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brian lehrer ask the mayor

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Remember more people live in public housing in New York City than live in Atlanta Georgia. On inequality more generally, which the last caller's question suggests, Mayor de Blasio, as you know, got elected on a tale of two cities platform to fight the inequality that makes us in effect two cities. Hi, Sam. Name one thing that you do for fun in non-pandemic times that has nothing to do with politics. April is Ask The Major tryouts month on the Brian Lehrer Show as we've invited and they've all accepted the eight leading candidates in the June primary for mayor to come on and do the kinds of Ask The Major segments that we do with Mayor de Blasio every Friday, it's comptroller Scott Stringer, as he runs for mayor today and here's a question from a listener via Twitter, … It looks like there's an issue with JavaScript in your browser. That they are customers, that has been true whether or not I was the chief operating officer delivering water and keeping our harbors safe and clean or at sanitation. This is where we experience our interaction with people and our interaction with the world at large. My daughter had the same teacher that I did when she was there. I am both the grandson and son of immigrants. I realize I'm asking you to assess your own performance and it's going to be positive, especially in the context of a campaign, but the streets are really dirty now and I get those calls a lot. 2-1-2-4-3-3-9-6-9-2 or you can tweet a question, just use the hashtag #askthemayor. We want these to be policy questions, not got you questions or negative attacks. Your questions and Brian's for Mayor Bill de Blasio. Every Friday, Mayor Bill de Blasio calls in to WNYC's Brian Lehrer Show for a conversation with Lehrer, as well as to field questions from New Yorkers for an #AskTheMayor segment. Brian: It's Ask The Mayor Tryout, if you're just joining us here on The Brian Lehrer Show with New York City mayoral hopeful Kathryn Garcia, the past Sanitation Commissioner under Mayor de Blasio and general troubleshooter for the administration on providing enough food for people who are hungry during the pandemic, on fixing the lead problems in NYCHA Housing when that scandal got revealed, and other things. Pat in Manhattan, you're on WNYC. If you're elected, we hope you'll continue the Ask The Mayor tradition on the show. We've invited the eight leading candidates for the June primary to join us this month to do an Ask The Mayor segment with my questions and yours for them. Our phone number is 6-4-6-4-3-5-7-2-8-0, 6-4-6-4-3-5-7-2-8-0. Just use the hashtag, #AskTheMayor. We know that if a student of color has a teacher, especially by third grade, that reflects who they are, they're much more likely to graduate. They defecated, they urinated, they do drugs on the street, it's from Lexington to Frederick Douglass. Part of what makes New York City livable is our commercial corridors. It's also true that more broadly that I'm participating in the matching fund's program which significantly caps any money anyone can give to you in the city of New York. I wish that we were in person, but it is not to be quite yet. That is a very important conversation that needs to be had with the residents of public housing, with the people of New York City. Or you can tweet a question, just use the hashtag #AsktheMayor. My grandfather was one of 10 poor Irish kids who grew up on the South side of London. My question is we're heading into probably a horrible housing crisis when the courts start to reopen. The New York times called it the most detailed and comprehensive of any of the candidates. I'm not going to be swayed by any interest group, and that is what it's designed to do, to make sure that you aren't driven in any direction by. I would deliver on that to make sure that every single New Yorker has access to the services and the legal protection they need. That they are customers, that has been true whether or not I was the chief operating officer delivering water and keeping our harbors safe and clean or at sanitation. This means we need to ensure that we are not overburdening any community. What is she planning on doing on maintaining the buildings? Robin Manhattan, you're on WNYC with Shaun Donovan. Shaun: No, no, no. She served as incident commander during Hurricane Sandy. Copyright © 2021 New York Public Radio. Visit our website terms of use at for further information. I've proposed, for example, getting rid of middle-school screens and some other changes that I think would be important, but if we do that in the right way, if we bring parents, teachers, students, principals to the table, we can actually move schools towards greater integration, but also keep raising the bar on academic achievement. Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks during a mural painting … Your questions and Brian's for Mayor Bill de Blasio. James, thank you for your call. I believe that fundamentally the CCRB has to be the one who is empowered moving forward, but I want to hold the police commissioner accountable as well. My question has to do with education. How are we going to bring back jobs? Yes or no answers, or very short answers. Brian Lehrer Weekend: Pandemic Self-Care. He worked hard and he lived his American dream. Oh, just to be clear, forgive me, you're not Latinx yourself by heritage? NYCHA Housing yesterday, Shaun Donovan said that he wanted NYCHA housing to be converted to Section 8, and that's private money. Second, we need to make sure that our rental assistance programs actually keep people in their homes. That's private wealth. My daughter had the same teacher that I did when she was there. It's unnecessary to cross the vehicle when they both light up green at same time or red at the same time. We invented the first what's called Supportive Housing, and what that is is permanent housing with the services that folks need to get back on track in their lives. Meanwhile, we're going to have you and each of the major candidates one more time in May. If you get on the air and we think you are a plant from a rival campaign just trying to make our guest look bad, we will give you very short shrift. How would you balance the needs of the two populations? I've been following the mayoral race for months now and it just brought some joy and lightness to my days. I saw homelessness exploding on the streets and that was the thing that really lit the fire in me to become a public servant. Robin: Hey, how you doing? He was President Obama's Housing and Urban Development Secretary, and then Obama's Office of Management and Budget Director. How would you characterize your experience including that and these other fix it efforts that you've been asked to lead, like being the mayor's COVID food czar to help fight hunger during the pandemic or point person on lead in NYCHA apartment buildings once that scandal came to light? There are dozens of these groups supporting many different candidates who are running. I was wondering if commissioner of the sanitation could manage budgets, how she wants to manage budget of the. I do get asked about my experience quite a lot as well. How is the city going to be the city they remember? We know that people get in their cars because it is faster, ensuring that we have a public transit system that is multimodal so you can take your city bike to the train or to the bus, and you have basically a one-stop ride. What is she planning on doing on maintaining the buildings? Brian Lehrer: Brian Lehrer on WNYC. There are many different ways to do that, but unfortunately with mayor de Blasio having taken this issue on in a way that he hid behind RAD to say, "Oh, we have to privatize." I call that the education recovery core. Those lights can be sequences, one can be green to let the car trend into to the various tunnel, while the other one is red, and then they can alternate. We have to be working as one so that we get the transparency we need. They've--. I think there are actually a whole bunch of strategies we can pursue that will allow us to both achieve academic excellence and also create more equity in our schools which is really needed. Shaun: Brian it's been great to be with you. My personal interest was the traffic light at various tunnel entrance. Or you can tweet a question, just use the hashtag, #AskTheMayor. That includes ensuring that everyone has access to high-quality public schools across all age groups, that we are not testing four-year-olds for gifted and talented, that we are eliminating screens at the middle school, but also that we are taking a totally different lens on fighting crime and mass incarceration so that we are ensuring that people are safe in their communities regardless of the color of their skin or their income level. Bob: Hi. Some of you will remember Mayor de Blasio appointed her to deal with that when that scandal broke. I know that because I led the strategy for President Obama, that dramatically reduced homelessness around the country. It's 646-435-7280. And it's time once again for our weekly Ask the Mayor segment Fridays around 11:05 am – okay, it's 11:06 am – my questions and yours for Mayor Bill de Blasio at 646-435-7280, 646-435-7280, or you can tweet a question. We've had an explosion of mental health challenges around this city in the midst of COVID. Mila: Hi, Brian, love your show. My questions and yours for Mayor Bill de Blasio. NYPR Network . This was I think universally has been lauded as really changing access for our youngest kids to set them up on a pathway to thriving in the city of New York. We begin this hour as usual on Fridays with our weekly Ask The Mayor call-in my questions in yours for Mayor Bill de Blasio 646-435-7280, 646-435-7280, or tweet a question. Brian: That's after Rikers closes completely which you support? We need to make that rental assistance program much more flexible, invest in it more, and really make sure we're targeting people to stay in their homes. Brian: It's Ask the Mayor Tryouts month on the Brian Show, my questions and yours for the leading eight candidates hoping to be the next mayor of New York City. Then, all of those efforts declined. Shaun: All the time. To be very specific, it means looking at avenues where more density is possible rather than the mid blocks in a lot of these rezonings. Thank you. Commissioner Garcia: [chuckles] Yes, sure. We want these to be policy questions, not got you questions or attacks. Hi, everybody. By far, the most important change was pre-K. Grammy Day! When your vehicle is not allowed to be in the city during a certain number of days in a week, you leave your vehicle home, and then that will alleviate the traffic. It's really bringing all of those pieces together to make sure that as soon as someone is at risk, as soon as someone comes out of Rikers or the mental health wing at one of our hospitals, we direct them immediately to this housing rather than letting them fall through the cracks and end up on our streets. Absolutely. Did you say renewable Rikers, what does that mean? RAD is a program that shifts the funding of public housing from a type of funding that has been declining and neglected for decades by Congress after Congress, and shifts it to a different stream of funding called section eight, that has been rising for years. One of my favorite is Brooklyn Ballet which teaches classical ballet, hip hop, popping, all different forms of dance in all the public schools across Brooklyn. Shaun: I want to be very clear, Brian. When I am Mayor, hold the police commissioner accountable and his chiefs or her chiefs for ensuring that they are doing clear and consistent discipline. Brian: We're going to run out of time so I need to ask you a quick follow-up and then we can do a one minute lightning round to conclude. I also want to say that that's not-- The other thing that I've heard from folks in SoHo and NoHo and surrounding neighborhoods is a concern about preserving the historic character of the neighborhood as well. We as women bring different set of experiences to the table, whether or not that means that we have been working or that we have been single, that we had kids, or we didn't have kids, it's a very different lived experience than as you think about moving forward. The only way we're going to get the $40 billion, the only way is to access that section eight funding. You got to have a long view, particularly on our needs to address climate change, and not give them such short shrift. Brian: Oh, just to be clear, forgive me, you're not Latinx yourself by heritage? I believe in my opinion, at least, there's a tension between policies that the de Blasio administration has announced that would help integrate the schools in the city against what are the desires, at least, of middle class and upper-middle-class parents and if you drive those students out of the schools, you in fact defeat the purpose of integration. I want to start with the death of 34-year-old Saheed Vassell by police gunfire in Crown Heights. I've been there, I've been to-- There's actually a pretty fabulous coffee shop, right on the corner of 125th and Park. Not surprisingly, it draws people who are vulnerable, but it also draws drug dealers to it as well. Brian: That ends today's edition of Ask the Mayor Tryouts. Part of this is reopening our economy and getting people back in employment so that they can pay their rent, but in the longer term, it has to be about making this a more livable city, and that we have the housing stock, that means that you are not overburdened, that we're building more affordable housing, that we are building supportive units for people who've been experiencing street homelessness. The Brian Lehrer Show Brian Lehrer and his guests take on the issues dominating conversation in New York and around the world. It made me want to go help the city that had given me so much. Ask the Mayor: Open Streets After COVID, Reopening City Offices & More ... How are you feeling about the decision and what comes next? I do. Sam, you're on WNYC and he says he's a housing attorney. I do think having that lived experience is incredibly important. Yes, because as commissioner I often in some cases-- Not through obviously, we don't have this CCRB, we're always been-- Went for more significant discipline. Commissioner Garcia: It's also true that more broadly that I'm participating in the matching fund's program which significantly caps any money anyone can give to you in the city of New York. Listen almost every day. August 21, 2020. Copyright © 2021 New York Public Radio. I just lost half the electorate. Some people think if possible it's time for a person of color and or a woman and or someone who grew up experiencing the downsides of the kinds of inequality that we've been talking about to be the next mayor. I went and worked with the state to create what's called New York/New York Three, which was the biggest investment we'd ever made in the services for the supportive housing that I just spoke about. We are transforming what has been an island that was used to lock people up into something that is really positive for the city as a whole. Thanks for doing an Ask The Mayor Tryout. I know Mayor de Blasio blames the Bloomberg administration for having ended a certain program that the state had started. There's a real challenge in those few blocks, particularly on 124th and 125th, around Park and Lex. We did make progress. I want to make sure that when we think about discipline in the police department, it's often been outsourced to the five district attorneys, to US attorneys, the AG. We know that in addition to the things I talked about before, in terms of changes to schools, changes to screens and testing that another piece Brian is all the evidence around the country on education shows that we can raise academic achievement for students of color by diversifying who teaches them as well. It has been an ongoing challenge for years, not only because of cleanliness but because of actually a lot of open drug dealing. Commissioner Garcia: By far, the most important change was pre-K. Brian: Public elementary school and then private? Hi. I am very supportive of congestion pricing to incentivize people to leave their cars at home. April is Ask the Mayor tryouts month here on the Brian Lehrer Show . We need to have an honest conversation in New York about whether the public housing authority which has failed for years to do a decent job managing, we have kids who are being poisoned by lead paint who are living in terrible conditions, is NYCHA itself capable of managing 180,000 units of housing? Brian: All right, ready for a 60 second lightning round and then I know you got to go. I started volunteering in a homeless shelter in college as I said. At this moment when our students have not only lost so much academically, but the trauma, the pain that they've been through, the relatives and the neighbors that they've lost in this pandemic, why not hire young people, CUNY students, recent graduates, who we hope are going to end up being the teachers of the future. Brian Lehrer: It's The Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC. I know how to get the job done, which is why I asked to do so many over the course of my career. Ask the Mayor 'Tryouts': Raymond McGuire. In your opinion, what were his most successful policies in that regard, and what would be your most important anti-poverty or anti inequality proposals? It's one piece of the puzzle in solving this challenge. If you donate as a member to any arts organizations can you name one? All right. Or you can tweet a question, use the hashtag #AsktheMayor and we'll watch that Twitter thread go by. Miss Garcia, you actually called me a few weeks ago to solicit my support for your campaign, and I appreciated that call. How are we going to bring back jobs? We can make it so that there is a partnership between all agencies, whether or not that is homeless services, whether or not that's PDE, whether or not that's sanitation, to really address this because it has been an ongoing challenge for many, many years. Or how would you reopen the schools? I live in a 70-year-old building that is very well maintained. Brian: Thank you, Robin, let me say for the context of our listeners that that's a program that as he indicated has to do with certain privatization in NYCHA developments and secretary Donovan as HUD secretary under President Obama, NYCHA was among the many things under your purview and one could say that NYCHA conditions, at very least physical conditions, continue to deteriorate during those years. All eight have accepted, we started this last week with candidates Maya Wiley and Scott Stringer. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. I find that women are often the backup plan, whether or not that was for childcare or for eldercare. If you look back at my record during the Bloomberg years, we actually did focus creating more affordable housing in neighborhoods like the far Westside and near the Highline on the waterfront in Brooklyn and other places. I live in a 70-year-old building that is very well maintained. Shaun Donovan: Hey, Brian, it's so great to be back on the show. Yes, there goes Queens. I did take a city bike ride with Dave from Street [unintelligible 00:26:54]. We do need to grow this city and to grow the amount of affordable housing that we have that is deeply affordable, but the challenge is you also have to keep people in their homes. Some of this can get started before. The CCRB has to be empowered to do the investigations and have the resources ready. I look forward to a future where I talk to you every Friday. Shaun: I would have to say soccer because my older son is captain of his soccer team at college. Where we got to zero on veterans, we did it because of great partnerships at the federal level, but also great leadership from mayors. The Garcia is actually from the ex-husband, not from the parents. People have gotten confused about this. Today with candidate Shaun who did used to be the top housing official in Mayor Bloomberg's administration and in President Obama's administration. Brian Lehrer: Brian Lehrer, WNYC. How about Mila in Harlem? But listeners, it’s still my questions and yours for Mayor Bill de Blasio. It is after Rikers starts its closing, it doesn't have to wait until it's completely closed. Both on forums, as well as when I've been out talking to voters is, what is going to happen? I started volunteering in a homeless shelter in college, went to work for the National Coalition for the Homeless. There are schools like dual-language schools, artspace schools, STEM-based schools. There's a real challenge in those few blocks, particularly on 124th and 125th, around Park and Lex. Brian: Yes or no answers, or very short answers. Two specific things, Brian, one is Mayor de Blasio has promised to get a right to counsel, but he hasn't actually delivered. During COVID-19, she created an emergency food program that has delivered 200 million meals to New Yorkers in need. No signup or install needed. People want to know how the city is going to help them reopen their businesses, or recover from a job loss and particularly women and caregivers who were just hit incredibly hard during the pandemic. That's after Rikers closes completely which you support? We're going to have time for each of the candidates to come back one more time in May before the primary. That's not right. Commissioner Garcia: Both on forums, as well as when I've been out talking to voters is, what is going to happen? Now, as we usually do on Fridays, it's a weekly Ask The Mayor segment, my questions and yours for Mayor Bill de Blasio. You're ready for a short lightning round to conclude, Commissioner Garcia? That was a lesson I learned in the great recession. I do think that there are places that we should be looking in Soho and NoHo to add affordable housing and make sure that every community is doing its share. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio takes listener calls and discusses this week in the city. How are you going to end homelessness in this city? Hi, thank you for taking my call, Brian. I understand as well that if we're going to continue to be a city that New Yorkers love, we need to preserve what makes our neighborhoods special, but I think you can do both. Shaun: Brian, in the midst of a pandemic where we got more homeless folks in this city than since the Great Depression, when we have more people on the verge of eviction because more than 500,000 New Yorkers have lost their jobs, the question I hear most is about housing. My question is we're heading into probably a horrible housing crisis when the courts start to reopen. Brian: To be fair, that's not big real estate. They want a mayor who actually knows how to lead the city out of crisis. Shaun Donovan, former HUD Secretary, former Office of Management and Budget Director both under President Obama, former Housing Preservation and Development Commissioner under Mayor Bloomberg. Some of them are screened, some are not. I am focused on talking to New Yorkers and working with them. Brian: What do you mean ended homelessness? Brian: I'll let you ask your real question, but did you do in April fools press release? I think the policy question there is, do you support massive conversion of public housing rent to a voucher system under Section 8? Covering Climate Now: Electric Vehicles. We need to make sure that those who are falling through the cracks, if there are folks being evicted or threatened with it that has to end and you can implement this change to section eight funding in a way that everybody is able to remain in their homes. Sam: Hi. You're on WNYC Hi, Mila. Brian: James, thank you very much both for the specific question about that light cycle, and the general question about cars on the street. Commissioner Garcia: Yes, but I would not test four-year-old's. Shaun: Well, Brian, I have a incredibly comprehensive aggressive education plan. That is what made me when I was HUD secretary, lead the way on civil rights and racial equity. I know you've all done about a million and a half Zoom forums, is there a most common ask the candidate question that members of the public tend to ask you? Banning Styrofoam, being able to collect harmful electronic waste at the curb. We need to make it so that there's real opportunity going forward for everyone. Will be just very, very helpful. That's private wealth. James, you're on WNYC with mayoral hopeful Kathryn Garcia. They did nothing wrong. Commissioner Garcia: I have to say that I do agree with her. I also think that when we get to the tougher issues around screens, gifted and talented programs, there are changes we need to make. My campaign I am following the law. All rights reserved. There are non-profits that can get involved there. Which is to say you would allow the police commissioner to retain that final authority over individual officers found to have committed misconduct? Share this on Facebook (Opens in a new window), Share this on Twitter (Opens in a new window). Produced by WNYC . Thank you so much for today. The authoritative record of New York Public Radio’s programming is the audio record. It's the single most important housing resource we have for low income folks in New York. A list of our sites. They might think even if you have your values in the right place and good experience you grew up on the upper East side, went to Dalton, you're a white male, it's been reported that your father contributed $2 million, most of the money in the political action committee supporting your campaign, how much do you view your own identity and background as a factor you have to compensate for in order to consistently do the right thing or however you think voters should take it into account? First of all, would you characterize that part of Harlem as negatively as she does? Brian: How about Mila in Harlem? It's impossible to leave. Brian: Well, Commissioner Garcia, thanks very much for doing an Ask the Mayor Tryout today. We'll watch our Twitter feed go by. We developed a program at the federal level that was really, really effective at keeping people in their homes. The displacement that we saw from the mortgage crisis, the evictions that we're seeing and could see right now with people out of work, means that we need to build on what I did during the Bloomberg years and really make sure every single New Yorker has a right to counsel and a right to get the help, the housing counseling, and the rental assistance that they need. Brian: It's Ask The Mayor Tryout, if you're just joining us here on The Brian Lehrer Show with New York City mayoral hopeful Kathryn Garcia, the past Sanitation Commissioner under Mayor de Blasio and general troubleshooter for the administration on providing enough food for people who are hungry during the pandemic, on fixing the lead problems in NYCHA Housing when that scandal got revealed, and other things. Hi, Fredricka. RAD is not a privatization program. Shaun, I wondered if you've acquainted yourself with any of the details of the city's proposal for rezoning in the historic districts of SoHo and NoHo. That is my lived experience and I owe New York everything. One of the problems we've seen over the last eight years is that the Mayor de Blasio administration has focused rezonings on lower-income, primarily Black and brown communities and not asked every community to do its share. Should gifted and talented programs exist at all in the public schools? Brian Lehrer: It’s Brian Lehrer on WNYC. I think that's going to be an enormously important part of the strategy at this moment when we're at risk of so much displacement and people losing their homes. Yes, but I would not test four-year-old's. For me, it goes to one of the fundamental ways that I disagree with the way Mayor de Blasio has led, which is too often to look at ideology and politics to divide New Yorkers around tough issues, rather than find ways to bring them together. Did you think Amazon headquarters in Queens would have been more good or more bad for the city? 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