen, Andreas Bodtker*Giroud, OlivierJorge Luiz, Frello FilhoKante, NgoloKovacic, MateoLoftus Cheek, Ruben*Palmieri Dos Santos, EmersonRodriguez Ledesma, Pedro EliezerRudiger, AntonioTomori, Fikayo*Zouma, Kurt Happy, Aina, JordanAmpadu, EthanAnjorin, Faustino Adebola RasheedAskew, JakeBallo, Thierno MamadouBate, Lewis MichaelBaxter, NathanBergstrom, Lucas Carl EdvardBroja, ArmandoBrooking, Joshua RoystonBrown, CharlieChalobah, Trevoh TomClark, James RobertCumming, James AndrewEkwah Elimby, Pierre EmmanuelElliott, Benjamin NjongoueFamilia-Castillo, Juan CarlosGallagher, ConorGilmour, Billy CliffordGrant, JoshGuehi, Addji Keaninkin Marc-IsraelHaigh, Joe SamuelHarris, Myles SpencerHudson-Odoi, Callum JamesHumphreys, BashirJames, ReeceLamptey, TariqLavinier, MarcelLawrence, HenryLewis, MarcelLivramento, Valentino FranciscoMaatsen, IanMaddox, JacobMcClelland, SamMcCormick, Luke PhilipMcEachran, George JamesMola, ClintonMount, MasonNartey, Richard Nicos TetteyNunn, George JohannesPulisic, Christian MateRankine, Dion JosephRussell, JonathanSamuels Colwill, Levi LemarSimeu, Dynel Brown KemboSimons, Xavier LeviSterling, Dujon HenriquesTie, NicolasUgbo, IkeUwakwe, TariqWady, Ethan JamesWakely, JackWiggett, Charlie JohnZiger, Karlo, Ayew, Jordan PierreBenteke, ChristianCahill, Gary James*Camarasa Ferrando, VictorDann, Scott*Guaita, VincenteHenderson, Stephen Francis*Hennessey, Wayne Robert*Henry, Dion-Curtis*Kelly, Martin Ronald*Kouyate, CheikhouMcArthur, JamesMcCarthy, James Patrick*Meyer, MaxMilivojevic, LukaRiedwald, Jairo JocquimSakho, MamadouSchlupp, Jeffrey*Tomkins, James Oliver Charles*Townsend, Andros*Tupper, Joe Daniel*Van Aanholt, Patrick John Miguel*Ward, Joel Edward Philip*Wickham, Connor Neil Ralph*Zaha, Dazet Wilfried Armel*, Addy, Tetteh-QuayeAjayi, JoshuaAkrobor-Boateng, David LionelAveiro, Brandon Paulo ValeBello, LionBoateng, MalachiBryon, LewisChamberlin-Gayle, Jashaun DevienteDaly, James StanleyDreher, Luke GarryEyenga Lokilo, JasonFlanagan, KianGonzalez Quintero, KevinGordon, John-Kymani Linton MichaelHenderson, Kyran Kayode Gavin TidoyeHobbs, Lewis JamesJessup, Cameron LewisKeutcha, Pierrick BrandonKirby, Nya JeromeLuthra, RohanMcGregor, Giovanni DonaldMensah, Jacob KwabenaMitchell, TyrickOlopade, DenzelleOmilabu, David Oluwatimileyin Opeyemi OlamideParris, KamariQuick, Daniel JamesRak-Sakyi, JesurunRobertson, Sean DominicRussell, Jacob LukeRussell, Jude ThomasSiddik, CardoSmith, Rowan DarrenSteele, Aidan DanielStreet, Robert NicholasTavares, NikolaThiselton, DylanWatson, Noah ChristopherWebber, Oliver HenryWoodman, Deonysus SangaiWoods, Samuel JohnWright, Ellison Paul, Anicio Caldeira Duarte, BernardBaines, Leighton John*Calvert-Lewin, Dominic*Coleman, SeamusDe Andrade, RicharlisonDelph, Fabian*Digne, LucasGbamin, Jean-PhilippeHolgate, Mason Anthony*Iwobi, Alex*Keane, Michael Vincent*Lossl, Jonas BybjergMartina, Rhu-Endly Aurelio Jean-CarloMina Gonzalez, Yerry FernandoNiasse, Baye OumarPickford, Jordan Lee*Schneiderlin, Morgan*Sidibe, DjibrilSigurdsson, Gylfi Thor*Stekelenburg, MaartenTavares Gomes, Andre FilipeTosun, CenkWalcott, Theo James*, Adedoyin, Korede YemiAdeniran, Dennis Emmanuel Abiodun Bamidele ChijiokeAnderson, Joseph WilliamAnderson Ogbomo, Jonathan OsazeeAstley, RyanBaningime, BeniBarrett, Jack JosephBowler, Joshua LukeBroadhead, Nathan PaulCannon, Thomas ChristopherCarroll, Bobby LeeDavidson, JoelDavies, ThomasDenny, AlexanderDobbin, Lewis NormanEvans, Antony KennethFeeney, MorganFoulds, Matthew ColinGarcia Ferreira, Rafael IsidroGibson, Lewis JackGordon, Anthony MichaelHagan, Harry PaulHansen, Nicolas DefreitasHiggins, Liam ThomasHornby, FraserHosie, JoshuaHughes, RhysHunt, MacKenzie JamesIversen, Einar HjellestadJohn, Kyle AlexKean, Bioty MoiseLeban, Zan LukLowey, Daniel HarryMampala, ManasseMarkelo, Nathangelo AlexandroMcAllister, Sean PaulMcIntyre, Jack CameronNeves Virginia, Joao ManuelOnyango, Tyler Jaden Napier EdwardOuzounidis, ConPhillips, Kieran JamesQuirk, Sebastian AnthonySimms, Ellis RecoThompson, Dylan IsaacThompson, MaxTyrer, HarryWarrington, Lewis Wesley, Albrighton, Marc Kevin*Amartey, DanielBarnes, Harvey Lewis*Benkovic, FilipChilwell, Benjamin James*Choudhury, Hamza*Evans, Jonathan Grant*Fuchs, ChristianGray, Demarai Remelle*Iheanacho, KelechiJakupovic, EldinMaddison, James Daniel*Mendy, NampalysMorgan, Westley Nathan*Ndidi, Onyinye WilfredPereira, RicardoPerez Gutierrez, AyozePraet, DennisSchmeichel, Kasper Peter*Silva, Adrien Sebastien PerruchetSlimani, IslamSoyuncu, CaglarTielemans, Youri Marion AVardy, Jamie*Ward, Daniel*, Aisthorpe, Bailey TraffordArlott-John, Dempsey Michael AsaBarrett, ConnorBolkiah, Faiq JefriBollard, Dylan JackBosworth, Oliver MichaelClark, Mitchell ReeceDaley-Campbell, Vontae JasonDavies, Rhys Paul RichardDewsbury-Hall, KiernanElewa-Ikpakwu, EdwardEwing, Oliver JamesFitzhugh, Ethan MichaelFlynn, Shane Aidan ConorGbadebo, Camron IsraelGyamfi, DennisGyamfi, Johnson AduHirst, George David EricHulme, Callum JakeHusek, LukasJohansson, Viktor TobiasJohnson, Darnell Tobias JackJustin, James MichaelKranthove, Justen SheldenLeathers, Adam JamesLeshabela, Thakgalo KhanyaLoughlan, LiamMarcal-Madivadua, WanyaMaswanhise, Tawanda JethroMcAteer, KaseyMurch, Oliver EdwardMuskwe, Admiral DalindlelaNdukwu, Layton JuliusObi, Daniel IheukwuOdunze, Chituru EthanOkpoda Eppiah, Joshua FelixPennant, Terell Amari LeroyReghba, AliRuss, Brian William JamesSams, Thomas JamesShade, TyreseSowah, KamalSpringer, Jahquan AswadStolarczyk, JakubTavares, Sidnei Wilson Vieira DavidTee, ConorThomas, Luke JonathanUghelumba, Calvin ChineduWright, CallumYfeko, Johnly Levi, Barbosa De Oliveira, Roberto FirminoBecker, Alisson RamsesChirivella Burgos, PedroChristie-Davies, Isaac David*Clyne, Nathaniel Edwin*Gomez, Joseph David*Henderson, Jordan Brian*Henrique Taveres, FabioKeita, NabyLallana, Adam David*Lonergan, Andrew Michael*Lovren, DejanMane, SadioMatip, Job Joel AndreMilner, James Philip*Origi, Divock OkothOxlade-Chamberlain, Alexander Mark David*Robertson, AndrewSalah, MohamedSan Miguel Del Castillo, AdrianShaqiri, XherdanVan Dijk, VirgilWijnaldum, Georginio, Alexander Arnold, TrentAtherton, DanielBearne, Jack William GarradBeck, Owen MichaelBoyes, MorganBradley, ConorBrewster, RhianBrookwell, NiallCain, Jake StevenClarkson, LeightonClayton, Thomas AndrewCordoba, Anderson ArroyoCorness, DominicCoyle, LiamDixon-Bonner, Elijah MalikElliott, Harvey Daniel JamesGallacher, TonyGeorge, ShamalGlatzel, Paul MiltonGrabara, KamilHill, Thomas DanielHoever, Ki-Jana DelanoJaros, ViteslavJones, CurtisKane, HerbieKelleher, CaoimhinKelly, Oscar GeorgeKoumetio, Billy DawsonLarouci, YasserLewis, AdamLongstaff, Luis JamesMillar, LiamMorton, Tyler ScottNorris, James BarryO'Rourke, FidelOjrzynski, JakubQuansah, Jarell AmorinRitaccio, MatteoRodrigues, AbelSavage, Remmi EugeneSharif, Abdulrahman MohamoudStewart, Layton RhysTurner, AlexVan Den Berg, SeppVaresanovic, DalWalls, JackWilliams, Neco ShayWilliams, RhysWilson, Sean WilliamWinterbottom, Benjamin HarryWoltman, Max ReubenWoodburn, Benjamin Luke, Aguero Del Castillo, SergioBravo Munoz, Claudio AndresCarson, Scott Paul*Cavaco Cancelo, Joao PedroDe Bruyne, KevinEsmoris Tasende, Jose Angel*Fernando De Jesus, GabrielGarcia Serrano, Aleix*Gundogan, IlkayHernandez Cascante, RodrigoJimenez Silva, David JosueLaporte, Aymeric Jean Loius Gerard AlphonseLuiz Roza, FernandoMahrez, RiyadMendy, BenjaminMota Veiga De Carvalho E Silva, BernardoOtamendi, NicolasSane, LeroySantana de Moraes, EdersonSterling, Raheem Shaquille*Stones, John*Walker, Kyle Andrew*Zinchenko, Oleksandr, Agyiri, ErnestAmankwah, YeboahAminu, MohammedArzani, DanielBazunu, Gavin OkerogheneBernabe Garcia, AdrianBobb, OscarBolton, Luke PhilipBraaf, Jayden JezairoBurns, Finley JackDelap, Liam RoryDele-Bashiru, Oluwafisayo FaruqDiounkou Tecagne, Alpha RichardDoyle, ThomasEdozie, Samuel IkechukwuEgan-Riley, Conrad JadenFernandes Cantin, PaoloFiorini, Lewis PaulFoden, Philip WalterFrimpong, JeremieGarcia Martret, EricGarre, Benjamin AntonioGomes, ClaudioGonzalez, Lorenzo JoseGrimshaw, Daniel JamesHarwood-Bellis, Taylor JayHerrera Ravelo, Yangel ClementeHodge, Joseph ShaunIlic, IvanIlic, LukaKnight, Benjamin LeoLatibeaudiere, Joel OwenMcAtee, James JohnMcDonald, Rowan AlexanderMeshino, RyotaroMoulden, LouieMuric, Arijanet AnanNmecha, Felix KaluNmecha, LukasNuamah Oduroh, KwakuOgbeta, NathanaelOgunby, Henri WilliamPalaversa, AntePalmer, Cole JermainePorro Sauceda, Pedro AntonioPoveda-Ocampo, Ian CarloPozo La Rosa, IkerRobertson, Alexander Sean PabloRobinson, Samson Alfie PhilipRogers, Morgan ElliotSanches Correia, Felix Alexandre AndradeScott, Thomas HenrySimmonds, Keyendrah Qwamalik TeganSlicker, Cieran PeterSmith, Matthew RobertSobowale, OluwatimilehinTanor, CollinsTarensi Cordon, OscarTouaizi Zoubdi, NabilTrafford, James HarringtonWilson, TyrekeWright-Phillips, D'Margio Cameron, Bailly, Eric BertrandDe Gea Quintana, DavidGrant, Lee Anderson*Hoelgebaum Pereira, Andreas Hugo*James, Daniel Owen*Jones, Philip Anthony*Lindelof, Victor Jorgen NilssonLingard, Jesse Ellis*Maguire, Jacob Harry*Martial, Anthony JoranMata Garcia, Juan ManuelMatic, NemanjaMcTominay, Scott*Mitchell, Demetri Kareem*Pogba, Paul Labile*Rashford, Marcus*Rojo, Faustino Marcos AlbertoRomero, Sergio GermanSantos, Frederico Rodrigues De PaulaShaw, Luke Paul Hoare*Tuanzebe, Axel*Wan-Bissaka, Aaron*Young, Ashley Simon*, Barlow, Aidan WillBejger, LukaszBernard, Di'Shon JoelBughail-Mellor, D'Mani LucellCarney, Jacob AndrewChong, TahithDalot Teixeira, Jose DiogoDenham, Oliver JamesDevine, ReeceDodgson, Owen JoelElanga, Anthony David JuniorEmeran, Noam FritzErcolani, LucaFish, William ThomasFojticek, AlexFosu-Mensah, Evans Timothy FosuGalbraith, Ethan Stuart WilliamGallagher-Allison, CalenGarner, James DavidGomes, Adilson Angel Abreu de AlmeidaGreenwood, Mason Will JohnGuadagno, Johan EliaHamilton, Ethan BillyHardley, Bjorn BryanHaygarth, Maxwell JamesHelm, MarkHockenhull, BenHoogewerf, Dillon Ifunanya ChukwuHughes, Iestyn TomosIqbal, Zidane AamarKovar, MatejLaird, Ethan BenjaminLevitt, Dylan James ChristopherMastny, OndrejMcCann, Charlie LiamMcGhee, Dion AlexMee, Dermot WilliamMejbri, HannibalMejia Piedrahita, Jose MateoMengi, Teden MambueneNeville, Harvey JamesO'Connor, Lee PatrickPuigmal Martinez, ArnauRamazani, LargieSavage, Charlie William HenrySotona, Ayodeji OluwatunmiseStanley, Connor ScottSvidersky, MartinTanner, GeorgeTaylor, Max EdwardTraore, Aliou BadaraWellens, Charlie Gerard RichardWilliams, Brandon Paul BrianWoolston, Paul Hudson, Almiron Rejala, Miguel AngelApolinario De Lira, Joelinton CassioCarroll, Andrew Thomas*Clark, Ciaran*Darlow, Karl*Dubravka, MartinDummett, Paul*Elliot, Robert*Fernandez, FedericoGayle, Dwight Devon Boyd*Hayden, Isaac Scot*Ki, Sung YuengKraft, Emil Henry KristofferLascelles, Jamaal*Lejeune, Florian Gregoire ClaudeLongstaff, Sean David*Manquillo Gaitan, JavierMuto, YoshinoriRitchie, Matthew Thomas*Saint Maximin, Allan IreneeSchar, Fabian LukasShelvey, Jonjo*Twasam, Christian AtsuWillems, Jetro Danovich SexerYedlin, Deandre, Allan, Thomas DavidAnderson, Elliot JuniorBailey, Owen John EdwardBarrett, Ryan ThomasBrannen, Lewis PaulBrown, William GeorgeCarlyon, Nathan MatthewCass, Lewis GrahamDe Bolle, LucasEbanks, Tai GrahamFernandez Satue, VictorFrancillette, Ludwig GeorgesGamblin, Lucas RalphGilchrist, Josh GordonHarker, NathanHarrison, JoshuaLangley, Daniel DavidLongelo-Mbule, RosaireLongstaff, Matthew BenMarshall, Oliver JoshuaMcEntee, Oisin MichaelMidgley, Thomas JackOliver, Joe AlexanderReed, KainRounsfell, George David AlanSangare, MohammedScott, JoshuaSorensen, Elias Fritjof GraengeStephenson, Dylan JaySwailes, Jude ChristopherToure, Fode YannickTurner, Jake EdwardWalters, Oliver ReeceWatts, Kelland John William JamesWhite, Joe PeterWilson, Adam AyiroYoung, Jack, Amadou, IbrahimBuendia Stati, EmilianoByram, Samuel Mark*Drmic, JosipFahrmann, RalfHanley, Grant*Heise, Philip MichaelHernandez, OnelKlose, TimmKrul, Timothy Michael*Leitner, MoritzMcGovern, MichaelMcLean, KennethPukki, TeemuRoberts, Patrick John Joseph*Srbeny, DennisStiepermann, MarcoTettey, AlexanderThompson, Louis Clyde William*Trybull, TomVrancic, MarioZimmermann, Christoph, Aarons, Maximillian JamesAdshead, DanielAhadme Yahyai, GassanAhmadi, ArashBarden, Daniel JamesBerkeley, Anthonius JamesBlair, Samuel FrederickBrown, Zak Jazi TheoBushiri Kisonga, RockyCantwell, Todd OwenColey, JoshuaDickson-Peters, Thomas Grant DelroyDronfield, Zachary GageEarley, Saxon OwenFamewo, Akinlolu RichardFitzpatrick, AidanGilmour, Charlie IanGodfrey, Benjamin MatthewHarsani Giurgi, Joshua AlexanderHayes, Nicholas MichaelHondermarck, William Mbongo DesireHutchinson, Shae Armari AkpojotorIdah, AdamJackson, Eddie RobertJaiyesimi, DiallangJohnson, WilliamJones, Ciaren AlexanderKamara, Abu BakarrKhumbeni, Nelson WilfredLewis, JamalLomas, Louis JamesMair, Archie BarclayMartin, Joshua SaulMcAlear, ReeceMcCracken, Jon DouglasMilovanovic, Saul JohnMourgos, SavvasNizet, RobOdusina, Oluwarotimi MarkOmobamidele, Andrew AbiolaOmotoye, Tyrese Demola HuxleyOxborough, Aston JayParsons, Connor Riece GeorgePayne, Alfred EdwardPitcher, Harry JamesPower, SimonRichards, Caleb JoelRichardson, Matthew David OscarRose, Joseph MatthewRowe, Jonathan David HenryScully, ThomasSpringett, Tony GarySpyrou, Anthony Jeffrey JohnStewart, Sean PatrickThomas, Jordan James ChattentonThorvaldsson, IsakTomkinson, Jonathan RobertVaughan, Ethen JamesWarner, Jaden Lemar, Baldock, George Henry Ivor*Basham, Christopher Paul*Besic, MuhamedBryan, Kean Shay*Clarke, Leon Marvin*Egan, John*Fleck, John AlanFreeman, Kieron Samuel*Freeman, Luke Anthony*Henderson, Dean Bradley*Jagielka, Philip Nikodem*Lundstram, John David*McBurnie, Oliver*McGoldrick, David James*Moore, Simon William*Morrison, Ravel Ryan*Mousset, Lys EmilienNorwood, Oliver James*O'Connell, Jack William*Osborn, Benjamin Jarrod*Robinson, Callum Jack*Sharp, Billy Louis*Stearman, Richard James*Stevens, EndaVerrips, Michael Robin, Ackroyd, Sam RichardAmissah, JordanBelehouan, Seri Jean LeroyBoyes, HarryBroadbent, GeorgeBrookes, Andre ChanceBrunt, Zak RianCappello, Angelo SantoChapman, Joshua MatthewDewhurst, Marcus RobertDoherty, JordanFerguson, Keenan Tyrone GlendonFoulstone, Harrison AlanGaxha, LeonardoGomis, NicksoenGordon, KyronGraham, SamuelGreaves, Oliver JamesHall, Ashton VincentKelly, Jacob EdwardKelly, Samuel WalterMaguire, Francis WilliamMallon, Stephen AnthonyNdiaye, Iliman Cheikh BaroyNeal, HarrisonNorrington-Davies, Rhys LlewelynOmpreon, SamuelOsula, William Idamudia DaugardParkhouse, David CainSheppeard, HarrySkerritt, Tristan DevereSlater, Regan NewmanSmith, Tyler Gavin JuniorViggars, Ryan JamesWilliams, Tommy John AlbertYork, Reece CableYoung, Jake Alan, Adams, Che Sac Everton Fred*Alves Soares, Cedric RicardoArmstrong, StuartBarnes, Marcus Thomas*Bednarek, JanBertrand, Ryan*Boufal, SofianeForster, Fraser Gerard*Gunn, Angus Fraser James*Hesketh, Jake Alexander*Hojbjerg, Pierre Emile KordtIngs, Daniel William John*Lemina, Mario Rene JuniorLewis, Harry Charles John*Long, Shane Patrick*McCarthy, Alex Simon*McQueen, Samuel James*Redmond, Nathan Daniel Jerome*Sims, Joshua Samuel*Stephens, Jack*Vestergaard, JannikVidal, Oriol RomeuWard-Prowse, James Michael Edward*Yoshida, Maya, Agbontohoma, David OsaretimBailey, Samuel JamesBellis, Samuel Lawrence AlexanderBrennan, Sean AnthonyBurnett, Ethan DarrenBycroft, Jack ThomasChauke, KgaogeloCluett, RyanCull, AlexanderDanso, KevinDavey, Teddy JayDefise, Lucas Nsiona KDjenepo, MoussaFerry, WilliamFreeman, KieranGlean, Rio KamilHale, HarlemHall, Matthew GaryHamblin, Harry MarkHansen, Kornelius NormannIdowu, RolandJankewitz, Alexandre Tounde DimitriJohnson, Tyreke MartinKeogh, SeamasKlarer, ChristophKozak, SimonKpohomouh, PascalLatham, Kingsley FinnLedwidge, Kameron MalcolmMitchell, Ramello DejornMorris, James WilliamNlundulu, DanNorton, Christian AnthonyO'Connor, Thomas JamesO'Driscoll, AaronObafemi, Michael OluwadurotimiOlaigbe, Kazeem Aderemi J.Olufunwa, Oludare Samuel ArabaOtseh-Taiwo, Zuriel JonathanRamsay, KayneRobise, EnzoRus, MarcoSaunders, MichaelScott, Tommy JohnSlattery, CallumSmales Braithwaite, BenjaminSmallbone, William Anthony PatrickSmith, Jayden Pharell Llamar MillsTchaptchet, Wandja AllanTella, NathanTizzard, William JamesTurner, Jack HenryValery, YanVokins, JakeWatts, Caleb CassiusWatts, Callum NeilWright, Oliver Lennon George, Alderweireld, Toby AlbertineAlli, Bamidele Jermaine*Aurier, SergeDavies, Benjamin Thomas*Dier, Eric Jeremy EdgarEriksen, ChristianGazzaniga, Paulo DinoGeorgiou, Anthony Michael*Heung-Min, SonKane, Harry*Lamela, ErikLloris, HugoLo Celso, GiovaniNdombele Alvaro, TanguyRodrigues Moura Da Silva, LucasRose, Daniel Lee*Sanchez Mina, DavinsonSissoko, MoussaVertonghen, JanWalker-Peters, Kyle*Wanyama, VictorWinks, Harry*, Asante, Enock AmponsahAustin, Brandon AnthonyBennett, J'Neil LloydBinks, Luis ThomasBowden, Jamie PatrickCarrington Alberdi, EddieCesay, KallumCirkin, DennisClarke, Jack RaymondClarke, Rayan RomarioCooper, ChayCraig, Matthew GeorgeCraig, Michael JamesDe Bie, JonathanDinzeyi, Jonathan Toko LemaEtete, Kion ReeceEyoma, Timothy JoelFagan-Walcott, Malachi MichaelFoyth, Juan MarcosHinds, Tariq Devontae AaronJohn, Nile Omari MckenzieKurylowicz, KacperKyezu, JeremyLo-Tutala, Thimothee Jacques OrcelLusala, DermiLyons-Foster, BrooklynMaghoma, Edmond-ParisMarkanday, Dilan KumarMarsh, George OwenMuir, MarqesMukendi, JeremieMundle, Romaine LeeOakley-Boothe, TashanOkedina, Jubril AdesopeOluwayemi, Oluwaferanmi Joshua ChibuzoParrott, Troy DanielPatterson, Phoenix MacLarenPedder, RaffertyPochettino Grippaldi, MaurizioRichards, Rodel KuraiRobson, MaxRoles, JackSessegnon, Kouassi RyanShashoua, ArmandoSkipp, Oliver WilliamSolberg, Isak MidttunStatham, Maxwell LouisSterling, KazaiahTainio, Maximus MikaelTanganga, Japhet ManzambiThorpe, Elliot MorganTracey, ShilowWhite, Harvey DavidWhiteman, AlfieWhittaker, Tarrelle Ricardo Kabirizi, Bachmann, Daniel*Capoue, EtienneCathcart, Craig George*Chalobah, Nathaniel Nyakie*Cholevas, Chose LointCleverley, Thomas William*Da Silva Gomes , HeurelhoDawson, Craig*Deeney, Troy Matthew*Deulofeu Lazaro, GerardDoucoure, AbdoulayeFemenia Far, FranciscoFoster, Ben*Foulquier, DimitriGray, Andre Anthony*Hughes, William James*Janmaat, DarylKabasele, ChristianMariappa, Adrian Joseph*Masina, AdamPereyra, Roberto MaximilianoProdl, SebastianSuccess Ajayi, IsaacWelbeck, Daniel*Zeegelaar, Marvin Romeo Kwasie, Adebiyi, EmmanuelAlvarado Hoyos, Jamie AlbertoBalogun, Jamal Clinton TitilayoBaptiste, Dante Astor KareemBarrett, Mason EarleBecerra Maya, Juan CamilloBennetts, Jayden UgonnaBroome, Jack DavidBurchell, Jack OliverCampbell, Rio Anthony Castille EdemConteh, Kamil AmaduCrichlow, Kane SinclairDahlberg, PontusDalby, Samuel GeorgeDele-Bashiru, Ayotomiwa SherifElitim Sepulveda , Juergen FaridEstupinan Tenorio, Pervis JosueFobi, KingsleyFolivi, Michael KwakuForster, Harry JamesGordon, LewisGreen, Cameron OliverHarrison, Jordan CarterHernandez Suarez, Juan CamiloHinds, Kaylen MilesHorsewood, Thomas RogerHoskins, James MichaelHudson, Harry JonathanHungbo, Joseph Oluwagbemiga MayowaHutchinson, Dominic CharlesJanjeva, AndiLangston, George James BarbosaLawal, Mohammed OlabosunLo-Everton, Sonny BluMacLean, Ryan Thomas WilliamMatthews, James JohnMbaye, MamadouMcKiernan, John JoshuaMcLean Cassidy, Ryan MichaelParkes, Adam DarrenPhillips, Daniel Shaquille JabariQuina, DomingosSankoh, Imaad Suffian azizSantana Ferreira, Matheus HenriqueSarr, IsmailaSibo, KwasiSpencer-Adams, Bayli AlexanderStuparevic, FilipSuckling, Ryan GeorgeThompson, MaxWhelan, Callum TylerWhite, Harvey BattersonWilmot, Benjamin LewisWise, Henry Dennis Paul, Ajeti, AlbianAntonio, Michail Gregory*Balbuena Gonzalez, Fabian CornelioCresswell, Aaron*Diop, Issa Laye Lucas JeanFabianski, LukaszFornals Malla, PabloFredericks, Ryan*Haller, Sebastien Romain TeddyJimenez Gago, RobertoLanzini, ManuelMartin, David Edward*Masuaku Kawela, Fuka-ArthurNascimento Da Costa E Silva, AlexandreNoble, Mark James*Ogbonna, Obinze AngeloPereira Gomes, Felipe AndersonReid, Winston WiremuSanchez Moreno, Carlos AlbertoSnodgrass, RobertWilshere, Jack Andrew*Yarmolenko, AndriiZabaleta Girod, Pablo Javier, Adarkwa, Sean JordanAdebayo, Iyiola El-AmeenAdu, Michael AsareAkinola, Olatunji OluwasehunAlese, AjibolaAnang, Joseph TettehAppiah-Forson, KeenanAshby, HarrisonCaiger, Samuel AlfieChesters, Daniel PeterCorbett, Kai Michael JamesCosta Da Rosa, BernardoCoventry, ConorDiallo, AmadouDiangana, Grady GeorgeDju, Mesaque GeremiasEl Mhassani, AnouarFevrier, Jayden RaymondGiddings, Jake Patrick MoyGreenidge, William WinstonHaksabanovic, SeadHannam, Reece Phillip PeterHeal, Benjamin Atticus WilliamHegyi, KrisztianHolland, Nathan ElliotJinadu, Daniel OluwagboladeJohnson, Benjamin AnthonyKemp, DanielKileba, Gael MulambaLewis, AlfieLongelo Mbule, EmmanuelMcGeachy, Kyle JamesNebyla, SebastianNgakia, JeremyNsumbu, SamuelOkotcha, JoshuaParkes, Veron BrandonPeake, LennonPowell, Joe JamesRice, DeclanRoach, Joshua Michael PhillipSanneh, SerineScully, Anthony RichardSoares Cardoso, Goncalo BentoStroud, Peter ForrestSwyer, Kamarai JoshuaThomas, Brandon ValTrott, Nathan Wallace NewmanVeliky, ChristianWatson, Louie Shaun, Bennett, Ryan*Boly, Willy-Arnaud ZoboBurgoyne, Harry James*Castro Otto, JonatanCoady, Conor*Cristovao, Flavio SilvaDa Silva Neves, Ruben DiogoDendoncker, LeanderDeslandes, Sylvain Boris NabilDoherty, Matthew James*Dos Santos Patricio, Rui PedroGraham, Jordan*Iria Santos Moutinho, Joao FilipeJimenez Rodriguez, Raul AlonsoKilman, Maximilian*Norris, William James*Ofosu-Ayeh, PhilRuddy, John Thomas Gordon*Saiss, Romain Ghanem PaulTeixeira da Silva, Diogo JoseTraore Diarra, AdamaVallejo Lazaro, JesusYang, Ming-Yang, Abbey, Jediael YeboahAgboola, MichaelAshley-Seal, Bernard PatrickBueno Lopez, HugoBugarin Londono, ErikCampbell, ChemCarty, Conor ThomasCavaco Jordao, Bruno AndreCorbeanu, Theodor AlexanderCsoka, DanielCundle, Luke JamesCutrone, PatrickDa Silva Nascimento Vinagre, Ruben GoncaloDadashov, RenatDai, Wai TsunDiallo, SadouEnnis, Niall Nathan MichaelEnobakhare, BrightEstrada, PascalForrester, Jaden JoshuaFrancis, Edward AlbertGibbs-White, Morgan AnthonyGiles, Ryan JohnHe, ZhenyuHerc, ChristianHesketh, Owen JamesHodnett, Jack Mikey JamesJohn, Cameron BradleyJohnson, Connor WilliamJoseph, JosephKitolano, John ShugutoLomba Neto, PedroMarques, Christian FernandesMayounga - Ngolou, CyriaqueMcLaughlin, Lee JamesNeto Hanne, Boubacar RafaelNya, RaphaelO'Shaughnessy, Joseph Peter DavidOtasowie, EbeguowenPardington, JamesParker, Todd WilliamPerry, TaylorPinnington, Dean StanleyRasmussen, Oskar BuurRichards, Lewis Paul JimmyRonan, Connor PatrickSamuels, AustinSanderson, Dion Dannie LeonardSangare, FaisuScott, Jack DavidShabani, MeritanSmith, JacksonSondergaard, AndreasTaylor, TerenceThompson, Callum NiallWan, Nathaniel Shio HongWang, JiahaoWatt, Elliot WilliamYoung, Joe Michael. 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