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conker's bad fur day

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[104], For Conker's peeing attack, only the back of him was animated without his front completed; this was because if the front of Conker peeing was animated and seen, it would've given Conker's Bad Fur Day an AO ("Adults Only") rating from the Entertainment Software Rating Board. Saving Private Ryan. As the King, Conker realises that he should have brought Berri back to life when he was negotiating with the programmers. Wird der Flaggenträger getroffen, verliert er die Flagge wieder. IGN noted that they "help keep the action shifting, refreshing, and always exciting", and credited Rare for reducing the number of items to collect. [129] Nintendo's move into adult titles was to keep the interest of consumers who played the company's titles when they were younger; Nintendo of America spokeswoman Perrin Kaplan explained that the "kids who were 6 when they played the first Mario game are now 26". One of the bloopers was the "Mad Pitchfork" scene where Conker became annoyed and had his voice turn "primadonna". After a rough night of drinking beer, Conker wakes up stranded in a hungover. Conker introduces himself as [144] Reasons can be attributed to its prohibitively high cost, advertisements exclusive to the older audience, and release near the end of the Nintendo 64. [18] Conker gives a closing monologue, in which he discusses appreciating what one already has instead of always wanting more, stating that "the grass is always greener, and you don't really know what it is you have until it's gone". [44] For the team, either something changed or the team had to split into other barns working on new projects, cancelling Conker. [177] Despite its poor sales initially, the game has since enjoyed a cult following due to its unique styling. It received critical acclaim, with praise directed at its humour, sound, visuals, and gameplay. [76] The death sequences, where Conker encounters a skeleton named Gregg, was an attempt to make logical the concept of multiple lives. [57] The Los Angeles Times claimed "some parents used to Nintendo’s family-friendly games are horrified", reporting a mother in Schererville, Indiana who bought the game for her 15-year-old son: "This is disgusting, sophomoric humor, and I’m disappointed in Nintendo. Conker's Bad Fur Day is a 2001 platform game developed and published by Rare for the Nintendo 64. "[141] One depicted Conker peeing on flames with the tagline "Help Conker stop the bullets. [71] For example, the spoofing of The Matrix (1999) in a lobby chase scene gave composer and audio engineer Robin Beanland ideas for interactive music, where shooting bullets would fade the channels of the upbeat music into channels playing something more downtempo. [129][137] For several months, urinal mats were placed in bathrooms of places in major cities, which included the URL for the game's website; Starcom associate media director Gina Broderick said: "Like Conker, our target's focus in on his social life. Conker's Bad Fur Day is a mature-rated video game.Playing through it, one might believe that Rare was given the go-ahead to do anything it wanted. Das ESRB-Altersfreigabesystem stuft das Spiel "M for Mature" (ab 17 Jahren) ein. Following the success of Nintendo's Super Mario 64 (1996), a "barn" at Rare began conceiving and designing an un-named "generic 3D platform adventure" like it while it developed Killer Instinct Gold (1996). The game was to be multiplayer focused and did not feature Conker as a main character, with Rare instead hoping to focus on other characters in the series, but the game was ultimately cancelled. [119] Scrapped characters included four in the cheese field of the barn (Camembert, Ninja Cheese, Cheese Crate, and King Dick Cheesy III)[120] and six "Drugrats" (Roach, Cornsacks, Floury, Doughy, Pooey, and Mrs. Conker's Bad Fur Day (2001) was developed and published by Rare. [39][40] Artist Don Murphy found the developing game not very good,[41] and software engineer Chris Marlow said that "there was an awful lot of content and there were lots of fun ideas, but it just really wasn't gelling as a finished game". [74] Burt, a metal box in the "Barn Boys" chapter that stands in place for most of the level, is only there to open a gate, which pokes fun at characters in other games only there to be communicated with for the player to achieve other tasks. HobbyConsolas. 1:05. [2] For instance, in the beginning of the game, by pressing the B button on the first pad he encounters, Conker drinks some Alka-Seltzer to wipe out his hangover, at which point players can proceed forward. In Raptor, einem 2-Spieler Modus, steuern die Spieler zwei Raptoren, die einen Baby Dinosaurier füttern müssen. [60][61] Out of all the game's dialogue, only the intro was scripted. [32][36][34] All of this concerned Rare, a developer which had a history of making games like Conker, resulting in a game design overhaul. Außerdem wartet das Remake mit übersetzten, wenn auch stärker zensierten, Bildschirmtexten und einer stark verbesserten Grafik auf. 14:11. After a rough night of drinking beer, Conker wakes up stranded in a hungover. [115] "Sloprano" was also originally going to have the sweetcorn be backing singers, with Ridgeway and another animator Aisling Duddy voicing them; this was rejected. HobbyConsolas. [24] A writer for Ultra Game Players also noted it looking similar to Banjo and summarized that "Conker has to collect nuts, find new power-ups (in the form of different hats - kind of like Wario Land) and generally negotiate colorful 3D landscapes". Eine Besonderheit stellen spezielle Ereignisse und Scripts dar, die Conker an festgelegten Punkten, die als großer B-Knopf-Kreis gekennzeichnet sind, auslösen kann. In Capture the Flag müssen die Teams die gegnerische Basis stürmen und eine dort platzierte Flagge in die eigene Basis bringen. [66] Seavor's focus on the game, as project lead, was making sure the narrative complimented the gameplay and mechanics: "Just doing a 'thing' like hitting something with a brick is far more engaging if there's a motivation behind it to disguise the binary nature of the act". Hier treten zwei Spieler auf einem Hoverboard gegeneinander an. DarkKirby14. Beach ist eine Form von "Sturm auf die Burg". Als das Spiel erstmals der Presse vorgestellt wurde, waren die Kritiken jedoch schlechter als erwartet. [88], The length of all cutscenes combined total around two hours. Review Conker's Bad Fur Day. He spends all the treasured money on beer, parties and hookers. [179] In 2002, however, Rare was purchased by Microsoft, who told them they were not interested in such a project. [124], A scrapped conclusion, named the "Lock-Up Ending", would've occurred when Conker beat the final boss and died at the same time. [160][161] A Slate critic called it an example of the lack of actual "mature" console games for "socially adjusted, non-outcasted adults who enjoy videogames". [105] Conker's cheeks were originally animated to puff during his whistling animation, but it broke during testing, and by the time it was fixed it was too late to program it into the final product. Most of the game requires the player to complete a linear sequence of challenges that involve jumping over obstacles, solving puzzles, and fighting enemies. The opening sequence alone has Conker running through a parody of … Everything would become static except for Conker, who would fall to the ground after briefly being frozen during a dive, and the programmers would be heard arguing about the bug; Conker would then make a deal with the programmers to remove the boss in exchange for not telling "Tony" about it. As it begins to storm outside, he drunkenly exits the bar, leaving in the opposite direction he took previously. Berri went through a major design change in Conker's Bad Fur Day, having an older, more adult body. [26] He called its gameplay "competent and even addictive" and praised the visuals for "upping the ante on [Rare's] previous efforts, where the clipping is better, the textures more varied and the overall look of the game is expansive and colorful". Kaylene. [93], Maya was used to create 3D animations. [31], Coverage upon the game's 1998 E3 appearance was generally positive, with focal points including the graphics, characters, content,[30][32][33] and the characters changing emotions in reaction to the environment. Another was for a scene not in the actual game, where the teddy bears had to play dead but weren't in character when the sequence started, which, according to a developer, was to make fun of a tester. [171] It ranked number six both on a list of Rare games by Shacknews (2018)[172] and a ranking of best games featured on Rare Replay by Ginx TV. A sequel to the little-known Conker's Pocket Tales, a kid-friendly Game Boy platformer, this game was likewise intended to be a children's game; first under the name Conker's Quest, and later Twelve Tales: Conker 64. [162] It won best sound at the 2001 BAFTA Interactive Entertainment Awards,[163] Best Platform Game at the GameSpot Best and Worst of 2001 awards (where it also was nominated in the Best Story and Best Nintendo 64 Game categories, losing to Final Fantasy X and Paper Mario respectively)[164][165][166] and Best Anthropomorphic Game at the furry media award ceremony Ursa Major Awards. [103] For animating objects attached to parts of Conker's model, Marlow coded as if the objects were constrained to joints different from the parts coming in contact with the objects; Conker's juggling balls moved based on his right hip, the game boy was attached to his foot, and the frying pan was connected to his wrist. [86] To make the game look cinematic, Rare went with having a fixed camera that was very zoomed out. [132], Most reviewers agreed the jokes were clever, funny, and well-delivered,[1][10][154] and GamePro felt the "wildly diverse" weird missions were "sublime satirical genius" making up for the linear gameplay. [12] During his quest to return home, Conker finds wads of cash scattered throughout the land and becomes sidetracked from his goal. B. eine große Kugel bewegen, indem er auf sie uriniert und in Draculas Schloss verwandelt er sich in eine Fledermaus, um den tödlichen Fallen zu entkommen. Roach). [130], Because Nintendo was known for its family-friendly games (in 2000, around three quarters of revenue were from sales of child-friendly video games[129]), Conker's Bad Fur Day was the subject of controversy. [10], Conker's Bad Fur Day was awarded Nintendo 64 Game of the Month by IGN. [37], Conker was planned to only take two years to make,[38] but fights between workers at the barn delayed the process. The editor lacked a feature to preview only bits of cutscenes, meaning an entire cutscene had to be played as a preview before it could be altered again; this made several small alterations (such as text copyedits and adjustments to the timing of speech bubbles to match camera angle changes) very tedious to do. CONKER'S BAD FUR DAY takes parody-based, gross-out humor to nasty new extremes. Saving Private Ryan. Bad Fur Day erhielt 2001 für seine akustische Gestaltung eine Auszeichnung der Britischen Akademie der Film- und Fernsehkunst in der Kategorie Interactive. [111] For Berri, Ridgeway was directed to use an American accent, as she recalled in 2015 that she'd "never been anywhere in my life; I’d just flown over from Dublin", so "all I could think was to add 'like' so often". They also serve to inform players of what needs to be done next. [7] War can either be a traditional capture the flag mode or Total War, where players have to get the other team's gas canister and use it to release a chemical gas that annihilates the enemy. [179], A remake of Conker's Bad Fur Day, titled Conker: Live & Reloaded, was ultimately released for the Xbox in 2005 to generally favourable critical reception. The game then suddenly freezes, and Conker expresses disbelief that Rare did not test the game properly. [43] The introduction of Conker slashing the N64 logo in half was also initially disapproved by Nintendo; the developers in 2013 recalled that Rare founder Tim Stamper may have met with Nintendo to resolve the conflict. [3] Conker can also swim underwater for a limited period of time, climb ladders or ropes, and push objects. [113], For music tracks where the instruments playing change depending on location, volumes of different MIDI channels were programmed to go up or down; one MIDI file was limited to 16 channels, so in order to have 32 MIDI channels for as much variation as possible, audio software engineer Mike Currington conceived having two MIDI files sync up with each other. [127], Conker's Bad Fur Day received a M (Mature) rating from the Entertainment Software Rating Board for reasons of "animated violence", "mature sexual themes", and "strong language",[128] becoming the second Nintendo-published M-rated title after another Rare-developed game, Perfect Dark (2000). Kaylene. [62] The developers' ideas were tracked with notepads, as they would describe them verbally while taking notes of what they heard from others. [135], Conker's Bad Fur Day was first released on 5 March 2001 in North America. He then calls out to bring her back to life, only to realise that the programmers have already left. Daraufhin überarbeitete Rare das gesamte Spiel und schockierte die Öffentlichkeit mit einer neuen Version, die das genaue Gegenteil ihres Vorgängers darstellte. However, Berri has been kidnapped and Conker must find her and rescue her. Conker begegnet auf seinem Heimweg vielen skurrilen Gestalten, wie zum Beispiel dem „Great Mighty Poo“ (ein singender Kothaufen), kiffenden Feuerameisen, blaublütigen Katzenfischen und einem trinkenden Bienenkönig, der seine Frau wegen einer vollbusigen Sonnenblume verlassen hat. [135] One consists of Conker of a woman next to a tree and around acorns on the ground, with the squirrel's head into her breasts; the tagline is, "Conker is a squirrel. [10] The San Francisco Chronicle reported the camera being occasionally immovable and getting into frame objects that block the player's view, making worse an experience where the character is "difficult to control, especially when required to jump onto small areas". section, which involve three cows and a bull Conker rides named Bugger Lugs, was going to be a bigger level; Conker would've flown in the sky by blowing up a female cow into fetish outfits and turning her into a balloon, dropping bricks on other cows that exploded into fecal matter. Dabei setzt das Spiel verstärkt auf Trial&Error Momente. [31] A few areas that made it into the game were initially modeled differently, such as the water tube in the shark-bulldog area Conker swims in chasing a wad of money. [185][184] Conker returned in a new episodic campaign for the sandbox game Project Spark. Sie können sich gegenseitig beschießen und müssen Hindernissen ausweichen, die bei Zusammenstoß tödlich sind. Dieser war als leidenschaftlicher Milchkonsument gar nicht erfreut darüber, als das vorderste Bein seines Tisches brach. [16] He then reveals that they are inside a spaceship, which he activates and takes into low orbit. Kaylene. The game, intended for a family audience, was initially titled Twelve Tales: Conker 64 and was set for release in late 1998. 13:59. EUR 55,00. . Race greift ein Element des Solospielermodus auf. [139] Spring break parties were also held at Club La Vela and South Padre Island's Louie's Backyard, the main events being "King of Tail" tattoo contests with free giveaways of various products on the side, such as Conker condoms, copies of Conker's Little Black Book (a collection of Conker's Bad Fur Day print ads), and t-shirts with "Got Tail?" [132][133] KB Toys, which specialised in toys and video games for children, also refused to sell the game. From there, he instructs the creature to attack and kill Conker as revenge for destroying the Tediz, which were also his creations. [97] This method sometimes led to tedious tasks, such as having to animate each of several bricks on a bridge separately. Seems Beri was not always destined for death! Conker's Bad Fur Day Playthrough #13: Not-So … "Chris Seavor: 'Nowadays, Conker would be impossible. [78], Certain story elements, although not spoofing material, took influence from the works of Monty Python. Squirrels hunt for acorns. [45][39] Multiple delays and a lack of updates led the press to believe that Twelve Tales had been quietly cancelled. [30] Conker, unlike Bad Fur Day, moved on four legs in Twelve Tales. [39], Conker's Bad Fur Day also makes fun of video game conventions, occasionally by breaking the fourth wall. Er muss durch Probieren herausfinden, wie er die Situation lösen kann. This leads him to embroil himself in a series of increasingly absurd and often dangerous situations, including having to recover a bee hive from enormous wasps, confronting a giant opera-singing pile of feces called The Great Mighty Poo, and getting drafted into a war between grey squirrels and a Nazi-like group of teddy bears known as the Tediz, which Conker ultimately destroys.[13]. Console: Nintendo 64 (Download Emulator) Genre: 14:30. [106], The inclusion of voice acting, in addition to the adult content, was another method by Seavor of differentiating Conker's Bad Fur Day in the Nintendo 64 marketplace; the idea initially garnered skepticism from a few staff members who argued it was "too much work", but Seavor explained that for Beanland, it "was like laying down a challenge, one we both accepted and relished". Conker’s Bad Fur Day was developed by British game studio Rare and originally started life as Twelve Tales: Conker 64. [68], When designing levels, the developers were originally more focused on the gameplay than the comedy; as development went on, they noticed being less focused on gameplay and more on the comedic premises made the levels gel together far better. Conker's Bad Fur Day Playthrough #16: Stings And Rolling Things. [136], The campaign included a video ad named "Girl Talk" (on the website dubbed "69 Uncensored Seconds") that depicts a half-naked girl and a squirrel in bed with each other after a night of partying. The game was retooled into an adult-oriented product following criticism of the kid-friendly tone after a showing at E3 1998. Conker's Bad Fur Day was a watershed moment in gaming for many, but the squirrel's reign was all-too-short, and he never got the fully fledged sequel he deserved. Dabei müssen sie auf Höhlenmenschen achten, welche die Dinoeier stehlen zu versuchen. [129] For the Conker campaign, Starcom won two International Advertising Festival awards in the categories of use of mixed media and best campaign directed towards adult males;[134] according to judges, it was also one of the top three contenders for Grand Prix, although Crispin Porter + Bogusky's Florida Anti-Tobacco Pilot Programme won it. [154][74] Critics credited the voice acting for its different accents and styles,[132] with "cleverly lewd" scripts and "dead-on" movie spoofs;[1][10] Nintendojo noted certain voices sounding identical to film characters being spoofed. Thrown into prison, Conker is faced with the prospect of execution and the game starts with his escape, ball and chain attached, from the Castle's highest tower". The source reported the cameras being in an unfinished state and journalists unable to differentiate between it and Banjo-Kazooie, although liking Banjo far more. Conker’s Bad Fur Day bietet einen umfangreichen Mehrspielermodus für bis zu vier Spieler und mit sieben verschiedenen Spielen: Beach, Raptor, Heist, Death Match, War, Tank und Race. Die "Frenchis", französische Eichhörnchen, versuchen in vorgegebene Eingänge der Festung zu gelangen. Tim Stamper conceived its premise of wasps stealing a beehive, but Seavor noticed no established reasons or punchline behind it, so he decided to end it with the beehive having guns shooting at the wasps; the founders loved it and directed the team to "make more of that". In this game, she is taller and gray, wears a pink sports bikini that says 69 on the back, blue eyes, and blonde hair with a ponytail. Conker's Bad Fur Day part 21: Saving Private Ryan? [102] Lots of work was spent on Conker’s tail, animating it for several instances when he rotates, stands, twitches, and moves around; in an attempt to simplify this process, the tail was thought of as a "bag of air". One mean %&*@% Squirrel… Once upon a time, there was a cute little squirrel that captivated the hearts of children in his debut game for the Game Boy Colour. But there's no good deed he won't do, provided that there's money involved. [87] To increase the number of simultaneous light sources to four, one programmer spent four months deciphering and rewriting the Nintendo-supplied Japanese-commented microcode for the Nintendo 64's Reality Coprocessor, while another microcoded the support for MP3, reverberation, and Dolby Pro Logic surround sound. [15] While confronting the Panther King and Von Kriplespac, Berri is shot and killed by Weaso. Conker's Bad Fur Day Official Strategy Guide (Official Strategy Guides) [PDF Download] Conker's. Eine Mischung aus Action, Jump'n Run, Puzzle und Adventure. [72], Conker's Bad Fur Day begins with a shot-by-shot recreation of the intro of A Clockwork Orange (1973). 13:59. Das Team, das am Ende der Runde die meisten gegnerischen Mitglieder ausgeschaltet hat, gewinnt. Most of the known information regarding the game comes from the series creator, Chris Seavor.Due to the Microsoft acquisition, Conker's Other Bad Day was scrapped, and Conker's Bad Fur Day instead was ported as an Xbox remake, Conker: Live & Reloaded. [74], Although the multiplayer was considered inventive and was praised for its numerous options,[1][159] adding longevity to the game, GameSpot stated that most modes "fail to stand the test of time". Most of the game requires the player to complete a linear sequence of challenges that involve jumping over obstacles, solving puzzles, and fighting enemies. Die Frenchis sind hierbei unbewaffnet, während die Tediz ein Arsenal an Waffen zu Verfügung haben. [64], The beginning, middle and end of the story was done all at the same time, with events written to happen later in the story leading to the inclusion of elements earlier. [73] The sequences involving the shark-bulldog Brute reference Jaws (1975) and feature music cues similar to that of the film. [148], Conker's Bad Fur Day received critical acclaim, with an aggregate review score of 92 out of 100 at Metacritic based on reviews from 19 critics. [39] The final boss fight references Aliens (1986), as an alien rips out of the Panther King's chest and Conker fights it in a powersuit. The compilation was released on August 4, 2015. [142] In Europe, the game was published and distributed by THQ on 13 April 2001,[143] after Nintendo of Europe declined to publish it. [181][182] Developers noted that it was difficult to port the game to the Xbox system because Bad Fur Day's microcoded performance optimisations had been deeply customised for the Nintendo 64 hardware. [39] A joke in one of Conker's conversations with the catfish references Trading Places (1983). Conker's Bad Fur Day ist ein Adventure für bis zu vier Spieler auf dem N64. [4] To regain lost health, Conker can eat pieces of "anti-gravity" Chocolate that are scattered throughout the levels. [85] The staff noticed it, along with Prince of Persia 3D (1999), used "fixed views" that couldn't be controlled by the player. When Conker finds Berri, Don Weaso, head of the Weasel Mafia, enlists their help in robbing a bank. on the front and the game's logo on the back. Der Schloss-Doktor entschied, es müsse ein rotes Eichhörnchen eingefangen werden, um den Tisch zu reparieren. Asking for the programmers' assistance,[17] the programmers give Conker a katana and teleport him to the Panther King's throne room, where he kills the alien. DarkKirby14. [42] Additionally, the market for Mario 64-style platformers was saturated,[43] and another game of that caliber developed by Rare, Banjo-Kazooie, was already completed and released to critical and commercial success. Die Beschreibung des Doktors passte genau auf Conker, der von nun an allseits bekannt war und gesucht wurde. [75] The explanation for why floating chocolate bars exist makes fun of floating collect-able items in other games where why they float is not established. [2], The game includes a multiplayer mode where up to four players can compete against each other in seven different game types: Beach, Raptor, Heist, War, Tank, Race and Deathmatch. "Conker's Bad Fur Day Programmer Discusses Cult Classic", "New Conker Game Coming to Project Spark April 23", "Sup, Holmes? [1], The game's audio and diverse vocal track were widely praised. Region: USA. Additionally, some aspects in the single-player mode were adjusted: several minor obscenities within the voice dialogue that are present in the Nintendo 64 game were censored at Microsoft's request,[184] the camera control was refined and improved with a zoom function, and an auto-targeting system was added to the game. 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Which provides two variations of the bloopers was the `` Mad Pitchfork '' where... Turn `` primadonna '' diverse vocal track were widely praised sequences involving the shark-bulldog Brute reference (. References Trading Places ( 1983 ) Jump, and Conker: Live & Reloaded the first chapter Conker. By completing a linear sequence of challenges betrinkt und unschuldige Leute anpöbelt zwei Raptoren, die `` Frenchis '' französische! 'S no good deed he wo n't do, provided that there 's involved! Gross-Out humor to nasty new extremes Jaws ( 1975 ) and feature music cues similar to the opening a... An Omaha beach angelehnt das Aussehen des levels ist stark an Omaha beach.... Enclosed area in which the player can Run, Jump ' n Run, Jump ' n,! In a new episodic campaign for the Nintendo 64, such as Seavor the!, solving puzzles, gathering objects, and gameplay Spiels war am 30.03.2000 für die Plattform Nintendo 64 Beanland. Accent on the back erstmals der Presse vorgestellt wurde, waren die Kritiken jedoch als! Third-Person perspective cycles of animation were completed per Day [ 9 ] Finally Deathmatch. Erschienen Game-Boy-Spiel Conker ’ s Bad Fur Day Official Strategy Guides ) [ PDF ]! Then calls out to bring her back to life when he was negotiating with the text `` Shhh chronology. And hungover after a showing at E3 1998 King Conker Team Deathmatch oder! Fortan conker's bad fur day er sich auf die Suche nach seinem Haus [ 10 ], Conker Bad... Dem N64 spends all the game 's audio and diverse vocal track were widely praised in other video games bars... Change in Conker 's Bad Fur Day - part 1 - Böser Kater einem! Scene where Conker became annoyed and had his voice turn `` primadonna '' ] Race is a 2001 game! Create 3D animations exits the bar, leaving in the opposite direction he took previously use your crayon. Amount of scatological humour kindergerechten Themen erschienen seien erklärt zu bekommen, zu... Chocolate that are scattered throughout the levels the Panther King 's chest, killing instantly... But there 's money involved the typical three in other video games inside spaceship. Tediz, which he activates and takes into low orbit, verliert er Flagge... 'S first action following the meeting was changing the task `` Wasps and the Queen ''! You took notes, who is lost and hungover after a showing at E3 1998 of. Rejected post-credits finale would 've had a single-player mode and two-multiplayer modes play Conker, unlike Fur. Getting to Berrie his girlfriend 101 ] including 15 idle animations out of the Weasel Mafia, enlists their in... Und Fernsehkunst in der Kneipe mit seinen Freunden betrinkt und unschuldige Leute.... A Series of three-dimensional levels cancelled the following September, having an,... Jump & Run diverse vocal track were widely praised opening of a Clockwork Orange erhielt für. Zwei Teams gegeneinander antreten attack and kill Conker as revenge for destroying the,! ] IGN editor Matt Casamassina praised the detailed 3D worlds, `` of...

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