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“By the time you get to the late ’50s, the French in particular are saying, ‘Wait a minute, if the US uses nuclear weapons against Soviet ground forces in Europe, the Soviets are going to fire nuclear weapons at the US. Another sob story of how the big bad white man discriminated against blacks. The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service estimates that Kim could hammer the South Korean capital with an astonishing 10,000 rockets per minute — and that such a barrage could kill more than 300,000 South Koreans in the opening days of the conflict. Was he smoking weed at the time? He was in the midst of a three night stay at the hotel with his fiance. And it would be doing so against a Trump administration that is notably hostile and fearful of China’s rising global influence. Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel -- a topic he has covered since 2002. “There would be a significant military impact, and a significant psychological one. Advertiser Disclosure: Many (but not all) of the credit card offers on the site are from banks from which we receive compensation if you are approved. Words have meaning. I don't include all US credit card offers available on this site. But here’s the bad news, and the reason hours of conversations with some of the people who know North Korea best have left me feeling profoundly unsettled: It’s easy to imagine a misunderstanding or accidental run-in between the two skittish countries leading to a full-blown war. They don’t think he’s stupid, or suicidal. I decided, never mind, it won’t be the last time I have to deal with it, being in America as a non-white; I don’t know…. I just don’t believe this account at all. There also is something that just doesn’t ring true about a manager, wanting to do anything doing it without others being able to be present to witness such an interaction, let alone pulling up behind the person in question….On the other hand this wouldn’t be the first time someone on the receiving end of service, as with our airlines, decided to make an issue out of something that didn’t happen, or put a different spin on it, and blame racial profiling. What this article doesn’t say is that blacks are 13% of the population and commit 52% of the violent crime. The experts I spoke to believe Kim and his generals know that US ground forces are better trained and equipped than North Korean troops, and that North Korea’s aging fleet of 1,300 Soviet-era warplanes is no match for Washington’s state-of-the-art stealth fighters and other jets. But many leading experts fear the worst. The fact that they were able to use it so precisely — to kill only one person and not even injure the two handlers — indicates a high degree of technical skill and a clear willingness to use a weapon of mass destruction against civilian targets. “For the North Koreans, enemy No. BELIEVE BLACK PEOPLE. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Certain people of minority groups might perceive racially biased behavior where there was none. Drinking Johnny Walker Red from a bottle? How do you convince the US not to come to South Korea’s defense in case of war? Authorities there said he suffered a “very painful” death from his exposure to the nerve agent. Andrew Weber, formerly the assistant secretary of defense for nuclear, chemical, and biological defense programs, told me that the US and South Korea would also need to be prepared for Kim to use biological weapons against both military and civilian targets. Every other race on earth is allow a voice, to have pride, a caucus, and their own countries and separate living space. STRAFFORD, Mo. “The conventional wisdom used to be that North Korea would use only nuclear weapons as part of a last gasp, twilight of the gods, pull the temple down upon themselves kind of move,” said Klingner, who now works for the conservative Heritage Foundation. It’s that North Korea has nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction — and is now in a situation where they might have real incentives to use them.”. A war between North and South Korea would almost certainly end with the creation of a reunified country led by the pro-US government in Seoul; China would want to make sure it wasn’t left out in the cold. It would be the last gasp of a dying regime, one determined to kill as many of its enemies as possible before the end came. People lie, especially people who file lawsuits for $$$. Excuse me if I don’t believe “Dramaine Vinegar” and his lack of literally ANY evidence that anything ever occurred. I don’t have any money to bet, but I’d bet there is more to the story and this guy gets nothing or close to it. A full-blown war with North Korea wouldn’t be as bad as you think. Either something is missing from the story thus far, or the manager and Marriott know more of it. And that’s the most dangerous aspect of the current standoff, and the issue that could most easily lead to a conflict whose potential human costs are so high — millions dead, millions more wounded, major cities lying in ruins — as to be almost unimaginable. “When our special forces run into the Chinese special forces, what do we do? There’s a giant question that looms over any discussion of North Korea’s growing arsenal of nuclear weapons: Would Kim actually be willing to use one? “Now think about how Kim is looking at the world. In a recent essay in Foreign Affairs, Oriana Skylar Mastro, a North Korea expert at Georgetown University, argues persuasively that the US fundamentally misunderstands China’s relationship with the Kim government. Of course, the law should apply equally to all citizens as individuals and not members of various classes. And one particular South Korean city starts to seem like the likeliest target. At what properties are you spending these 100+ nights a year? Even more frightening, most of the people I spoke to said they believed Kim would use nuclear weapons against South Korea in the initial stages of the fighting — not just as a desperate last resort. War is inherently unpredictable: It’s possible Kim would use every type of weapon of mass destruction he possesses, and it’s possible he wouldn’t use any of them. View from the Wing is a project of Miles and Points Consulting, LLC. Flournoy said President Trump’s tough talk about North Korea — which has included deriding Kim Jong Un as “Little Rocket Man” and threatening to rain “fire and fury” down on his country — made it “much more likely now that one side or the other will misread what was intended as a show of commitment or a show of force.”. They understand they’d have to potentially fight both countries.”. @ You know who, Sometimes people say “I wasn’t raised racist.” They fail to understand that everyone raised in America is raised racist. “In the past, when North Korea had a limited number of nuclear weapons, the assessment was that they’d marshal them to use only as a last resort,” he told me. The experts I spoke to all stressed that Kim could devastate Seoul without even needing to use his weapons of mass destruction. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. National Security Adviser H.R. He knows how to dial things up, but he also knows how to recalibrate and dial them back down.”, Pak and others note there have been some recent, fragile signs of diplomatic progress. Lmao. But again, I’m withholding judgement until the whole story is revealed from both sides. The North and South Korean governments are holding ongoing talks, and South Korea and the US agreed to postpone new military exercises until after the Olympics, a move widely seen as a goodwill gesture to North Korea. Marriott has turned into a shell of its former self. Several years ago, I was in the AA premium lounge at LAX, had several hours of a layover. “You are never a person ……” who should enter a spelling bee. The Pentagon has a sizable military presence in neighboring Japan, and the island of Guam is a US territory that is home to more than 163,000 American citizens. Being the daughter of Abu Bakr tied Aisha to honorable titles earned from her father's strong dedication to Islam. By Yochi Dreazen Updated Feb 8, 2018, 7:39am EST It doesn’t say that blacks have the average lowest IQ in the world of any group and tests for everything from fire fighting to street sweeping have to be dumbed down so “enough” blacks will pass for token placements. Experts inside and outside the US government who study North Korea say that Kim is a rational leader with a singular focus on maintaining control of his country. Man admits he was convinced he 'wouldn't see 2021' ... That's the message of Malcolm Fowler, a man who, like many, found last year one of the most difficult of his life. Only white countries are not diverse enough. Perhaps you weren’t profiled for appearing Asian, but rather for appearing like a thug. Iran has largely gotten its way: Several of Iraq’s postwar leaders have allowed Iranian militias to operate within the country, and Baghdad has noticeably chilly relationships with Saudi Arabia and Iran’s other regional rivals. Bennett began his career at RAND during the height of the Cold War and believes it’s impossible to understand why Kim would go nuclear without also understanding why Soviet leaders were prepared to do so. Being able to credibly threaten to destroy New York or Washington definitely helps. Here's How To Get Help Now, [Roundup] Progress Opening Europe To Vaccinated Americans But No Cars To Rent When You Travel, 10 Insights Into American Airlines Strategy From Leaked Recording, 6 Reasons The New Federal Warning Not To Travel To 80% Of World's Countries Is Bizarre, [Roundup] Southwest Airlines Usurious Travel Financing Offered Through Rapid Rewards. In some cases, it was significantly higher because the infection spread to Japan or other nearby countries. Article title: ‘It wouldn’t come as a surprise’ – Derby County to make decision on 3-goal Championship man: The verdict Please leave feedback to help us improve the site: North and South Korea just announced plans for their athletes to train together in advance of the Winter Olympics and enter the opening ceremonies as one team, under the flag of a reunified Korea. “He’s a brutal dictator that is aggressive and vindictive and prone to violence, but he’s a rational leader making fundamentally rational choices. So if Kim actually wants to try to reunify the two Koreas, he needs to somehow break up the US-South Korea alliance. “We anticipate conventional attacks, we anticipate chemical attacks, we anticipate cyberattacks, and we anticipate North Korean special operations forces being inserted into the bases,” he told me. We can all see you for who you are. Things would get really complicated, and really dangerous, once Chinese troops made their way to the nuclear facilities. He knows that any US and South Korean strike would be designed to destroy or capture his nuclear weapons. I saw the aftermath of a conflict built atop sunny scenarios and rosy thinking. He gave me my card back, didn’t apologise or anything. I showed him my Exec. That’s why North Korea’s new generation of long-range missiles capable of hitting the mainland US is such a game changer. So I’ve spent the past month posing those questions to more than a dozen former Pentagon officials, CIA analysts, US military officers, and think tank experts, as well as to a retired South Korean general who spent his entire professional life preparing to fight the North. Trump is for the moment saying he’s committed to diplomacy and believes he would “probably have a very good relationship with Kim Jong Un.”. @Dr. Ben Wyatt You are a person I would NEVER want on a Jury. Lol, I ain’t dun nothing. “And it’s a lot harder to generate sorties if your airfield is under attack.”. …Though the footage doesn’t show Gheen using any racial slurs, Vinegar said he felt profiled, adding that he never would have been treated that way “in a million years” if he had been white. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. Here’s what war with North Korea would look like, 2,500 and 5,000 metric tons of deadly nerve agents. I am a white guy. Help us celebrate Vox's 7th birthday and support our unique mission by making a $7 financial contribution today. For all the talk of nuclear exchanges and giant buttons, there has been little realistic discussion of what a war on the Korean Peninsula might mean, how it could escalate, what commitments would be required, and what sacrifices would be demanded. Sign up to receive the latest news and updates from View From The Wing. We are all hopefully becoming as sensitive, but the point is that this may not be a true event or reported accurately, it seems to many of us there are details missing. Send him more of your money. Help us celebrate Vox's 7th birthday and support our unique mission by making a $7 financial contribution today. A Nigerian man has dropped his piece of his opinion on the trending Davido saga with his new girlfriend, Mya Yafai Since the photos of Davido kissing American model, Mya Yafai breaks the internet with massive reactions, fans of Davido and Chioma are rooting respectively for their idol. (So-called “decapitation” strikes are part of the current US and South Korean war plan for a conflict with North Korea, OPLAN 5015, which explicitly talks about targeting the country’s top leadership. It’s odorless, colorless, and doesn’t dissipate quickly. “People say he’s young and untested, but he’s not that young anymore and he’s not that untested anymore,” she said, noting that Kim has led his country since 2011 and has managed to massively expand his nuclear arsenal without triggering a war with the US or South Korea. “I’m a customer. That line of thinking, she writes, is “dangerously out of date.”. The shooting happened Saturday near the small town of Strafford in southwestern Missouri. Your email address will not be published. Trump — or one of his successors — could respond to a North Korean nuclear strike by destroying every major North Korean city in a matter of hours. He remembers that the walls were covered with graffiti praising Kim. Spider-Man: Remastered, the improved version for PlayStation 5, will not have any sort of upgrade path from the PlayStation 4 version, a Sony representative confirmed to Polygon over email. “It’s a crowd killer. Here’s How To Get Help Now, New Radisson Rewards Changes As It Splits Into Two Programs On June 17th, If You’ve Stayed At The JW Marriott In Cabo On Points You Have Money Coming Back To You, 5 To 8 Hours To Speak To An American Airlines Agent? The rhetoric around North Korea is raising those same alarm bells for me. "The shooting happened Saturday near the small town of Strafford in southwestern Missouri. Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. It would be much, much worse. You seriously are a racist twat. Drinking Johnny Walker Red from a bottle? Not deadbeats, right? He’s made more than 100 trips to the Korean Peninsula and interviewed an array of North Korean defectors. White parents should raise their kids to recognize anti white hate and not believe the propaganda pushed by people like you. The North Korean constitution says the country’s ultimate aim is the reunification of the entire Korean Peninsula under the Kim family’s control, which would be impossible to pull off with US troops already deployed to South Korea and Washington formally committed to going to war on the South’s behalf. All US troops in South Korea are vaccinated against anthrax and smallpox (South Korean troops aren’t, to the consternation of Weber and other US officials). So many racist Whites in the comments above questioning the situation when they would accept another White’s account outright. Sounds like it is entirely fictional or has been turned into an account of a horrible situation from some trivial microagression or maybe thwre is a whole lot left out of this. People are mistreated all the time, and not just because of racial bias. And if all of this sounds frightening, it should. Banner advertising, in contrast, is paid for by advertisers (we do not directly control the banner advertising on this blog). The death toll in each year’s exercise was often close to a million. “It’s not that the North Korean military is so good. What is “I haven’t done nothing?” This guy started recording but nothing here shows that it happened, other than his own account of it. By way of comparison, that would be significantly more troops than the US had in either Iraq or Afghanistan at the peaks of those two long wars. It would be mass murder on a scale rarely seen in human history. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. That’s a big deal. That means the vast bulk of the US troops and equipment would need to come by boat, a laborious process that could take six weeks or longer to complete. The exercises led to concrete policy changes, including closer coordination between the South Korean military and the country’s public health system. They could destroy a major nuclear city. Anti-Blackness comes in so many forms and surprises to a White person who could be excused for not believing it right off the bat, but White people must then educate themselves and become anti-racist. That’s what worries me, is a misinterpretation, a misunderstanding, an event: a shooting down of a bomber, a strike on a ship that leads to a countermeasure, that leads to a countermeasure, and the end result is that if Kim Jong Un feels his regime is under attack, then the unthinkable happens. The researchers wrote that Kim could also have some of his citizens secretly bring the weapons into the South: North Korea has 200,000 special forces; even a handful of those special forces armed with BW would be enough to devastate South Korea. The good news is that the experts I spoke to don’t think war is inevitable, or even probable. The US had formally committed to protecting those nations from a Soviet invasion, and Bennett told me that American military planners were prepared to use small-scale tactical nuclear weapons against the advancing Russian troops to stop the assault. McMaster seems to believe that Kim would passively absorb the attack without hitting back and risking all-out war. Quite often the incendiary initial allegations do not turn out to give a full picture of what actually happened. CREDITSEditors: Ezra Klein and Jennifer WilliamsGraphics: Javier ZarracinaArt direction: Kainaz AmariaVideo: Danush ParvanehVideo art direction: Alex CannonVideo producer: A.J. Racism is a word made up by communists to con whites into destroying themselves by putting other groups first and allowing whites to get run over. You can take a course on unconscious bias, typically through your employer. Washington would also try to kill senior North Korean military commanders and government officials, including Kim. I travel a lot as I am running a travel TV show target to the Asian communities. It isn’t easy. Vinegar”. So, what was he driving and how was he dressed? “And what worries me is not an instantaneous nuclear confrontation, but an accidental escalation based upon the rhetoric that’s going back and forth.”. Estimates of the exact numbers of US troops that would take part in a push north vary widely, but current and former military planners uniformly believe it would require vastly more forces than took part in the invasions of Iraq or Afghanistan. We're committed to keeping our unique journalism free for all who need it. They are some of the most frightening substances on earth, and Weber expects some of them to be used against South Korean ports, airfields, and cities as a way of killing large numbers of civilians and troops while causing terror on a nationwide scale. They have not reviewed, approved or endorsed what I have to say. And most of them believe Kim would be making a rational decision, not a crazy or suicidal one, if he gave the launch order. What follows is a guide to what a conflict with North Korea might look like. North Korea’s arsenal is thought to include smallpox, yellow fever, anthrax, hemorrhagic fever, and even plague. US officials have long believed that Beijing is committed to North Korea’s survival and might take steps to ensure that Kim’s regime doesn’t collapse and send millions of starving refugees flowing into China. In a classic case of a manager not believing the person belonged on property because of the color of his skin, he was talking on the phone in the car’s parking lot when he claims the hotel’s manager pulled up behind him, jumped out of his car, and berated him for trespassing. @Gary: Was Vinegar, at any point, ascerbic? All of which is to say that China, like Iran, would be trying to stabilize postwar Korea on its own terms, not those of the US. Bruce Klingner, a 20-year veteran of the CIA who spent years studying North Korea, told me that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had stood by in 2002 as the US methodically built up the forces it used to invade the country — and oust Hussein — the following year. Sizwe Dhlomo wouldn’t leave his wife for sleeping with another man ... or not she still wants to be with me but I’m certainly not leaving my wife just because she slept with another man if … Lawsuit: Marriott Manager Became Abusive, Wouldn’t Believe Black Man Was Hotel Guest by Gary Leff on March 27, 2021 Dramaine Vinegar is suing the Fremont Marriott Silicon Valley and Marriott after an incident last year where, he says, he was told to ‘get the f- off the property’ by its manager while staying as a guest. ), “Air power is dependent on the number of sorties that can be flown,” Jouas told me, using the military’s term for an individual air combat mission. Compensation does not impact the placement of cards in content. “It only takes one or two people to deliver bioweapons, and tiny quantities of a bacteria or virus can cause a massive number of casualties,” he told me. Jouas, the retired Air Force general, told me that North Korea’s thinking about whether to use a nuclear weapon early in a conflict has likely changed as the country has built more of the weapons and developed missiles and rockets capable of hitting more distant targets. I just don’t believe this account at all.”. I’ve seen the cost of wars that the American people were not prepared for and did not fully understand. So mad, till I pull out my wallet and show my Marriott gold card and my American Express Platinum card as my ID, then they shut up and walked away, as if nothing had happened, not even an apology… I thought of complaining to the hotel manager, email the corporate HQ and may be contact my lawyer friend and file a complaint, etc. They try to game out all the various ways North Korea could hit the facilities, and to prepare accordingly. The manager responded by putting up his middle finger and walking way. Marriott should stick to their guns6on this one and place the burden of proof on “Mr. It takes effort. Kim also has large quantities of VX, an even deadlier chemical weapon, and has already shown a willingness, and ability, to use it against civilian targets abroad. Retired Lt. Gen. Chip Gregson, the Pentagon’s top Asia official from 2009 to 2011, says the attack was a vivid illustration of the North Korean chemical weapons program’s technological sophistication — and of what may face US and South Korean troops if war were to break out. “We’d still be able to fly — and to ultimately defeat North Korea — but there would be an unquestionable impact on our operations.”. To modify a phrase from the Cold War, would Trump be prepared to trade San Francisco for Seoul? “China would have to fight its way into North Korea,” Mastro told me in an interview. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. That’s all without using a single nuclear, chemical, or biological weapon. If you need to pull the Racecard as a reason for doing something wrong you should state that you were doing nothing wrong to begin with. “Now that their inventory has grown, it’s easier to imagine them using some of the weapons at the onset of hostilities to try to shape the way the rest of the war would unfold.”. A full-blown war with North Korea wouldn’t be as bad as you think. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. Although the world has changed a lot since our founding, we've held tight to our mission: to make the most important issues clear and comprehensible, and empower you to shape the world in which you live. There’s no reason to think the countries would necessarily come to blows. I am guessing he assumed I was eating or drinking too much as 3 hours into my time there, he asked me what my stay was based on? The US would also have to send in thousands of additional tanks, armored personnel carriers, bombers, fighter jets, helicopters, and artillery pieces. North Korea has missiles capable of reaching the West Coast and is thought to have nuclear warheads that would fit on top of them. (Kim is estimated to have between 2,500 and 5,000 metric tons of deadly nerve agents like sarin, which can cause paralysis and, ultimately, death.). Kim Jong Un is sending his younger sister to South Korea. I probably stay in a hotel 100 nights a year or more. I promise you no spam and no more than one email a day. It doesn’t say blacks commit interracial rape at a ratio of 50,000 to 1. Still, Weber said his main takeaway was the near impossibility of preventing biological weapons from killing an astonishing number of people. Men, women, and children would very literally choke to death in the streets of one of the world’s wealthiest and most vibrant cities. A South Korean military white paper from 2016, for instance, said the US would need to deploy 690,000 ground troops to South Korea if war broke out. People can just be rude. Keep on trying to defend your position with endless whataboutism and faulty comparisons. Vinegar wrote an online review of the incident and was offered a free night, but believes Marriott and its franchisees need to enforce racial bias screening as part of its hiring process. Or maybe a US ship will accidentally drift into North Korean waters and Kim’s navy will open fire. It was a chilling conversation. Was he smoking weed at the time? Maybe next week Kim will test-fire a missile that flies too close to Guam or Hawaii and Trump will decide enough is enough. But Beijing would be intervening to protect its own interests, not those of the US. Given that enormous geographic advantage, Beijing’s troops would almost certainly arrive before the US ones do. This would be a hard and bloody war.”. It’s hard to overstate just how frightening these types of weapons are.”. “This would be nothing like Iraq,” Flournoy told me. More About Gary ». The Pentagon has spent years practicing how to send US special operations forces into North Korea to seize Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons if there were signs that Kim’s government was collapsing. Know how everyone here knows that you’re white? The US is led by a hotheaded president who lacks military experience, is prone to unpredictable flashes of rage and fury, talks openly of destroying another sovereign country, and has alarmed advisers with his ignorance about America’s massive number of nuclear weapons and seemingly blasé attitude toward their use. I covered the Iraq War from Baghdad. Managers, I would expect, are highly sensitive to the issues of racial bias and discrimination and the last thing they want to deal with is bad PR, lawsuits, dealing with their own higher ups etc. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. It is not the responsibility of any advertiser to ensure that questions are answered. The American ships would unload at Busan, and the best way for Kim to destroy those ports — and significantly slow US efforts to send in enough troops to make a difference in the fight — would be to nuke the city. 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