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ben shapiro for president petition

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Supporting him is not free speech – it’s hate speech. As we’ve seen on campuses across the country, college students have been subjected to such indoctrination and coddling that they simply cannot handle a viewpoint different from their own, and claim that anything they disagree with is racist, homophobic, or hateful. "-Tim Gunn Project Runway, Liz Claiborne, Inc. "Ben Shapiro takes a romp through American history and shows how personality—and even haircuts—have elected or defeated presidential candidates. In a shameful attempt to prevent ideological diversity from thriving on their campus, leftist students at Boston University have created a petition to ban Ben Shapiro from speaking. In terms of policy, Shapiro says Trump is closer to an A, but adds that Trump’s rhetoric was “self-defeating.” Trump’s reign will forever be attached to COVID-19. Shapiro put Trump in the B category. Take a look at the calendar to see where our upcoming events are going to be and how you can attend. Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro admits he did not vote for President Donald Trump in 2016 but is now revealing why 2020 is different. It’s lies. Browse the archives of The New Guard and Libertas here. Over the decades, millions of students have been a part of YAF. Providing a visible presence for the Conservative Movement and encouraging them to speak out. Take at look how we have changed over the years, impacted conservatism, and supported our young leaders. Ben brutally breaks down the culture and never gives an inch! The Facts about Ben Shapiro: Ben Shapiro is a Harvard Law School graduate. YAF Threatens Lawsuit, KSU Professor: Katie Pavlich A ‘Propagandist,’ Slams American Soldiers, KSU Professor Takes Class on Field Trip to Protest Michael Knowles On Campus, KSU Scrambled To Deal With ‘Fallout’ After Prof Promoted Anti-Knowles Protest, YAF Sues Kennesaw For Discriminatory Fee Charged For ‘Controversial’ Pavlich Lecture, UGA Brainwashes Students With Bizarre Pronoun and Diversity Rhetoric, UGA Professor Bans Students From Using Fox News As A Source, ‘YAF Is Not A Suitable Platform’ BU Blocks YAF Chapter, KY College Hosting ‘White Citizenship is Terrorism’ Event, Gender Unicorn Featured in ‘Trans Ally’ Training, Instant Messages Show UK Administrators Scheming to Block YAF Chapter, UK Forces RAs into Segregated Trainings, ‘White Accountability Space’, Leftists Attempt to Shout Down Andrew Klavan Lecture, BU Halves Shapiro Audience, Levies $12,000 Security Fee on YAFers, BU Leftists Launch Petition to Stop Ben Shapiro Lecture, Harvard Study: Reparations Would Have Reduced COVID-19 Cases, Suffolk Opposes Christina Hoff Sommers Lecture, Tufts University To Devote $25 Million To Become An ‘Anti-Racist’ Institution, Considers Disarming Police, IU Business School Threatens Discipline Against Students Who ‘Post Psychologically Harmful Content’, Notre Dame Installs Coverings Over Columbus Murals, CSULB Hosts Segregated Graduation Ceremonies, BLM and CSULA Faculty Issue Demands to ‘Eradicate Anti-Blackness’, ‘Physically Triggered’: Internal Emails Show Faculty In Hysterics Over ‘Build the Wall’ Activism, HS Conservatives Erroneously Told Gadsden Flag is ‘Racial Harassment’, Conservative Senator Fires Back at Students Trying To Impeach Her, LMU Funding Board Allocates Thousands to Liberal Speakers, $451 to YAF Chapter, OCC Bans YAF Chapter’s Second Amendment Flag, SCU Rejects YAF Chapter For A Third Time, Provost Claims No Bias, YAF Uncovers Unconstitutional Policies at Santa Monica College, After Awarding $16.50 For D’Souza Lecture, Stanford Slaps $19,000 Security Fee on Conservative Club, Conservative Student Group’s Banner Vandalized, Leftists Vandalize Shapiro Posters, Mob Conservative Students, Leftists Backtrack, Apologize for “BenBGon” Shapiro Bug Spray Flyer, Stanford Newspaper Editor Calls to Remove Conservative Group From Campus, UCalifornia System Tells Students Not To Say ‘Chinese Virus’, Berkeley Charges Conservative Students $15,000 To Exercise Their First Amendment Rights, UC-Berkeley: Shapiro Might ‘Engender’ Harm For Some Students, UC-Berkeley Shreds US Constitution to Undermine Coulter, YAF Sues Berkeley for Free Speech Violations, YAF Uncovers Segregated RA Training at UC Davis, Sociology Professor Claims Fat Phobia Is Rooted in ‘Slave Trade’, UCLA Student Gov Votes To Give Thousands To Illegal Immigrants, Evading California System Rule, USC Leftist Gloats About Poster Vandalism Ahead of Knowles Lecture. Leading conservative voice Ben Shapiro said he did not support President Trump in 2016 but is now urging conservatives to vote for him over Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. He is a misogynist, racist, homophobe and more who should not be given a platform. The Republican ticket of Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder defeated the Democratic ticket of incumbent Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of Defense Tammy Baldwin. Ben Shapiro President 2020. Learn more about Reagan's boyhood home in Dixon, Illinois. Paid for by We the People Convention and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. On a nearly weekly basis, you can find a YAF student event going on around the country. Set up URL “” in your podcast library to tune in walking between classes or long car drives. Benjamin Aaron Shapiro (born January 15, 1984) is an American conservative political commentator and media host. Ben Shapiro Explains why he is Voting for President Trump in 2020 after not voting for him 2016... We the People Convention 1-866-427-9257 INFO@WETHEPEOPLECONVENTION.ORG Okay, this was epic!Ben after his victory royale The United States presidential election of 2032 was the 62nd quadrennial American presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 2, 2032. If you are unsure about something, take a look at our frequently asked questions to see if it can be answered. A lawyer, editor-in-chief of the right-leaning Daily Wire news website, and host of The Ben Shapiro Show podcast, with 10 million monthly downloads, 35-year-old Shapiro will give a speech at BU’s Track & Tennis Center. You know when President Trump came into office uh Isis had captured an … Petition Ben Shapiro for ISU - iPetitions - Online petition Find out more about them here. Tired of the lies? Dear Americans…if the Democrats get in, they will let in all of Mexico so they can establish their power for decades to come. It absurdly labels Shapiro as a “racist,” “misogynist,” “war crime apologist,” and “Islamophobe,” while claiming that the university is “unquestionably providing Shapiro with a platform to spew hate-speech as well as incite violence and discrimination against marginalized sections of [the] BU community.”. Here’s what they said: …it’s an odd thing for the Times to use an obituary announcement to highlight the deceased’s perceived controversies or failings. Training aspiring journalists in the values of responsible, balanced, and accurate reporting. If Ben Shapiro gets the Republican Party or even the Democratic Party nominations, he would be a serious contender to win. A list of 189 political views and policies made by Ben Shapiro in 2021. Are you an alumni that’s not in our directory? The Washington Examiner also noticed the questionable NYT obituary. We offer many different ways that you can give. There are no stories here yet, but click here to submit a tip! The conservative student political group BU Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) is sponsoring the visit. Tune in here to to find out about upcoming events! At age 17, he became the youngest nationally syndicated columnist in the United States. He will never run for political office. Tired of the spin? From time to time, YAF makes our contributor list of donors available to other organizations to mail. Samford Blocks YAF Chapter, Says Sharon Statement is ‘Inflammatory’, White People Are An ‘Invasive Species’: American U Senator, DHS Secretary Shouted Off Stage at Georgetown Event, Law Professor: Senate Filibuster Is A ‘White Supremacist Tool’, Caving To Leftists, GWU Moves To Rename Colonial Moniker, GWU Is Quietly Removing ‘Colonial’ References From Campus Following Referendum to Change Mascot, GW Professor Frets Over YAF Sticker In Her Class on Facebook Page, GW YAF Threatened For Hosting Shapiro: ‘GET SECURITY’, Leftists Push To Eliminate Founding Fathers, Winston Churchill From Buildings, Ousted Planned Parenthood President Becomes Professor, Pro-BDS, Anti-Israel Professor Appointed Dean of International Affairs School, Sociology Department Apologizes For Emailing Police Recruitment Fair to Students, Student President Demands Racial Quotas for Student Groups, Says ‘Dominated’ By White Students, Students Protest and Disrupt Michael Knowles Lecture, Escorted Out By Security, Beloit President Emails Student Body Encouraging Protests of VP Dick Cheney, Marquette Feminists Demand President Take Action Against Ben Shapiro, Staff Member Caught Blocking Access to Shapiro Event, Ripon ‘Bias Protocol Board’ Rules Against YAF’s 9/11: Never Forget Project Posters, University Officials Email Students To Condemn President Trump’s Executive Order, Inane Leftists Plan ‘Penis Arts Fest’ To Protest Katie Pavlich Lecture, Internal Emails Show UW Officials Deem Conservative Speakers ‘Controversial’, Leftists Petition to Revoke YAF’s Charter Over Shapiro Speech, Screaming Students Disrupt Shapiro Speech, Booed Out of Event, Student Newspaper Editorial: Free Speech ‘Props Up Dangerous Rhetoric In Dangerous Times’, Student Newspaper Rejects Op-Ed Opposing Defunding Police, Fires Conservative Who Wrote It, UW Tries To Block Public From Katie Pavlich Lecture, UWM Levies New Restrictions On Conservative Students Hosting Dinesh D’Souza, Sign Promoting Elisha Krauss Lecture Stolen, Gonzaga ‘Declines’ Ben Shapiro Event After Welcoming Former Fugitive Angela Davis, Physics Professor Slams ‘Exploitative Capitalist Overlords’ In Biased Exam, Whitworth Assembles Task Force On Free Expression After Banning Shapiro, ‘We Intend To Shut Down Ben Shapiro’ Declare Utah Leftists, Baylor Chapel Speaker Rails Against Capitalism, ‘Toxic Patriarchy,’ and ‘Colonization’, Radical Shaun King Brings Divisive Message to TCU’s ‘Unity Week’, Trinity SGA Says Elisha Krauss Doesn’t Align With ‘Honoring The Dignity And Worth Of Every Person,’ Denies Funding, UTexas Selectively Taxing Conservative Speech, YAF Prevails Over Viewpoint-Discriminatory Security Fees, Planned Parenthood Reps Invade Hispanic Studies Class, UT Sex Week To Include ‘Black Liberation Through Sexual Pleasure’ and ‘Butt Stuff 2.0’, Vanderbilt Quiz: U.S. Constitution ‘Designed to Perpetuate White Supremacy’, ‘Tolerant’ Leftists Destroy Pro-Life Memorial, Prof Threatens to Dox, Get Teachers Fired For Pro-Police Social Media Posts, Portland Schools Ban Textbooks Skeptical of Climate Change, Oberlin’s Student Newspaper Claims Electoral College Is ‘Existential Threat’ To America, OSU Denies YAF Chapter Funding to Bring Ben Shapiro, Levies Security Fee, Catholic College Professor Penalizes Student For Using Gendered Language From The Bible, RMC Tramples on Free Speech Rights, Blocks Student Displays of ‘Divisive’ Issues, Maryville to YAF: You Can Only Remember 500 Out of 2,977 9/11 Victims, UCM Counters Allen West Lecture With CAIR Speaker, Mizzou Prof Relieved of Teaching Duties Hours After Harmless Joke About Wuhan, Antifa Attempt to Shut Down UMKC YAF Meeting, UMKC Chancellor Appeases Leftist Thugs After Attack On Knowles Lecture, MSU Instructor Who Compared YAF Students to KKK Disappears From Website, Mandatory Diversity Training at Ole Miss Indoctrinating Students, Ole Miss Asks Students to Rate How Xenophobic Their Campus Is, Ole Miss Cancels Venue For Elisha Krauss Days Before Event, MN State Hosts ‘Processing Election Emotions’ Webinar For Minority Faculty, Conservative Threatened With Arrest For Not Following Anti-2A Agenda On National Walk-Out Day, Northwestern Bans Pro-Life Star Parker From Campus, UNW Continues Attacking YAF Chapter In Faculty-Wide Email, Internal Emails Show UMN DID Censor Ben Shapiro Lecture, UMN Approves Counter-Event After Kicking Shapiro Lecture to Desolate Campus Venue, UMN Isolates Shapiro Lecture, Quarantines Conservatives, YAF Sues UMN For Suppressing Student Speech, MTU Professor Faces Backlash For Speaking Out Against Mandatory ‘Anti-Blackness’ Trainings, UM History Department to Hide From Ben Shapiro, Host Panel on “Enwhitenment”, UM To Spend 500k Awarding Professors Committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, College Uninvites Federalist Society Co-Chair After Alumni Backlash. We offer many ways to contribute to the future. Ben Shapiro is great and smart and should be considered a great man for this country. Following this vote, Whitworth President Beck Taylor emailed the university community about the “ASWU Decision on Ben Shapiro.” Ostensibly seeking to quell the justified disappointment of students, alumni, and others, President Taylor attempts to keep the blame away from his office, saying “Club speaker approval is a student government responsibility.” Walk through the timeline and see the history of Young America’s Foundation unfold. It currently has over 1,000 signatures. — Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) June 27, 2019 . Stay informed on what your peers are up to! Ben Shapiro See what programs you can get involved with to make a difference for America and Young Americans Foundation. College Admin Moves to Release Personal Info of YAF Leaders After Leftist Outrage, Professor Hangs Posters On Campus Claiming YAF Chapter is ‘Hate Group’, DePaul Bans Steven Crowder, Continues Pattern of Suppressing Conservative Speech, DePaul Obstructs YAF Lecture Featuring Shapiro and Sommers, Professor Plagiarizes HBO Show’s Anti-American Rant, Professor Threatens to Fail Conservative Student, Tells Class Trump is ‘Pathological Liar’, After Months of Battling Administrators, YAF Chapter Gets Recognition, Mandatory Diversity Training: Saying Blue Lives Matter is ‘Anti-Blackness’, NIU Quietly Edits Diversity Training Following YAF’s Exposé, NU Lets Jeff Sessions Protestors Off With A Slap On The Wrist, Minimal Fine, UIC Stops Identifying Suspect Races in Safety Alerts, University of Nevada Says White Students Can’t Live in Minority Dorm Communities for ‘Safety’ Of Residents, Davidson Attacks Burt Folsom As Not Academic Enough, Elon Hosts ‘Urgent’ Whites-Only Caucus to ‘Process Complicity’ In Racism, UNC Students Protest Shapiro For Making ‘Non-Binary’ People Feel Unsafe, UNCG Violates Own Policy To Leverage Fee On D’Souza Lecture, WCU Mandatory RA Training: ‘Reverse Racism is a myth’, WCU Tells RAs Not To Promote Easter and Christmas Because It’s Not ‘Inclusive’, PTS Separates Students By Race To Create ‘Safety’ in Mandatory Anti-Racism Training, Princeton Theological Seminary: ‘Breach of Trust’ For Whistleblower To Give YAF Videos Of Race Training, Rutgers Prof Ignores Reality to Spin Conspiracies About President Trump, UMaryland Black Leaders Push For ‘Hate Speech’ Notation on Students’ Permanent Record, Committee Recommends School Implement Racial Quotas, Gettysburg Student Gov Approves Thousands For 24/7 Birth Control Vending Machine, PA College Biology Quiz: President Trump is a ‘Eugenicist’, Prof: YAF ‘Bears Responsibility’ For Capitol Riot, ‘Under No Condition’ Would I Support YAF Chapter, Swarthmore College Newspaper’s Own Editorial Board Apologizes For Not Being Diverse Enough, UPenn Blocks Public From D’Souza Lecture, Revokes Venue Days Before Event, UPenn Leftists Plan ‘Silent Protest’ of D’Souza Lecture, Pitt Slaps Discriminatory Security Fee On Shapiro Lecture. 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